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NEWS 2011
January/February - March/April - May/June - July/August - September/October - November/December
We started the year with the news that Jazmin had once again become the ‘Dog World’ Top Golden Retriever Brood Bitch
from the magnificent wins of her offspring in the UK.
Jaz has now been awarded the title of "Dog World Golden Retriever Top Brood Bitch " in 2007, 2008 and 2010.
first show of 2011 was EINDHOVEN in the Netherlands – Friday 4th
Dog judge A. Simons – Bitch judge R. Loch-Romans
It was again to be a special day.
Ludwig achieved 2nd place in his Junior class.
Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW made her debut at her first Dutch show and did us proud by winning open Bitch and becoming Best Bitch with the CAC & CACIB.
Jaq's mother UK Sh.Ch/German Ch /VDH Ch Remington Requisite of Ramchaine won the Veteran class so achieving her Veteran Champion title - which also gave her the extra point needed to get her full DUTCH CHAMPION title too!! An emotional moment and quite an achievement for our ‘old lady’ who only started out at shows in Holland in October 2009 at nearly 10 years of age!
- Germany - Sunday 13th February.
Ch. Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW wins the Champion bitch class and CAC so
gaining her VDH Champion title.
on Sunday 13th February in England at the
Malcolm Godefroy & Anita Campion’s Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood JW (Sh.Ch.Erinderry Just the Ticket from Bluewaters JW ex Multi Ch. Remington Requiste of Ramchaine) won the Bitch CC - (her 13thCC) under judge Lynne Hennessey ( Ritzilyn)
- Saturday 19th February 2011
Dog Judge: Mervyn Philpott
Bitch Judge: Liz Keene ( Shinehill )
CC - Beryl & Joe Stokes’s
Ilyssia at Jobeka ( Ch. Gunhills Gamemaster JW ex Multi Ch. Remington
Requisite of Ramchaine) won the bitch CC her 2nd CC with BOB &
became BIS !!!
CC - Ramchaine
Maranello to Villeas ( Ch. Xanthos Tom Foolery ex Eastonwood High
Falutin’ of Ramchaine) achieved his 1st Challenge Certificate for
himself and owner Sue Gray.
from France :
Brigitte Pinel’s Mitchell of the Hellacious Acres ( a Martha son ex Inassicas Coriander) began his show career with great success in his junior class at 10 months of age :
19th February at Fribourg ( Switzerland )
M. Vallois BE– 1st – Excellent & CAC
Sunday 20th February at Fribourg ( Switzerland) A. Scott GB – 3rd
– Excellent
Saturday 26th February at Toulouse CACIB ( France) M. Monscavoir FR -
1st – Excellent - & BOB Jeune
Judyta Prokesz sent the news that Addison of the Hellacious Acres - Kermit - ( a son of Barnum & Martha ) was placed 2nd Excellent
in the working class at the CACIB Rzeszów International Championship Show in Poland 19/20 February
Amersfoort - Sunday 20th February - Dog of the Year Show
Remington Requiste of Ramchaine - Jazmin
makes her LAST performance at the Netherlands ' Dog of the Year Show
was very apt for her last time to display her fantastic exuberant attitude as a
true showgirl and supermodel to literally be on 'the catwalk' and under the
always she loved every minute of the limelight, wagged her tail constantly
and showed herself off enthusiastically to the full, moving straight and true.
two golden retrievers had qualified for this prestigious event during the
previous year by their 1st or 2nd place Group wins.
event was judged on the FCI group system with each of the 10 group winners then
coming together to compete for the title of 'Dog of the Year 2010'.
had double qualified to compete in the FCI Group 8 ( Spaniels & Retrievers )
as well as in the separate "Veteran of the Year " competition of which
she was shortlisted into the last 5 ...
the second oldest present on the day at 11years of age.
precious old lady now takes a well deserved rest and is officially retired from
the show ring she has loved soooo much, an amazing deeply cherished member
of our family she is loved and adored by many and thankfully lives on in her
many children and grandchildren.
It is an odd feeling to realize that the perfected working
relationship built over so many years has finally come to an end. We are
VERY VERY proud of her super achievements during her show career from her first
'Best Puppy in Breed' under Joan Tudor ( Camrose) where she went onto
Best Puppy in Show under Val Foss ( Elswood) at the United Retriever
Championship Show , to her first CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE at 22months of age.
Jaz gained her magical 3rd CC and ‘Champion’ title under Yvette Mannings (Gatchells) at 2years of age. She went on to produce 4 litters to 4 separate ‘husbands’ winning more CCs/RCCs between each of the 4 litters along the way !! Her offspring include UK/German/Lux Ch. Ramchaine Essential JW, Ramchaine Eidolon (1CC), UK Sh Ch. Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood (13CCs) German Ch. Ramchaine Green Glitter, Russian Ch. Ramchaine Patience Ist Istry, Ramchaine Ilyssia of Jobeka (2CCs) , Ramchaine Isaac JW, Norwegian Ch. Ramchaine Snap to Jakos ( Norway’s Top Golden2010) Finnish Junior Ch. Ramchaine Whist & Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW ( 2 CACs/2CACIBs), plus others with their K.C. Stud Book Numbers…...
9 ˝ years of age Jazmin won her 10th CC, BOB & Group 3 before
leaving the UK to live in Holland and compete in the FCI system of shows winning
CACs/RCACs & CACIBs from the
Champion class in Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands….. at 10 ˝ we
thought it was time to admit to her age and
change her into the veteran class!
just over a year on the European showscene Jaz had acquired her Dutch / German
& VDH Champion titles plus her Dutch Veteran Champion title too.
26th February – Hoogstraten, Belgium: International All Breed
Championship show
Judge: Gail Brodie (Chadzo)
in Junior Dog – Lolkje Efde’s Ramchaine
( Multi Ch. Barnum of the Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch. Ramchaine Essential JW)
in Intermediate Dog – Our
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres
(Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony ex Philomena of the Hellacious Acres) – behind the
Dog CAC/CACIB winner!
in Open Dog – Sabina Beentjes’ Jacob
of the Hellacious Acres
( Multi Ch. Paudell Pure Passion ex Victoria of the Hellacious Acres)
our “Fuzzy” ~ Ramchaine Moonstruck ~
( Multi Ch. Barnum of the Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch. Ramchaine Essential JW)
made her 1st appearance into the show ring at 15 months of age –
bad timing we feared for her debut as she decided to lose all her coat in the
bath the night before the show !!
However she thoroughly enjoyed her outing , was graded ‘excellent’
and despite looking rather naked - pleased us by becoming 2nd in
Junior bitch.
Ch./Lux Ch./ VDH Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW, NJK,LJK, DJK, VDHJK, AmstJW’09
& BJsg’09.
( UK.Sh. Ch.Chisleay
Crusader to Rossgilde JW ex Ramchaine Enchanting) .
wins 1st place in Champion Bitch .
wins Best Bitch & the CAC & CACIB awards.
Dog CAC/CACIB winner & Bitch CAC/CACIB winner with the Judge Gail Brodie.
News of March/April 2011- May/June