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Click here for news of the combined Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers: 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
NEWS 2012
January/February - March/April - May/June - July/August - September/October - November/December
Sunday 25th November 2012 The Amsterdam Winner International Championship Dog Show, NL
***WOW!!! What A Super Day we had at the Amsterdam Winner !!!*** International Show CH, Danish CH, German & VDH CH Ramchaine Green Glitter ( I UK CC, 2 RCCs) wins Best Bitch, the CAC , CACIB & the “Amsterdam Winner Title 2012” ….. and becomes a DUTCH CHAMPION too!!!! Her daughter Philomena of the Hellacious Acres wins Reserve Best Bitch , with the RCAC & RCACIB …. Not bad to only be beaten by your mother!!!
We are immensely proud of our ‘SUPERGIRLS’ It was an unusual show for the Golden exhibitors & enthusiasts as the breed was split up to be judged in 5 different rings and under 5 separate FCI judges!!! Ole Staunskjaer (DK) , Stefan Sinko (SLV), Laurent Pichard (SWISS), Wim Wellens (NL) & Eytan Hendel (ISR) !!!!!
CH Porthos of the Hellacious Acres is 4th in the Champion Dog class at the Amsterdam Winner.
Hot Totty of the Hellacious Acres was 3rd Excellent in her Junior Class from a super entry of 14 bitches .
Multi Ch Ramchaine Green Glitter wins 1st Excellent in the Champion Bitch Class.
Ch Philomena of the Hellacious Acres was 2nd Excellent in the Champion Bitch Class
Jade becomes Best Bitch
Our precious Jade wins the CAC & CACIB , the Amsterdam Winner ’12 Title and her DUTCH CHAMPION TITLE too!! An emotional and proud moment for us !!
Best Dog and Best Bitch at the Amsterdam Winner with the judge Ole Staunskjaer.
Our Jade ( by SH CH Erinderry Just the Ticket from Bluewaters ex Multi CH Remington Requisite of Ramchaine) is now :
International Show Champion Dutch Champion Danish Champion German Champion & German VDH Champion with 1 x UK Challenge Certificate & 2 x UK Reserve Challenge Certificates ….plus the Dortmund EuropaSieger 2012 & the Amsterdam Winner 2012 !!!
23rd of November 2012 in Brisbane , Australia
Ludwig’s puppies are born in AUSTRALIA !!! 7 x girls & 4 x boys !!! A BIG WELCOME to the beautiful babies born to ‘Lulu’ – CH Dobro Dellaluna - and HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Liz Molnar (Dobro) on their conception & birth and the VERY BEST OF WISHES for lots of FUN in the weeks ahead with them all xXx
Saturday 1st December 2012 – Cloppenburg, Germany The GRC of Germany Specialty ‘Advents’ Championship Show,.
Pauline Wilson (Pearlbarn) - UK - judging the males Santiago Gadea-Castro (Thevenet) - Spain - judging the females Silvana Vuckovic (Swanavly) - Serbia - judging the babies, puppies & veterans ...…. It was to be a GREAT day for our two young ‘Ludwig’ daughters …….
Our 5 month old Ramchaine Bootylicious - ‘Luicy’- by our Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex our Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine - made her show debut and a great start to her show career .
Ramchaine Bootylicious - wins 1st ‘Very Promising’ from an entry of 9 bitches in the Baby Class.
The first critique of her said “ 5 months old. Top Quality. Gorgeous feminine head and expression, with lovely dark eye and pigment. Lovely long neck flowing into lovely topline. Lovely front angulation with excellent forechest, very nice deep body for age, super back and rear end. Like her bone and feet. Lovely colour and texture of coat. Very typical on the move with good stride and pushing from behind.”
Our Ramchaine Moonbeam - ‘Fern’ - by Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Ramchaine Moonstruck .
Ramchaine Moonbeam - now 10 months old was for the first time in the junior class, at only her second ever show .
Ramchaine Moonbeam is 1st ‘Excellent’ in a strong junior class with 21 bitches entered. Winning the JCAc & JVDH awards.
The judge wrote in his critique of her “Excellent cream lady with excellent construction and proportions. Lovely temperament with great attention to handler. Very beautiful and feminine head.
Very beautiful, dark and expressive eyes. Excellent pigmentation. Excellent reach of neck. Very beautiful outline with balanced angulations. Excellent ribs, short coupled, with perfect tailset. Perfect let –down hocks. Excellent happy movement. Excellent tail and head carriage. Excellent handling.”
Sophia of the Hellacious Acres by our Multi Ch Barnum of the Hellacious Acres ex Ch Moondust Ophelia -
Sophia wins 3rd ‘Excellent’ in the huge Open Bitch class from an entry of 24 bitches.
Ch. Philomena of the Hellacious Acres is 1st ‘Excellent’ in the Champion bitch class winning the CAC & VDH awards.
Her critique from the judge said “Very beautiful pale champion girl with excellent construction and very beautiful outline. Excellent temperament. Very nice head with a lovely expression and beautiful eyes. Good reach of neck, excellent shoulder, balanced angulations, excellent straight fore quarters and excellent hind quarters. Outstanding coat quality. Excellent tailset. Excellent movement with a lot of drive and very sound, with excellent tail and head carriage. Masterful handling.”
Dutch CH & VDH Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW by Sh Ch Lochtaymor King of Diamonds ex Multi Ch Remington Requisite of Ramchaine - is 4th ‘Excellent’ in the Champion Bitch class.
Dutch JCh. Noah of the Hellacious Acres by Ch Dewmist Servantes ex Ch Philomena of the Hellacious Acres - wins 2nd Excellent in the Intermediate Dog class with the RCAC & RVDH awards.
International Show Ch / Dutch Ch / German & VDH Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres by Ch Dewmist Silk Symphony ex Ch Philomena of the Hellacious Acres - wins 2nd ‘Excellent’ in the Champion Dog class with the RCAC & RVDH awards
Sunday 2nd December - The
Danish Retriever Club Championship Show , Naestved, Denmark.
Dog Judge – Emma Archibald (Abinvale) Ireland
Bitch judge – Rachel Rains (Gunhills) UK
Dutch & VDH Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW in the Champion bitch class.
German Ch Philomena of the Hellacious Acres is 3rd in the Champion bitch class
International Show Ch / Dutch Ch / German & VDH Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres is 1st in the Champion dog class.
The Best Champion Bitch & The Best Champion Dog with the judges.
Sunday 16th December – The LKA All
Breed Championship Show, NEC , Birmingham, England.
Judge – Christine Ashton (Willowlawn).
We had high hopes for our two multi champions entered but disappointingly today was not to be their day.
Our International Sh Ch/Dutch Ch / German & VDH Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres was 3rd in Open behind the CC & RCC winners.
Our International Sh Ch/ Dutch Ch / Danish Ch/ German & VDH Ch Ramchaine Green Glitter was 5th in a super Open bitch class.
Jade’s litter sister UK Sh Ch Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood won the RCC and now has a fantastic total of 14 CCs & 15 RCCs .
Sebastian tries out his first pair of shoes - red with flashing lights that flicker with every step …... and enjoys walking & running all over the place…..
Saturday 22nd December 2012 –
Hagelandshow, Tienen, Belgium.
Judge - Kathy Braekman (Glitters)
A Super Festive Evening Show where our 3 ‘Ludwig’ daughters -‘ Lisza’ , ‘Luicy’ & ‘Fern’ - made us immensely proud by ALL winning 1st in their classes and then respectively BEST BABY , BEST PUPPY & BEST JUNIOR with BEST OF BREED !!!
Our baby boy ‘Trevor’ now 3.5 months of age had his first ring experience .
Trevor (by Multi Ch Majik Truth or Dare ex our Barnum/Jaq daughter Ramchaine MonkeyNut ) also won his class and achieved 1st in his Baby Dog Class.
Ramchaine Moment of Truth - ‘Trevor’ – is Best Baby Dog
Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres (by Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Ch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres) also made her show debut and wagged her way to win 1st in her Baby class.
‘Lisza’ then won Best Baby Bitch and Best Baby in Breed.
In the main ring Lisza competed against all
the other Best Baby puppies from all the other breeds
entered and thrilled us by winning BEST BABY IN SHOW!!!
Ramchaine Bootylicious ( by Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex our Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW) now 6 months of age won 1st in the Puppy Bitch class.
‘Luicy’ – Ramchaine Bootylicious then became Best Puppy in Breed.
Ramchaine Moonbeam ( by Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex our Barnum/Jeree daughter Ramchaine Moonstruck) won 1st in her Junior Bitch class and became Best Junior in Breed.
‘Fern’ – Ramchaine Moonbeam went on to win Best Bitch and then BEST OF BREED.
Fern made us extremely proud in the main ring by achieving 2nd place in the GROUP 8 competition under FCI judge Jos de Cuyper at the tender age of only 11 months !!