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Click here for news of the combined Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers: 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
NEWS 2012
January/February - March/April - May/June - July/August - September/October - November/December
8th and Sunday 9th of September 2012, Warsaw, Poland.
went to Warsaw to judge a CAC National General Breed show and also at the Polish
Retriever Club Championship show on the kind invitation of the Polish Retriever
ging op 8 en 9 september naar Warschau in Polen om daar een CAC show en de
clubshow van de Poolse retriever club te keuren, hieronder ziet u de resultaten.
- 8th of September – All breed CAC show organized by the Warsaw Dog Society.
Bart and his Best Dog. Bart en zijn beste reu.
with his co-judge with the BOB and BOS.
Bart met zijn co-keurmeester met de
BOB en de BOS.
- 9th of September – Polish Retriever Club Championship show
Bart and his Best Bitch. Bart en zijn beste teef.
Bart and his co– judge with the BOB. Bart en zijn co– keurmeester en de BOB.
Bart with his Best in Show. Bart met zijn Best in Show.
Bart and his co- judges with the Best in Show. Bart en zijn co– keurmeesters met de Best in Show.
Saturday 22nd September – The DRC
Special Breed Championship Show, Kreuztal, Germany. Golden
Judge : Hilary Lambshead (Muskan) & Ray
Strudwick (Burpham) for the puppies & juniors.
We wanted to start off some youngsters so took a new team of 5 with us to Germany and were pleased with their collection of rosettes won with their combined results of 2 x 1sts and 3 x 2nds, and had an enjoyable day with our chosen dogs, Sebastian, fellow exhibitors , good food ….. and no rain!!
Noah of the Hellacious Acres ( Multi Ch Dewmist Servantes ex Ch Philomena of the Hellacious Acres) had his first Intermediate class and was awarded 1st Excellent with the CAC & VDH awards.
Jaq lost all her coat down the plughole during her bath before the show so ended up rather naked after having the most glorious coat in June/July/August while she stayed at home!! However she has nothing to hide with her magnificent construction and so she came along for the day out too , (especially as she hadn’t been shown for over a year).
Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW ( UK Sh Ch Lochtaymor King of Diamonds ex UK Sh Ch /German/ VDH & Dutch CH Remington Requisite of Ramchaine) won 2nd Excellent in Champion bitch with the RCAC & RVDH awards.
Sophia had been ‘borrowed’ by our good friends Lolkje & Jorrit Efde for a while - they had done a great job keeping her fit and looking pretty ( ….. & feeling like a high ranking princess in a house full of boys!!) . She never put a foot wrong in her ring performance and pushed hard to win the large class of 19 Open bitches.
Sophia of the Hellacious Acres ( Multi CH Barnum of the Hellacious Acres ex Ch Moondust Ophelia) won 2nd Excellent in the Open bitch class
Our Baby ‘Ramchaine Moonbeam’ ( Multi CH Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Ramchaine Moonstruck) made her show debut in the puppy bitch class and became 2nd ‘Very Promising’
Stacey alias ‘Hot Totty of the Hellacious Acres’ had her second show and her very first Junior class.
Stacey as always, happy and full of the joys of life, bounced about with enthusiasm and had a great time in the showring , freestood , she wagged and wagged and wagged and wagged ….. constantly !!!
Our Stacey - Hot Totty of the Hellacious Acres – @ 11 months of age had tough competition in the class of 17 youngsters …… but she continued to freestand and wag & wag & wag & wag !!!
Hot Totty of the Hellacious Acres – ( Multi Ch Dewmist Silkventure ex Multi CH Martha of the Hellacious Acres) thrilled us by winning 1st Excellent with the JCAC & JVDH awards
Haydn of the Hellacious Ares is a POLISH
and a GERMAN Champion!!!
HUGE Congratulations to him and his owners ~ Sven &
Alexandra !!!