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NEWS 2011
January/February - March/April- May/June - July/August - September/October
Saturday 19th of November - Bart flew to Moscow , Russia
at the Imperial Society “DERZHAVA-2011 ” CAC
Dog Show in Moscow, Russia.
He had a lovely entry of 77 Golden Retrievers
Bart with his BOB and BOS
26th November – G.R.C. Advents Championship Show,
Cloppenburg, Germany.
judges : Males - Julie Seamons ‘Messano’(UK) & Bitches – Dawn Rose ‘Gaytonwood’(UK)
was the last of the Golden Retriever Club of Germany Championship Shows for the
year ……
an important one as the results would be decisive for the various club titles on
offer for the year.
German G.R.C. runs a competition for the Top Winning Male, the Top Winning
the Top winning Veteran & the Top Winning Juniors of each sex over
the year.
( 5 points for a 1st, 4 points for a 2nd, 3
points for a 3rd etc)
it became a great day with ALL five of our Goldens entered on the day being
placed, leading to 3 of the above
G.R.C. Club titles being won ( Top Male, Top Female & Top Junior Bitch !!!)
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres won his first open class with the CAC and VDH
and the win gave him the
points required to earn the title of :
'GRC Clubsieger 2011'
litter brother Haydn of the Hellacious Acres belonging to Sven & Alexandra
Budde finished third in the competition
after having had a great 2011 with many
CAC’s and VDH’s won during the year.
fun loving, little “Sugar”-Herwildy’s Maidensblush won 2nd
Excellent in a very strong junior class.
gave her the points to become the
top winning female Junior &
the well deserved title of
'GRC Jugend Clubsiegerin 2011'
Martha daughter “Morwenna of the Hellacious Acres” made her debut at a CAC
championship show after having only been shown once in the puppy class at an
open show.
was entered in a strong intermediate class and became 2nd Excellent
with the R.CAC and R.VDH.
debut to be proud of, well done little Morwenna!!
“wagged” herself to a 4th Excellent
in the open bitch class!
it again - She won her Champion bitch Class very convincingly and
thrilled us by becoming Best Bitch.
'GRC Clubsiegerin 2011'
Ramchaine Snap to Jako’s. ….. so altogether it was a family party and a
great day for the Hellacious Acres and Ramchaine Golden Retrievers.
judges : Frank Kane (UK) – males & Dan Ericson (Denmark) – bitches
but not quite close enough to the top honours!
- both our entries became 2nd
in their respective classes…..on itself a great achievement …….
although Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres golden retrievers are always striving
for the best !!!
– Herwildy’s Maidensblush – 2nd Excellent in the Junior Bitch
Ch.Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine – 2nd Excellent
in the Champion class.
‘Phyllis of the Hellacious Acres’ was
entered in the Open bitch class – she did very well gaining a well deserved 3rd Excellent, Well done
Sabina!! She looked fabulous & moved GREAT!!
good results and a succesfull weekend, and our first time back out showing after
our own new addition! Also at the
show for a ‘practice’ & socialization time we took our Philo son of
of the Hellacious Acres’ …. He
enjoyed his day out and took to the big ring with ease …..