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NEWS 2015
January/February - March/April - May/June - July/August - September/October - November/December
1st March – The SOUTHERN GOLDEN RETRIEVER SOCIETY Championship Show ,
Guildford, Surrey, England.
Dog Judge – Mrs Carol Carter (Jassinger)
Bitch Judge – Michaela Edridge (Tilita)
What a SUPER day for our chosen showteam of three with ALL 3 winning FIRSTS in their respective classes and BOTH girls achieving their *UK STUD BOOK NUMBERS and their LIFETIME Qualification for Crufts*
on their first trip to the UK ( …. Ludwig already has his UK KC Stud Book Number!!)
Ramchaine MonkeyNut is 1st in the large quality Limit Bitch Class
German VDH Ch Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres is 1st in the lovely Open Class
Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres is 1st in the Open Dog Class.
Ramchaine Monkeynut stands ever wagging in the line up of winning bitches and becomes BEST BITCH winning her FIRST CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE !!!
Pictured with the Bitch Judge Michaela Edridge (Tilita)
A very proud and special moment for us and our sweetie ‘Jina’.
( Multi Ch Barnum of the Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW)
The Referee Lyn Strudwick (Burpham) is called in to decide who becomes BEST OF BREED & BEST IN SHOW between the Best Dog and the Best Bitch
The Refereee going over our Jina
Our Ramchaine Monkeynut is declared BEST IN SHOW !!!
Pictured with the Referee and the Dog Judge with the Best Male as Reserve Best in Show.
5th March – CRUFTS DOG SHOW , NEC, Birmingham, England.
Dog Judge – Sandra Birkin-Green (Sansue)
Bitch Judge – Paula Edwards (Lovehayne)
An enjoyable day at CRUFTS this year watching some lovely Goldens with a massive entry of nearly 600 dogs over the two HUGE rings, and saying ‘hello’ to all of our friends!! There was not so much time for chatting as we had our wonderful Seb to keep an eye on!
Ramchaine Reverberation belonging to Steffi Lehmann did us all proud by winning 2nd in the Puppy Dog class !! Litter sister Ramchaine Anaphora to Linchael owned by Lyn Anderson was placed 5th in the Puppy Bitch class!
Our Vogue, the Mummy of the two puppies had her first show since her litter to Archie.
UK SH CH/ Int Sh Ch/ Dutch Ch/ Danish Ch/ Lux Ch/ German & VDH Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW stood superb and moved out well across the big green carpet and did us proud in the quality Open Bitch Class.
Int Sh Ch/ Dutch Ch/ Danish Ch/ German & VDH Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres was shortlisted to the last 8 from the enormous Open Dog entry of 38 males!!
Ramchaine Maranello to Villeas now 10 years old, became 4th in the large Veteran class of 36 entries. He is owned and loved by Sue Gray.
It was also great to see so many of Jazmin’s ‘extended progeny’ winning prize cards and being qualified for this prestigious show xXx congratulations to ALL of you who have a little bit ( or a big bit!!) of her in your breeding!!)
Very sadly just before Crufts we had to say goodbye to our precious Jaz , a truely ‘golden girl’ with a heart full of love for everyone she knew. We laid her to rest in our Rose Garden with our other dearly departed members of our much adored canine family xXx Must focus now on her great and full life and not on our deep loss of a very special friend and constant companion of the past 15 years xXx
Goonight Sweet Girl , Sleep tight xXx
( Our Heartfelt thanks to Steffi for this wonderful handpainted picture of Jazmin’s last trip to the beach at 14.5 years)
International Championship Show, Germany. 14th March
Judge : Liesbeth Mach(Switzerland)
Ramchaine Pink Paradise, belonging to Rosita Putters wins 1st Excellent in the Intermediate Bitch class with the VDH-Ch. award
28th March – Scottish Breeds Canine Club Championship Show,
Judges :
Janis Ward (Laurenley) Dogs ; Penny
Gowland (Remington) Bitches
We had a wonderful picturesque drive through the Lake district on our way up North….
Our Trevor had his first trip to the UK and did us proud winning 2nd in Open Dog and his UK Stud Book Number and lifetime qualification for Crufts at his first attempt!!
Ramchaine Obla Di Obla Da of Flaxengold, belonging to Carol Oldering, won 1st in the large Puppy Bitch class and is now qualified for Crufts 2016!!
Ramchaine MonkeyNut - ‘Jina’ was 3rd in the lovely Limit Bitch class
Ch Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres wins 1st in the super Open Bitch class!
Our waggy, extrovert, happy Lisza wins BEST BITCH and her FIRST UK
Challange Certificate!!
What a day!!! Our super win will make the long journey back home fly by much quicker when your spirits are up high on a cloud in the sky!!!
Judge : Mr. O. Belkis (Turkey)
In the dog competition Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres wins the RCACL from the Champion class!
In the bitch ring Ch Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres wins the RCACL from the Champion class too!
Sebastian and the dogs having fun in the cold cold sea!!
4th April – GOES International Championship Show, NL
Judge : Aiden McKiernan (Bushbane) Ireland.
Multi Ch Noah of the Hellacious Acres wins 1st Excellent in the super Champion Dog Class of 5 x champions
Noah goes on to become Reserve Best Dog with the the CACIB and RCAC awards !
Ch Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres wins 1st Excellent in the lovely Champion Bitch class
Lisza then thrills us with winning BEST BITCH with her 4th Dutch CAC and 7th CACIB ….
So our happy, waggy, extrovert ‘Lisza’ is now also a
Noah and Lisza after their super showday where they both won the CACIB awards
and Lisza
her Dutch Champion title!!!
Saturday 11th April –
The Danish Retriever Club Golden Specialty Championship Show, Vonge , Denmark
Judge : Sue Towers (Alibren) UK
Trevor makes his Danish debut
….. and showed brilliantly to win 2nd in the Champion class with CK Quality.
Ch Ramchaine Moment of Truth becomes 2nd Best Dog with the RCAC from the entry of 38 males.
Lisza also had her first Danish show and made us proud with her usual outgoing , bubbly, waggy attitude in the ring.
Ch Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres wins 2nd in the Champion class with CK Quality.
In the end judging for Best Bitch our Lisza is declared 3rd for Best Bitch out of an entry of 49 bitches.