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Click here for news of the combined Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers: 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015
NEWS 2016
January/February - March/April - May/June
We start off the year by wishing you all a VERY happy and healthy 2016!
A few pictures below of our wonderful winter walks with our beloved wooferlies!!
In 2015 we had a fabulous time travelling and doing the shows we love and an amazing run of some very lovely wins with our dogs to make us incredibly proud with our show team ~ to summarize some of our magical major successes and the fantastic 19 x NEW titles won during the year :
‘Jina’ won the CC & BOB at the SGRS on her first trip to England
‘Lisza’ won the CC & BOS at Scotland
‘Trevor’ won the CC & BOB at Paignton, England
‘Fern’ won 2 x RCCs on her trips to England
‘Fuzzy’ went to Gibraltar and became a GIBRALTAN Show Champion!
‘Ludwig’ won BEST MALE with the Double CAC awards at the GRC of The Netherlands Championship Show and also achieved his SWEDISH Champion Title and Swedish TRACKING Champion Title during his short stay in Sweden ......
so he is now INT Sh Ch & Dutch/ Danish/German/ VDH /Swedish Sh Ch & Swedish Tracking Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres, Amst.W’13, BeNW’14.
‘Noah’ finished off the last win needed for his DUTCH Champion Title .... and so he is now INT Sh Ch & Dutch/Danish/German & VDH Ch Noah of the Hellacious Acres
‘Trevor’ spent a short while in Finland .... where he achieved his LATVIAN & ESTONIAN Champion Titles , became the Zagreb Winner for 2015 and won the last CACIB (needed a year after winning the first) to get his International Show Champion Title!! He also did a trip to Denmark winning his DANISH Champion Title and a trip to Sweden where he won Best Dog, BOB and his SWEDISH Show Champion Title !!! So our young Trevor can now be called :
INT Sh Ch & Dutch/ Danish/ Swedish/ German/ VDH/ Latvian/ Estonian Ch Ramchaine Moment of Truth , ZagrebW’15.
‘Fern’ did the trip to Sweden along with Trevor and won Best Bitch and her SWEDISH Champion Title!! So she is now INT Sh Ch & Dutch/Swedish/German & VDH Ch Ramchaine Moonbeam.
‘Lisza’ had an amazing run during the year – she also won her International Show Champion title and went with her daddy Ludwig to Sweden where she also became a Swedish TRACKING Champion & added SWEDISH Show Champion to her already achieved DUTCH/GERMAN & VDH Champion Titles won at the beginning of the year!!
‘Fuller’ ~ Ramchaine Sky Full Of Stars became a Dutch Junior Champion and won the Amsterdam Junior Winner Title’15 for the boys.
‘Lyric’ ~ Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing became the Amsterdam Jeugd Winster’15 for the girls to make it a double thrill for the end of the year!!!
Our first show of the year ~
Sunday 17th January 2016 – Manchester Championship Show, England
Our 3.5 year old Multi Ch Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres won 1st in the lovely Open Bitch class under judge Teresa Ewart.
Our 3 year old Multi Ch Ramchaine Moment of Truth only came home from his trip to Finland the week before so we were extremely pleased that he settled back into all of his normal ways instantly and was in lovely coat and condition.
‘Trevor’ became 3rd in the Open Dog class behind the CC & RCC winners.
So a big THANK YOU to Kari and Lisii for loving and looking after him so well during his stay and of course also for obtaining a Finnish and Croation CAC
with him plus his new Foreign titles of
“Estonian Champion”, “Latvian Champion” & “Zagreb Winner’15”
.... aswell as winning his last CACIB needed from a different country to become an
International Show Champion too!!!
23rd January ~ Eindhoven International Championship Show, NL,
Judge : Tineke Pillement(NL)
She did it!!! Our Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing won another 1st Excellent
in the Junior Class and is now a Dutch Junior Champion and can officially
have the letters NJK ( Nederlands Jeugd Kampioen) added after her name!!!
Sooo proud of our wiggly waggy sweetie !!! “Lyric” is a daughter of our own
Multi Ch. Noah of the Hellacious Acres ex our German/Gibraltan Ch Ramchaine Moonstruck
13th February - Taulov - Denmark The Danish Retriever Klub Speciality
Championship Show.
Judge : Mr Bart van Maren (Hellacious Acres/Ramchaine)
Bart had the pleasure of judging the Golden Retrievers ~
~ pictured above with his BEST OF BREED.
The Judge Bart van Maren ~ with his Best Dog and Best Bitch.
Both of his lovely CC winners took their Danish Champion titles on the day!!
14th February – Fredericia (Denmark) International All breed Championship Dog
Judge Monica Blaha (Austria):
Our Int.Sh.Ch.& Multi Ch. Lizanna of the Hellaciouis Acres got the CACIB and second best bitch winning the Champion class.
After the show we collected our own Special Valentine’s Day present to join our other furry felines at home .....
and welcome our wonderful new Maine Coon kitten “Koekie”
(Relaxing Tigers ZoeJane)
to join our other young Maine Coon “Colin” (Relaxing Tigers Octopus)
and our two 14 year olds “Cedric” ( an Odd Eyed White) & “Cluedo” (a Red Point Birman)
SGRS Single Breed Championship Show
Judges: Ann Hagar (Fairfield) ~ dogs & Liz Pope (Chilzer) ~ bitches.
Our two chosen ones performed well and both became third in their Open classes.
We are very proud and totally in love with both of them .....
even when they don’t achieve 1sts!!
Int.Sh.Ch & Multi Ch. Ramchaine Moment of Truth ZagrebW’15
Int.Sh.Ch.& Multi Ch.Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres.