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The Beginnings of The Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers :
Bart had already gained much experience with breeding and showing as a teenager
– starting with pigeons, ducks, chickens and various other animals.When thinking of which particular kind of dog he wanted to have, Bart had always thought about owning an Irish Setter - liking them in character as well as their rich red colour very much and also because as a breed they had the image of being very naughty.
Now married, Bart thought of a dog to add to the family…… a friend had bred a litter of really dark gold Golden Retrievers , so Bart went to take a look ….. and if you
’re going to look at a litter then you are very tempted to take one because they are so cute …… and so Bart got his first Golden Retriever in 1979.“
Avra” as her name was, was bought primarily as a family pet, however from his previous hobbies there was the temptation to show and hopefully from breed her too - she turned out to be a very lovely bitch …..with unfortunately one setback; she was undershot and was therefore only shown once.A second golden Retriever
“Lizzy” arrived – sadly also another disappointment as she was diagnosed with bad hips.Bart was now very keen on the breed and decided to try his luck elsewhere. He felt he had to learn more about the breed first if he was going to be successful and aim to get a good one. He did some research & investigating & looked into known respected breeders to find out where best to buy his next “good” bitch from.
In that time Thea Berts (v.d.Drunenborgh) was a leading Kennel in the Netherlands and because Bart
’s motto is “the best comes from the best” he decided to go there and that resulted in Danish Guinevere v.d. Drunenborgh coming to Twisk.His second idea was having one from England, so he approached the
‘Camrose’ kennel of Joan Tudor and the ‘Westley’ kennel from Joan Gill and Daphne & Mervyn Philpott.Sometimes you need a little luck in life, sadly things didn
’t work out at that time in getting a puppy with the Camrose kennel …. but joy was to be had with getting a pup from the Westley kennel.In November 1982 Westley Beedee was born and came to Holland as Bart
’s FIRST imported Golden Retriever.Both bitches turned out to be great specimens of the breed and started the show scene for Bart.
Guinevere developed into a most wonderful bitch and also became a good brood bitch - producing Barts first champion in Ch.Chessina of the Hellacious Acres W
’88.Beedee wanted not to do it for less and became a Dutch, VDH & German Champion ( ending up winning a total of 12 CACs; 3 RCACs; 5 CACIBs & 2 RCACIBs ) and produced the second homebred champion Ch.Bashfull of the Hellacious Acres.
From that point onward it went fast because a lot of the combinations turned out to be very good and produced several other champions also with other owners than himself. Showing became a passion and a time consuming hobby for Bart ; in between his work and family life.
Because of the wonderful relationship and special connection he developed with
Joan Gill and Daphne and Mervyn Philpott, Bart also imported Ch.Noravon Amos
and the very lovely Ch.Westley Cathrina who was a stunning bitch herself
; she excelled in the show ring but did even better as a brood bitch and you can
still find her name back in the pedigree of many Dutch born Golden Retrievers
Her son - World Champion Mack Lobell of the Hellacious Acres was an “once in a lifetime dog” - a super show dog who was extremely happy being with you in the ring, he always performed well and in that aspect he was a natural showman.
A cornerstone of his breeding, the Westley kennel of beautiful, very lovely bred Golden Retrievers has been and still is the root of Bart
’s ideals in a Golden Retriever
Westley - Group
Hellacious Acres - Group
Alongside his deep love of the Golden Retriever was that niggling first love of the Setters …. So eventually an English Setter was added too…. Also imported from England
‘Tattersett To Be Fair’.Bart for a while was the Chairman of both the English Setter Club of the Netherlands and also for the Golden Retriever Club of the Netherlands.
Bart spent many years studying dogs in general and trained to pass all the required exams needed to become an official FCI judge. He has fulfilled multiple judging appointments for both the English Setter and Golden Retriever in the UK and in various European countries and has also acquired the KC approval to award Challenge Certificates in the United Kingdom.
began working with the canine and feline species at 13 years of age at
‘Windmill Farm’, a large local boarding kennels and cattery.
At 15 I moved on to ‘The Mardens’, another establishment which
offered a superior standard of boarding and here I learned a great deal about
hygiene, general healthcare and management, the breeding and rearing of puppies
and studwork as well as the art of handstripping a terrier’s harsh coat by the
proprietor, Patricia Breach, who bread the ‘Hearn’ Cairn Terriers.
I worked here for three years, at weekends and school holidays, whilst
studying at Coloma Convent Girls’ School in Croydon where I obtained 11
‘O’ levels and studied ‘A’ levels in physics, chemistry and biology. In
1986 I accepted the position of Manageress of ‘Northover’ Kennels and
Cattery in Warninglid,
marriage and the birth of my sons, I spent a year as the groomer at ‘Arden
Grange Quarantine Kennels & Cattery’ in
an injury to one of my own dogs, I used Hydrotherapy as a form of treatment and
aid to her recovery. I was so
impressed by its many benefits that I looked further into this complimentary
therapy and decided that a pool of my own would enable me to use my nursing
skills and offer a challenging new aspect to my canine career. I also needed
larger premises to cope with the ever increasing workload.........so..........
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2002 “TRIM and SWIM” Canine Hydrotherapy & Professional Grooming Centre
, proudly opened a seven days a week service - a new shop with a modern, hi-tech,
state-of-the-art grooming salon for all breeds of dog, cat, rabbit and guinea
pig, which catered for 60-80 grooming clients a week.
The premises also incorporated a heated Hydrotherapy Pool and
Hotspa/jacuzzi, both especially designed for dogs as a form of physiotherapy and
as an aid in rehabilitation - post operatively or following injury ;
swimming has also proven most beneficial for arthritic care and pain
relief, for increasing mobility and
for improving muscletone and for weight loss.
The pool is also used just for fun
& fitness and cardiovascular workouts.
Up to 90 dogs were able to be swum per week.
keen animal lover from a young age ; I have had a variety of pets including a
hamster, goldfish, rats, mice, snakes, several rabbits, Zebra finches, numerous
cats and litters of kittens. My
passion, however, has always been dogs. My original choices were to own a German
Shepherd, a black Curly Coat and a
Golden Retriever........ I have yet to own a Curly...!!!
1982 I began liaising with Daphne Philpot of ‘WESTLEY’ fame to get my first
puppy.....& in 1984 I bought my first Golden Retriever ‘Jema’ (Noravon
Rowena of Ramchaine – by CH Westley Samuel), ‘ |
have enjoyed taking part in agility and obedience training and competitions. I
aim for all my dogs to work towards getting their bronze and silver and gold
Kennel Club Good Citizens Awards. In the past some of my dogs have also spent
time as ‘PAT’ dogs visiting the disabled and the elderly in hospitals and
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keen exhibitor at both Open and Championship Shows since 1984,
I showed at Crufts when it was still being held in
Earls Court, London and have exhibited every year since it was held at the NEC,
Birmingham. My
ambition was always to win and be able to make up my dogs into champions..........
so a dream come true was to gain the title of “SHOW
CHAMPION” with my Remington Requisite of Ramchaine
~ ‘Jazmin’ won her first CC at 22months and went on to win her title
at the age of two and the rest of her 10 Challenge Certificates & RCCs
between each of her 4 litters with her 10th CC being achieved at 9years
young!! Always
special to breed and own your own champions my first homebred title holder was
the loveable ‘Jiorjia” alias ‘SH.CH.RAMCHAINE RUBELLITE JW’ 4 CCs
2 RCCs.
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am fortunate to have achieved great success nationwide with my ‘Ramchaine’
affix and Golden Retriever Show Team
: ~ consistently winning numerous
Firsts, Championship Show Placings, ‘Best Puppy’ ,
have also prepared, handled and campaigned the Dandie Dinmont Terrier ‘CH.
SENACRE HOOGHLY’, to win his Junior Warrant and the title of Champion.
enjoy attending lectures, seminars, symposiums and courses and have
attended many on canine studies, hereditary defects, hydrotherapy, the
musculoskeletal system, first-aid and conformation to name but a few . I
hold Grooming Demonstrations for Road Show Workshops and Teach-Ins across
the UK and have carried out
demonstrations for DeZynaDog, the GRC, and MGRC, aswell as running private
tuition in trimming and
preparing for the show ring & pet.
I have also had the privilege and trust to have groomed many well known dogs
including Champions for the Show Ring in several breeds.
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far it has been a very active and often hectic lifestyle, juggling a flourishing
business and family life with my sons and my dogs whilst pursuing my hobbies of
training, Showing, Breeding, Agility and obedience! Over
the past few years I have also helped to organise and run events as a committee
member of the
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April 2008 I was offered the challenge of looking after and campaigning a young
male golden from The Netherlands......... so in May 2008 entered BARNUM OF
THE HELLACIOUS ACRES into the lives of my family and I. He quickly stole our
hearts for the fun loving, easy going, steady, laughable character he
is.......... and so began an acquaintance with his owner .... BART .... which
was to have life changing consequences by the August of 2008.......as we found
out we had an awful lot in common, could get along very easily together and
.........love blossomed .....!!!!
in less than six months since his arrival into the UK achieved the goal of his UK
SH CH title to add to his GERMAN, VDH, and DUTCH CHAMPION TITLES.....and
came back to his home country to win the prestigious
Amsterdam Winner title 2008 , BOB and was shortlisted in the group.
In AUGUST 2009 myself, sons, cats
and the RAMCHAINES left our England home and came to join Bart and the
HELLACIOUS ACRES to live in Holland.
we now have 7 Champion Titled winning Goldens in our home,plus Jenna our veteran
winning ‘Oldie’ at 11years of age and some promising winning youngsters
including our first joint venture together – “Velvenya Vogue Of Ramchaine”
who already has won her first CAC in Holland and in Germany - and achieved
the titles of : UK Junior Warrant , Luxembourg Junior Champion, German Junior
Champion & VDH Junior Champion, Bundesjugendsieger ‘09, plus Amsterdam
Junior Winner ’09 title.
- Our new babies – a combination of Ramchaine & Hellacious Acres breeding
will debut in 2010 - ***
& Bart
Upon A Time ..............
is how many fairytales start ........ so ,
upon a time a Dutchman was looking to buy in a special Golden puppy to add to
his already very successful Golden Retrievers which had been his passion and
hobby to breed & show to top level since 1981 .
a Golden Retriever club yearbook to research where he should get this new puppy
from – he came across an advert which almost exactly described how he himself
had started in Golden Retrievers ..... there were a lot of uncanny similarities
particular lady also started in the early 80’s – after falling in love with
Champion Westley Martha and Champion Westley Mabella and starting with a long
correspondence with Daphne Philpott of the infamous ‘Westley’ kennel -
before buying her first Golden puppy -
a daughter of Ch. Westley Samuel ex Noravon Melissa ...who went back on
the super “STYAL” bitch lines.
quote from Bart’s first email to Charmaine in June 2005 ....
we too started by going to Joan Gill and Daphne Philpott and I did recognize a
lot of the things you told of in your advertisement , similarities in our way of
thinking and the dogs and the doggyfriends that we did end up with. We too have
had a Noravon puppy from Mary Johnson by Samuel and Melissa; I do think a full
brother of your bitch. And again , we too have had a son of Ch.Elswood the
Highlander , where you have had some daughters of him. It was nice to see that
countries apart, how things can go in the same sort of direction. ...... Having
a sort of STYAL bred bitch in the past but having lost that line, I am looking
for a bitch out of that line again and found your JAZMIN – which in my opinion
has the perfect pedigree and a lovely type which would fit in with our dogs
the email Bart asked if Jazmin was going to be mated and if he could possibly
have a bitch puppy from her , etc etc etc... ending “looking forward to your answer”.....
at that time in 2005, Charmaine was not very competent with technology and
computers so all her personal emails correspondence and administration for her
busy grooming salon and hydrotherapy centre ‘Trim & Swim’ was undertaken
by the always helpful and very wonderful Lorraine. Lorraine would print out all
Charmaine’s emails & bring them into the shop for her response .... alas
for poor - Bart his email was put on the pile to be ignored until sufficient
time arose .... which as usual – never ever did!!
still keen on having a puppy, and with no joy on having a reply to his email,
Bart telephoned to leave a message on the answer phone , and persistent in
nature , followed up the call with another to finally get to speak to this
English breeder direct and ask about the chances of having a puppy from Jazmin.
He was told he would be about number 23 on the waiting list!!
to cut a long story short, the persistent Bart managed somehow – not quite
sure how however - to end up with
the 2nd pick of bitches from Jazmin’s next litter and ‘Ramchaine
Green Glitter’ born in the August of 2005 made the journey to Holland at 7 ˝
weeks of age to live with the rest of the ‘Hellacious Acres’ Golden
casual correspondence common for the extended ‘dog family’ continued over
the next few years mainly via Lorraine , with news of show results and photos
and general updates. Also, the
occasional meeting up at the odd Championship dog show on the UK show circuit.
too, for 3 years running
Bart and Charmaine somehow managed to bump into each other along with their own
accompaniment of travelling companions at the NEC
West car park entrance to Hall 3.... allowing Bart and a friend or two to
get in for free with Charmaine’s multiple dog entry passes.( ... for those of
you who know Charmaine - to fix her to a time is nearly impossible; she
inevitably ends up late, and to those of you who know the route into the NEC ,
with the long motorway queues , choice of the multiple car parks , entrances and
doors – this is a rather weird coincidence to have happened on one occasion
......let alone three times!!!)
had a break from showing from 1991 – 1998 when her sons were young and
also had a break from the showring from 1999 till 2005 – so their paths missed
each other for a while - both still
bred the occasional litter to keep their lines going during this time.
the beginning of 2008 , Martha of
the Hellacious Acres and Barnum of the Hellacious Acres had both gained their
Dutch Champion titles to add to the previously gained German and VDH Champion
titles. Both were young dogs , full of quality, so Bart began thinking of other
possibilities to expose these super examples of their breed further ; and
thought how it could be possible to campaign them elsewhere in Europe and even
in the UK . Because of the costs of crossing the channel by boat or the
eurotunnel, the strict border
controls and all the regulations – Bart thought it wise to see if there would
be somebody in the UK that was willing to help out and to have his dogs for him
for a while – and maybe even show them too!
knew that often the English were conservative in their attitude to ‘foreign’
dogs , and thought of who he could
ask .... maybe Charmaine ? .....as someone he knew to
be as a serious handler and breeder and also younger than the majority of
established breeders/exhibitors, he
hoped she would therefore be at least a little more ‘open minded’ to new
first proposal of having/showing Martha & Barnum came at Crufts in 2008.
answer was not a direct “NO” but also not a “YES” – lots of questions
and particulars to discuss.
was hesitant, but Bart as usual very persistent with his new idea.
no “YES’, so with the idea still playing on his mind, Bart decided to enter at a run of 4 UK shows anyway
at the end of April / start of May - and just make the journey himself.
Charmaine agreed to help with handling at the shows and they both teamed
up for some of the travelling, taking it in turns to drive. The efforts were
not unsuccessful – a CC & a RCC won by Martha– and
KC Stud Book Number for Barnum - not bad at all.
UK show bug had bitten – Bart entered a further 4 shows and asked if Barnum
& Martha could do a test run ‘sleepover’ for the night before Windsor as
Charmaine had organised a celebratory meal at a restaurant to mark the
achievement of being
– but the night did not go well as Martha barked
the whole night through........ Barnum however, was found to be a totally
adorable, fun loving clown, easy going and affectionate, extremely
biddable and friendly with everyone he met – human, canine or feline...... and
so the emails started to organise him staying and going to shows with the
‘Ramchaines’ ........ which turned into a very successful expedition that
gained him his UK SHOW CHAMPION TITLE in less than 6months from his first
arrival into the UK .
Bart often travelling over to watch his successes and share in the
moment.........which led to the
friendship that developed and
blossomed into the relationship and the reason of
why they are together today.
August 2010 Charmaine & Bart
got married ......... unable to decide on England or Holland for
the venue , they ended up choosing for Scotland!!!
was chosen as a very special place for us to be married in ;
it was after a short visit to the Highlands for a few days at the end of
August 2008 that we decided we really wanted to be together
forever and somehow work out the barrier of being countries apart ......
we chose for our wedding to be in Tomich
– Cannich – Inverness-shire , as it is the place where the Golden Retriever originated &
was developed as a breed by Lord
Tweedmouth from 1868- 1890 at his Guisachan Estate ~
So if our beloved Goldens ~of
which we are both so passionate over ~ began there ...and our love blossomed
there .....we thought it very apt for us to begin our married life there too!