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Click here for news of the combined Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers: 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
NEWS 2013
January/February - March/April - May/June - July/August - September/October - November/December
4th of May 2013 Charmaine, Bart and Sebastian went to the DRC Retriever Championship Club Show in Diedersdorf - Germany,
- with their young showteam of 4 under judges : Margaret Henderson (Westervane) - bitches & Janet Crang (Linoaks) - dogs.
Our Trevor (Ramchaine Moment of Truth) did great by winning his puppy class
and went on to become Best Golden Retriever puppy.
Our Jun.Ch.Noah of the Hellacious Acres won 2nd
in the large Open Dog class with the with the Res.CAC.
Our Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres won 2nd in Junior Bitch and the Res.J.CAC & Res.J.VDH.
Our Ramchaine Moonbeam (Fern) who LOVES to
move out and stride around the ring, won 1st in the Intermediate class with
the CAC and the VDH/CAC.
At the end of the day our Trevor did the "icing on the cake" by winning Best Puppy In Show with the agreement of all the four breed judges.
Golden Retriever Kampioenschapsclubmatch 9 mei 2013 Hoenderloo (NL)
The Golden Retriever Club of the Netherlands Championship Showon 9th of May 2013, Hoenderloo (NL)
Charmaine, Bart and Sebastian went with their showteam to the GRCN Champion breed clubshow at Hoenderloo.
It was a lovely day and a lovely venue.
Our Ramchaine Moment of Truth won Best Puppy Dog under judge Mrs. Gera Toeters
His litter sister Ramchaine Truly True then won Best Puppy Bitch, so the result was..........
Trevor and Trudie competing against each other for best puppy in show in the big ring!!!
Our Trevor kept his unbeaten status by being choosen on agreement of both judges Mr. Jan Nijland and mrs. Gera Toeters
Our Ramchaine Moonbeam (by Multi Ch. Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres) won a huge and highly competitive quality junior class of 34 bitches under judge Mr. Jan Nijland.
Our lovely, sweet and beautiful Philomena became third in Breeders class under judge Mr. Jan Nijland
Our Multi Ch.Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres was 2nd in a huge and strong Champion class judged by Hans van den Berg
Ludwigs uncle Ch.Porthos of the Hellacious
Acres was also in Championclass dogs and showed by his owner Lolkje Efde
Porthos achieved a very highly respected 3rd place just next to Ludwig, of course also judged by Mr.Hans van den Berg.
Our young man JCH Noah of the Hellacious Acres now 25 months of age was in the
Open dog class of 23 males.
A little naked but showing his lovely shape he became fourth in a big open dog class
Ramchaine Musketeer (Multi Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres x Multi Ch.Ramchaine Essential) also owned Lolkje Efde won 2nd in the large Open Dog class
Looking great after her litter , Sabina Beentjes 'Phyllis of the Hellacious Acres' ( sister to both Porthos & Philomena) was 2nd Excellent in Open Bitch from an entry of 23 bitches, under judge Annemiek van Luijk-Grevelink.
Of course there was also lots of time for
hugs from Mummy to Sebastian between running around all the rings! Seb
is our Love and Pride and a great supporter and a great friend to all of HIS
Saturday 11th of May Dortmund International All Breed "Europasieger" Championship Show, Germany :
Our JCH Noah of the Hellacious Acres became the reserve Best Dog with RCAC , the VDH CAC and the RCACIB under judge Ruth Turner(UK-Amilone)
Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres became second in a big Junior bitch Class and won the Res. JCAC and Res. JVDH under judge Maureen McKenna (UK-Maressa)
Sunday 12th of May Dortmund International "All breed" Championship Show , Germany :
Ch.Philomena of the Hellacious Acres won the Champion bitch class with the VDH CAC. judge: Hassi Assemacher(GER)
Saturday 18th May - a VERY wet and rainy day in Bad Arolsen, Germany, for the GRC Special Single Breed Championship Show.
It rained and rained and rained and rained the whole day! So LOTS of slippy mud and soaking wet dogs to contend with!
Our Noah of the Hellacious Acres won 1st Excellent in the Open Dog class with the CAC & VDH under judge Ralf Koch(GER)
Ramchaine Moonbeam achieved 2nd Excellent in the Intermediate bitch class with the RCAC & RVDH awards under judge Jens Martin Hansen (DENMARK).
Super news from England!!
Ramchaine Fabulicious ( Multi Ch Beethoven of the
Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW) owned by
Joanne Gerhold
achieves the 25 x points needed to win his *** UK Junior Warrant Title*** at 10 months of age. CONGRATULATIONS to you both !!!
Super news from Serbia
the National Championship Show, Indjija, Serbia on 28.04.2013.
Breed Judge : Mrs. Vanja Vukosavljevic & BIS
Judge : Mrs. Stefica Lazic
Ramchaine Double Delicious owned by Ana Radovic wins the Junior Bitch class and the JCAC and gains her JUNIOR CHAMPION TITLE
JCH. Ramchaine Fan Dabby Dozy owned by Rosemary Easton from Australia and handled by Zoran, wins the Junior Dog class and the JCAC,
Fabio then goes on to win JBOB, ..... then BOB, ....... and BEST OF GROUP and with the agreement of ALL the group judges at the end becomes **BEST IN SHOW** !!!
An amazing achievement for Ana & Zoran who have shown Fabio in Serbia for owner Rosemary Easton in Australia,
Very well done to these two puppies from our very succesfull litter of Multi Ch. Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres x Multi Ch.Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine.
Succes from Serbia for Fabio, Ana & Zoaran - May 2013
Ramchaine Fan Dabby Dozy ( Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW)
has enjoyed a VERY successful Puppy & Junior career in the showring in the expert hands of Ana & Zoran who have loved & looked after him for his Australian owner Rosemary Easton,
until old enough to fulfill all the criteria needed to fly to Austrailia and join her. You have done truly magnificently with 'Fabio' and we are all very proud of your efforts to do the very best for him.
For a short time 'Fabio' has been a BIG
part of your lives - we can only imagine how much you will now miss
During this time 'Fabio' has achieved Best Puppy In Show & Best In
Show Awards at Championship shows and won the following Junior Champion
- Junior Champion
of Serbia
- Junior Champion of San Marino
- Junior Champion of Moldania
- Junior Champion of Montenegro
- Junior Champion of Azerbaijan
- Junior Champion of Macedonia
Saturday 25th May 2013 at the Danish Retriever Club Specialty Championship Show, in Naestved, Denmark .
Our 3 year old INTERNATIONAL Show Champion / DUCTH Ch / GEMAN & VDH Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres
achieves his Danish title under judge Sjoerd Jobse (Caemgen-Sweden) and so now
LUDWIG is a *** DANISH CHAMPION *** too!!!
A few photos of free and stacked
standing poses and head shots of Leonardo of the Hellacious Acres
at 9 months of age,
- just before he left us to fly out to Australia and meet his new
owners Rosemary Easton & Danielle Hall.
'Leo' is by our Multi Ch Beethoven
of the Hellacious Acres ex Ch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres .
Leo is like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day - always happy, wagging
and enjoying life,
We wish this ultra sweet, smiley, playfull, happy chap , a great
and wonderful life in his new home 'down under'!!
Saturday 1st June Neumunster International All Breed Championship Show.
Bitch Judge - Malcom Godefroy (Fenwood) UK : Dog Judge - Penny Gowland (Remington) UK
Our 11 month old 'Luicy' - Ramchaine Bootylicious - ( Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW)
became 3rd Excellent in her Junior Bitch Class
'Jina' - Ramchaine MonkeyNut ( Multi Ch Barnum of the Hellacious Acres ex Dutch & German Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW) won 3rd Excellent in the Open Bitch class
Ramchaine Moonbeam ( Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Ramchaine Moonstruck) - 'Fern' - now 16 months of age won 1st Excllent in the Intermediate Bitch Class with the CAC & VDH awards
Ramchaine Moonbeam went on to become Reserve Best Bitch and won the res.CACIB under judge Malcom Godefroy (Fenwood) !!!
Noah of the Hellacious Acres ( Ch Dewmist Servantes ex Ch Philomena of the Hellacious Acres) won 1st Excellent in the Open Dog class with the CAC & VDH awards.
Noah went on to win Best Dog under
judge Penny Gowland (Remington) with the CACIB award.
The judges with their Best Dog and Best Bitch
Noah of the Hellacious Acres wins BEST OF BREED!!!
We are extremely proud of all our beloved golden family and their consistent achievements!!!
Sunday 2nd June The
German Golden Retriever Club Specialty Breed Championship Show ,
Itzehoe, Germany.
Bitch Judge - Penny Gowland (Remington) UK : Dog Judge - Malcolm
Godefroy (Fenwood) UK
'Fern' - Ramchaine Moonbeam wins 1st Excellent in the Intermediate
bitch class with the CAC & VDH awards.
Even if our Sebastian runs off with one of her FIRSTS - our Fern now
has exceeded more than the required number of CACs needed to win her
German Champion Title ..... she only now needs to wait the necessary
one calender year between the first and last .... to gain her
"official" title.
'Jina' - Ramchaine MonkeyNut wins 2nd Excellent in Open Bitch with the RCAC & RVDH awards
Noah of the Hellacious Acres wins 2nd Excellent in Open Dog with the RCAC & RVDH awards
DRC 50 Year Jubilee Celebration Weekend -
Deutscher Retriever Club 50 year jubilee show, in the Park of Estate -
Castle/ruin Hardenberg, Germany.
First day - Saturday 8th June : Bitch Judge- Joyce
Ryder (Jaskar) UK : Dog Judge - Anne Falconer (Siatham) UK.
Some impressions of the nearby setting and the Castle ruins on the estate where the showground was held.
Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres ( Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Ch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres )
now 11 months old, won 1st Excellent in the Junior Bitch class from an entry of 17 bitches , with the JCAC and JVDH awards.
"Fern" - Ramchaine Moonbeam won second place in the Intermediate Bitch class with the res.CAC and res.VDH awards.
"Jina" - Ramchaine Monkeynut (Barnum's daughter from Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW)
Ramchaine MonkeyNut won second place in the Open Bitch class with res. CAC and res.VDH awards.
Noah in the blazing hot sunshine
JCH. Noah of the Hellacious Acres second in the Open Dog class of 21 males with the res.CAC and res.VDH awards.
The DRC 50 Year Jubilee Celebration
Weekend -
Deutscher Retriever Club 50 year jubilee show, in the Park of Estate -
Castle/ruin Hardenberg, Germany.
Second Day - Sunday 9th June : Dog Judge- Joyce Ryder (Jaskar)
UK : Bitch Judge - Anne Falconer (Siatham) UK.
Our Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres was 1st Excellent in the Junior Bitch class AGAIN!!! with the JCAC & JVDH awards.
Ramchaine Moonbeam won 1st Excellent in the Intemediate Bitch class winning the CAC & VDH awards
Our sweet 'Jina' was graded Excellent and shortlisted in the Open Bitch class
Noah of the Hellacious Acres was 2nd Excellent in the Open dog class with res.CAC/res.VDH awards.
Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres wins Best Junior in Breed with agreement of both judges.
in the main ring competion for the "Jubilee Winners" from the class winners of both days of judging
Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres wagged her way to win a huge rosette and became the "JUBILAUMS JUGENDSIEGER "
The Group photo of the judges with their ultimate JUBILEE WINNERS from all the Retriever Breeds
( Tollers/Chesapekes/CurlyCoats /FlatCoats/Labradors & Goldens)
"Lisza" with Charmaine & Bart second from the right !
What best to do at a Dog Show ...... Run
.... Climb .... Explore .....
Our Sebastian just turned 20 months of age and having fun in the grounds of
the estate.
( .... with only his vest on as far too hot for clothes!!!)
Saturday 22nd June , The German GRC 'Spezial-Rassehunde-Ausstellung,
in Beckum, Germany.
Judges: Mrs Sheila Watkins (Tamarley) UK - Dogs &
Mr Mal Watkins (Tamarley) UK - Bitches
Our youngsters 'Trevor' & 'Trudie'
( Ramchaine MonkeyNut ex Multi Ch Majik Truth or Dare) are now 9
months of age
- so no longer in the Puppy Class and
already have to join the Junior class (which is for the ages of
9 - 18 months)
Ramchaine Moment of Truth ( Trevor)
held his own as a baby and won 2nd Excellent from a class of 14
junior males
with the RJCAC & RJVDH awards
Ramchaine Truly true ( Trudie) had sadly
lost all of her glorious, massive puppy coat in the bath but did just
as well as brother Trevor
- becomming 2nd Excellent from her
class of 17 junior females, with the RJCAC & RJVDH awards
Ramchaine Moonbeam (Fern) won the Intermediate Bitch Class with ease and the CAC & VDH awards
Ramchaine MonkeyNut (Jina) did well too and won 1st Excellent in the Open Bitch class of 18 females with the CAC & VDH awards
Noah of the Hellacious Acres won 2nd Excellent
in the Open Dog Class of 23 males.
Noah also won the RCAC & RVDH awards
....... so altogether our different team of 5 Goldens had another successful
showday and came away with 2 x 1sts and 3 x 2nds !!!
Update from Liz Molnar ( Dobro) in Austrailia
Ludwig ( Multi Ch Betthoven of the Hellacious Acres) is VERY proud of children Ollie ( Dobro Dolce Dante ) and Bronty ( Dobro Dolce Vitaa)
who have enjoyed a super puppy career
to date :
Ollie has now won 12 x firsts and One Minor Puppy In Group
Bronty has won 10 x Firsts with One Minor Puppy In Group and a Best Baby Puppy In Show!!!.
Well done to these two beautiful babies .... we think they are GREAT!!!
Also from Australia!
At his first show in Australia after
release from his short stay in Quarantine 'Leo' - Leonardo of the
Hellacious Acres
( Multi Ch Beethoven of the
Hellacious Acres ex Ch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres)
owned by Rosemary Easton and
Danielle Hall won BEST PUPPY IN BREED!!!
and then at Parranmatta All Breed K.C.Championship Show Leo won BEST PUPPY IN BREED again !!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on this achievment xXx
......... followed by BEST PUPPY IN GROUP ........ and then BEST PUPPY IN SHOW!!!! under judge Mr Guy Spangnolo (Driftway)
At the end of June * Ramchaine
Fan Dabby Dozy *
( Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue
of Ramchaine)
left us to fly out to Australia , we have enjoyed having the gorgeous 'Fabio'
return to stay with us for a while after
being looked after by Ana and Zorran in Serbia since a baby. We
wish his new owners Rosemary Easton and Danielle Hall
every happiness with their new 'Golden' friend and continued
success with the spectacular start he has
made to his show career already.