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Click here for previous news of Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers 2008 and before: 2005-2006-2007-2008-
Click here for the previous news of Ramchaine Golden Retrievers 2008 and before: ***
Click here for news of the combined Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers: 2009 - 2010 - 2011
NEWS 2009 - The Ramchaines and Hellacious Acres are living together!
was the year Ramchaine and Hellacious
Acres golden retrievers came together and what a Year it has
08-01-2009 Boston (UK): Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter 5th open bitch judge : Wendy Gunner(UK)
08-01-2009 Boston(UK) : Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood JW 1st open bitch judge : Wendy Gunner(UK)
owned by Malcolm Godefroy and Anita Campion.
18-01-2009 Manchester (UK): Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood JW1st open bitch judge : Frank kane(UK)
owned by by Malcolm Godefroy and Anita Campion.
18-01-2009 Manchester (UK): Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter 3rd open bitch judge: Frank Kane(UK)
18-01-2009 Manchester (UK): Ch.Moondust Ophelia 5th open bitch judge : Frank Kane(UK)
18-01-2009 Manchester(UK) : Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine 1 st veteran bitch and best veteran judge: Frank Kane(UK)
18-01-2009 Manchester(UK): 3rd open dogs Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres judge: dr.Ronald James(UK
14-02-2009 Talinn(EST) : Bart judging the Estonian Golden retrieverclub championshipshow.
21-02-2009 Maidenhead open show(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine 1st puppy bitch Best puppy in breed, 2nd best puppy group judge: Joy Henejgan(UK)
21-02-2009 Maidenhead open show(UK): Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW, 1st.junior bitch, 2nd yearling bitch, 1st Post graduate bitch judge: Joy Henejgan(UK)
22-02-2009 Guildford SGRS: Sophia of the Hellacious Acres, 5th junior bitch judge : Pat Cooper(UK)
22-02-2009 Guildford SGRS: Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter 4th open bitch judge:Pat Cooper(UK)
04-03-2009 Barnums first UK puppies born with Judy Gregory(Bernewood) 6 boys and 3 girls
*Crufts (UK) 07-03-2009*
Essential JW
1st Good
citizen dogs
judge: Jim Richardson(UK)
Requisite of Ramchaine
veteran bitch
judge: Jim Richardson(UK)
judge: Sue Almey(UK)
Ch.Ramchaine Green
Jim Richardson(UK)
Ch.Moondust Ophelia
judge: Jim Richardson(UK)
15-03-2009 Woolwich and Bexley(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine 1st puppy bitch judge: Nancy Bassant(UK)
15-03-2009 Woolwich and Bexley(UK):Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts 2nd junior bitch judge: Nancy Bassant(UK)
22-03-2009 SWGRC(UK): Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter 3rd.open bitch judge: Mal Watkins(UK)
22-03-2009 SWGRC(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine 1st minor puppy/1stmaiden/BPIS judge: Mal Watkins(UK)
22-03-2009 SWGRC(UK): Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine 1st.veteran bitch judge: Mal Watkins(UK)
22-03-2009 SWGRC(UK): Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres 5th.open dog judge: Rachel Rains(UK)
29-03-2009 Royal Turnbridge Wells(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine 1st puppy bitch- best puppy judge: Freda Gargett(UK)
29-03-2009 Royal Turnbridge Wells(UK): Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW 1st PG bitch-best bitch and BOB judge: Frida Gargett(UK)
05-04-2009 YGRC(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine 2nd Minor puppy bitch judge: Patsy Hollins(UK)
05-04-2009 YGRC(UK): Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood JW JW 1st open bitch CC BOS judge:Patsy Hollins(UK)
owned by by Malcolm Godefroy and Anita Campion.
05-04-2009 YGRC(UK): Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter 2nd open bitch res.CC judge: Patsy Hollins(UK)
11-04-2009 Hereford(UK): Charmaine judging Hereford open show .
15-04-2009 Windsor(UK): Sophia of the Hellacious Acres 1st Junior bitch ,1st novice bitch, 1 st graduate bitch judge: Marilyn King(UK)
15-04-2009 Windsor(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine 2nd MPB,3rd PB judge: Marilyn King(UK)
19-04-2009 Camberley & District(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine 3rd.puppy bitch judge: Margareth Joy(UK)
19-04-2009 Camberley and District(UK): Sophia of the Hellacious Acres 2nd junior bitch judge: Margareth Joy(UK)
26-04-2009 WELKS(UK): Sophia of the Hellacious Acres 2nd Junior Bitch judge: Sandra Birkin(UK)
26-04-2009 WELKS(UK): Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW 2nd Champion stakes judge : Mr.Watson(UK)
26-04-2009 WELKS(UK): 3rd open bitch Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter judge: Sandra Birkin(UK)
26-04-2009 WELKS(UK): 5th open dog Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres judge: Ann Falconer(UK)
08-05-2009 Stafford(UK): Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres 3rd open dog judge: Heather Morris(UK)
08-05-2009 Stafford(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine 2nd MPB judge : Heather Morrs(UK)
08-05-2009 Stafford(UK): Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW 2nd open bitch judge: Heather Morrs(UK)
10-05-2009 Alkmaar(NL): Bart judging Alkmaar Championshipshow with his BOB and BOS
21-05-2009 Apeldoorn(NL): Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W’08 2nd champion dogs judge: Ans Schuurmans.
06-06-2009 Neumunster(GER): Bart with his CACIB bitch and his res.CACIB bitch.
07-06-2009 Neumunster(GER): Bart and Frank Kane “the boys are back in town”
08-06-2009 Itzehoe(GER): Bart with Frank Kane doing BOS and BOB.
18-06-2009 Malvern(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine 2nd puppy bitch judge: Tony Hickenbottom(UK)
Malvern(UK): Ch.Ramchaine Green
Glitter 1st open dogs
judge: Tony Hickenbottom(UK)
27-06-2009 Blackpool(UK): Charmaine showing our dogs in Blackpool championshipshow 2009
27-06-2009 Blackpool(UK): 2nd.Puppy bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine judge: Fiona Scholes-Coward(UK)
27-06-2009 Blackpool(UK): 2nd open bitch Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter judge: Fiona Scholes-CowardUK)
27-06-2009 Blackpool(UK): 1st open bitch with BOB and CC Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood JW
judge: Fiona Scholes-Coward(UK)
owned by Malcolm Godefroy and Anita Campion.
27-02-2009 Blackpool(UK): 1st Veteran bitch and Best veteran with res.CC Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine judge: Fiona Scholes-Coward(UK)
27-06-2009 Blackpool(UK): 4th open dogs Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres judge: Ewa Nielsen(SWE)
27-06-2009 Blackpool(UK): CC and BOB Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood JW
owned by Malcolm Godefroy and Anita Campion.
and her "mum" res.CC Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine
judge: Fiona Scholes-Coward(UK)
27-06-2009 Blackpool(UK): 3rd limit bitch Ramchaine Enchanting judge:Fiona Scholes-Coward(UK)
02-07-2009 Windsor(UK): 3th puppy bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine judge: Ray Strudwick(UK)
02-07-2009 Windsor(UK): 2nd yearling bitch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts judge: Ray Strudwick(UK)
02-07-2009 Windsor(UK): 1st open bitch CC and BOB Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood JW judge: Ray Strudwick(UK)
owned by Malcolm Godefroy and Anita Campion.
02-07-2009 Windsor(UK): 3rd open bitch Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter judge: Ray Strudwick(UK)
02-07-2009 Windsor(UK): 4th open dog Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W'08 judge Beryl Stokes(UK)
04-07-2009 Meisdorf(GER): 1st.Champion dogswith CAC/VDH Sh.Ch.Barnum of the hellacious Acres W'08 judge:Monica Wild(CH)
04-07-2009 Meisdorf(GER): Charmaine and Bart cuddling with Barnum
04-07-2009 Meisdorf(GER): 2nd champion bitch wth res.CAC/VDH Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW judge: Monica Wild(CH)
04-07-2009 Meisdorf(GER): Bart and Barnum two of a kind?
04-07-2009 Meisdorf(GER): Bart cuddling with Barnum
04-07-2009 Meisdorf(GER): 2nd intermediate bitch Sophia of the Hellacious Acres with res. CAC judge: Monica Wild(CH)
04-07-2009 Meisdorf(GER): Bart and Barnum Looking at......
05-07-2009 Timmerlage(GER): 1st Ch.dogs with CAC/VDH Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W'08 judge Agnetha Cardell(SWE)
05-07-2009 Timmerlage(GER): 2nd.intermediate dog with res.CAC/VDH Porthos of the Hellacious Acres judge: Agnetha Cardell(SWE) owner: Lolkje Efdee
05-07-2009 Timmelage(GER): 1 st intermediate bitch with CAC/VDH Sophia of the Hellacious Acres judge: Agnetha Cardell(SWE)
05-07-2009 Timmerlage(GER): 1st Ch.bitch with CAC/VDH Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW judge:Agnetha Cardell(SWE)
05-07-2009 Timmerlage(GER): Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine BOB -CAC judge: Agnetha Cardell(SWE)
05-07-2009 Timmerlage(GER): Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine BOB with CAC judge: Agnetha Cardell(SWE)
05-07-2009 Timmerlage(GER): Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine with Charmaine in the BIS challenge
05-07-2009 Timmerlage(GER): Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine in the Challenge for BIS which she won by unanimous decision.
05-07-2009 Timmerlage(GER): Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine BIS with the three judges.
05-07-2009 Timmerlage(GER): Best breeders Groep Hellacious Acres Barnum,Sophia and Porthos of the Hellacious Acres with Charmaine,Bart and Lolkje
11-07-2009 East of England(UK): 1st Puppy bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine BPIB judge: John Clark(UK)
11-07-2009 East of England(UK): 1st Novice bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine BPIB judge: John Clark(UK)
11-07-2009 East of England(UK): 1st Tyro bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine BPIB judge:John Clark(UK)
11-07-2009 East of England(UK): 1st Yearling bitch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts judge: John Clark(UK)
11-07-2009 East of England(UK): 1st open bitch Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter judge: John Clark(UK)
11-07-2009 East of England(UK): 3rd open bitch Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood JW judge: John Clark(UK)
owned by Malcolm Godefroy and Anita Campion.
11-07-2009 East of England(UK): 1st open bitch Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter judge: John Clark(UK)
11-07-2009 East of England(UK): 2nd Limit dog earning his studbooknumber-Ramchaine Green Glaze judge:Gill Hill(UK) proudly owned by Sue Norris
19-07-2009 Luxemburg Ch.Show; 1st Champion dogs with CAC and Best dog Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W'08 judge:Jim Crosbie(UK)
19-07-2009 Luxemburg retrieverclub Ch.Show:BOB Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine and BOS Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W'08
with judges: Jim and Kate Crosbie(UK)
19-07-2009 Luxemburg Ch.show: 1st Champion dogs with CAC and Best dog Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W'08 with judge Jim Crosbie(UK)
19-07-2009 Luxemburg retriever Ch.Show: the Challenge for BOB Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine and Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres "on the move"
19-07-2009 Luxemburg retriever Ch.Show: 1st Champion bitch best bitch and BOB Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine judge: Kate Crosbie(UK)
19-07-2009 Luxemburg retriever Ch.show : Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine with Charmaine BOB-judge: Kate and Jim Crosbie(UK)
19-07-2009 Championclubshow Luxemburg retrieverclub: Charmaine enjoying the showday with the dogs
19-07-2009 Luxemburg retriever Ch.show: 1st junior bitch and junior BIS Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine gaining her "Luxemburg junior Champion" title with judge:Kate Crosbie(UK)
Charmaine waiting for the Challenge with "Jazmin" and "Barnum"
19-07-2009 Luxemburg retrieverclub Ch.Sh.: 1st junior bitch Best junior in show and "Luxemburg junior Champion" Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine.
25-07-2009 Markt Binart(GER): 2nd intermediate dogs with res.CAC/VDH Porthos of the Hellacious Acres judge: Maureen McKenna(UK) owner:Lolkje Efdé
04-08-2009 Paignton(UK): 1st.puppy bitch and BPIB Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine judge: dr.Ronald James(UK)
04-08-2009 Paignton(UK): 1st novice bitch and BPIB Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine judge: dr.Ronald James(UK)
04-08-2009 Paignton(UK): 1st open bitch and bitch CC with BOB Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine(Jazmin) with judge dr.Ronald James(UK)
04-08-2009 Paignton(UK): BOB with her 10th CC Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine judge:dr.Ronald James(UK)
04-08-2009 Paignton: BOB Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine and BPIB Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine with Charmaine and Bart
and judge: dr.Ronald James(UK)
04-08-2009 Paignton(UK): 3rd in Gundog group Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine judge: Gordon Haran(UK)
04-09-2009 Paignton(UK): 2nd post graduate bitch Ramchaine Ilyssia at Jobeka owned by Beryl Stokes judge: dr.Ronald James(UK)
04-08-2009 Paignton(UK): 2nd Yearling bitch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW judge:dr.Ronald james(UK)
09-08-2009 GRCB
champ.show Turnhout: 2nd.intermediate dog Porthos
of the Hellacious Acres judge:Eileen
Caisley(UK) owner: Lolkje Efde.
11-08-2009 Twisk: Jade(Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter ) and Barnums(Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W'08) are born 5 boys and 1 little girl.
22-08-2009 Emkendorf(GER): 2nd intermediate bitch with res.CAC Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts judge: Mervyn Philpott(UK)
22-08-2009 Emkendorf(GER):1st intermediate dogs with CAC Porthos of the Hellacious Acres judge: Mervyn Philpott(UK) owner: Lolkje Efde
22-08-2009 Emkendorf(GER): 1st champion bitch with CAC and BOS Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine judge: Mervyn Philpott(UK)
22-08-2009 Emkendorf (GER): BOB Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony with BOS Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine with judge: Mervyn Philpott(UK)
22-08-2009 Emkendorf (GER): BIS Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony with BIS judge: K.E.Pedersen(DAN)
22-08-2009 Emkendorf(GER):proud owner Andrzej Stepinsky(Oligarchia) from Poland with his BIS Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony
CH.Dewmist Silk Symphony ***
~ by CH. Erinderry
Gaelic Minstrel ex CH. Styal Silksilla
~ owned by Andrzej
Stepkinski (Poland) : bred by Henric Fryckstrand (Sweden)
~ "Sven" is joining the Ramchaine & Hellacious Acres Golden
Retrievers for a while from August 2009
and will be at limited stud to a few select bitches during his stay.
Hips : A ; Elbows : 0:0 ; Eyes : CLEAR ; D.O.B. 27/03/2004
following Barts trip to judge
in Germany and valuing his many assests in head, type, conformation, movement
& pedigree
-Sven is coming to stay with us and will be hopefully mated to
Philomena of the Hellacious Acres
Sophia of the Hellacious Acres
Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres
SWE/ GER/VDH/LUX & DUTCH CH. Martha of the Hellacious Acres
SH CH Ramchaine Essential JW
& Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW
......... the lucky lad!!
stud and puppy enquiries welcome
Swe Sh. Ch., Norw Sh. Ch. |
Ch. Erinderry DIAMOND EDGE of Glenavis |
Ch. Westley SOPHIA of Papeta |
Ch. Erinderry AMBER of Tyrol |
Ch. Erinderry FIREBIRD |
Ch. Linchael ECSTACY at Lawpark |
Swe Sh. Ch., Norw Sh. Ch. |
Ch. Remington RORY |
Ch. Paudell EASTER PLANTAGENET at Kerrien |
Kerrien CALYPSO |
Ch. Styal SNOWFLAKE of Remington |
Ch. Kulawand CELTIC SUN |
Stenbury SEALAIRD of Glengilde |
Ch. Styal SCOTT of Glengilde |
Ch. Styal SYMETRYA |
31-08-2009 Rotterdam(NL):
3rd Exc.intermediate bitch Phyllis
of the Hellacious Acres judge:Catherine
Zingg(UK) owner: Sabina Beentjes.
05-09-2009 Lich (GER): 1st Intermediate bitches Sophia of the Hellacious Acres judge: Marlene Sillence(UK)
05-09-2009 Lich(GER): 1st.Champ.bitch with CAC and BOB
Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine
judge: Marlene Sillence(UK)
05-09-2009 Lich(GER): Challenge for best bitch left to right:
Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine (handled by Kelly Bastiaanse)
Sophia of the Hellacious Acres (handled by Bart)
Requisite of Ramchaine (BOB)
05-09-2009 Lich(GER): Best bitch with CAC Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine with judge: Marlene Sillence(UK)
05-09-2009 Lich (GER): 1st junior bitch with junior CAC Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine judge: Marlene Sillence(UK)
05-09-2009 Lich(GER): challenge for BOB judges Tony Hird (UK) and Marlene Sillence (UK)
05-09-2009 Lich(GER): Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine in the Challenge for BOB with Charmaine.
05-09-2009 Lich(GER): BOB Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine on referee's decission with the Golden retriever judges.
05-09-2009 Lich(GER): 2nd intermediate dogs with res.CAC Porthos of the Hellacious Acres pictured by Charmaine owned by Lolkje Efde
05-09-2009 Lich(GER): 2nd intermediate dogs with res.CAC Porthos of the Hellacious Acres judge: Tony Hird(UK) owner: Lolkje Efde(NL)
06-09-2009 Birmingham(UK): 1st postgraduate dog Ramchaine Maranello to Villeas judge Barbara Gell(UK) owned by Sue Gray
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): 1st junior bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW judge: Per Iversen(NO)
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW shown to her title by Charmaine.
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): 1st junior bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW judge: Per Iversen(NO)
gaining her "JUNIOR WARRANT " title at 12 months of age
"27 points" all won at Championship shows except the 3 necessary to be won at open show level.
Vogue is proudly owned by Bart and Charmaine van Maren and we thank her breeders Sue and Peter Francis for this wonderfull girl.
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW "the write up by judge Per Iversen(NO)
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): 1st mid limit dogs Ramchaine Maranello to Villeas judge:Gordon Kipps(UK)owned by Sue Gray
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): 1st open bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres judge: Per Iversen(NO)
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): Bart and Martha celebrating their open class first judge: Per Iversen(NO)
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): "his UK debut" 5th open dogs Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony judge:Per Iversen owner: Andrzej Stepinsky
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): 5th open dogs CH.Dewmist Silk Symphony judge:Gordon Kipps(UK) owner:Andrzej Stepinsky
13-09-2009 Richmond(UK): 1st post graduate bitch Ramchaine Ilyssia at Jobeka judge: Per Iversen(NO)
19-09-2009 GRCN(UK): 3rd open bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres judge: Christine Ashton(UK)
19-09-2009 GRCN(UK): 1 st.yearling bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW-Lux J.Ch. judge: Christine Ashton(UK)
20-09-2009 Darlington(UK): 4th. open bitch Multi Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres judge: Filip Johnson(SWE)
20-09-2009 Darlington(UK): 1st. junior & 1st.yearling bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW Lux.J.Ch. judge: Filip Johnson(SWE)
20-09-2009 Darlington(UK): 4th open dogs Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony handled by Charmaine owned by Andre Stepinsky: judge: Jan Nijland (NL)
04-10-2009 Zwolle (NL): Best Bitch with CAC Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine Lux j.Ch and JW. and res. best bitch with res. CAC and CACIB Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine with judge: Filip Johnson(SWE) and Charmaine and Bart van Maren.
04-10-2009 Zwolle(NL): BOS with CAC and jun.CAC Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine Lux.j.Ch, JW with BOB and judges: Ans Stuifenbergen(NL) and Filip Johnson (SWE) (photo Lolkje Efde)
04-10-2009 Zwolle(NL): !st Exc.Championclass Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony judge: Ans Stuifenbergen(NL) owner:Andrzej Stepinsky
04-10-2009 Zwolle(NL): 2nd intermediate bitch Phyllis of the Hellacious Acres judge: Fiip Johnson(SWE) owner Sabina Beentjes.
17-10-2009 Dortmund(GER): 2Exc.Champ.dogs Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony with res.CAC/res.VDH judge: Tuus van Adrichem(NL)
17-09-2009 Dortmund(GER): 3e Exc.Intermediate dogs Porthos of the Hellacious Acres judge: Tuus van Adrichem(NL) owner: Lolkje Efde
17-10-2009 Dortmund(GER): 2nd Champion bitch with res.CAC/res.VDH/res.CACIB Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine judge: Dagmar Winter(GER)
01-11-2009 Hannover(GER): 1st Exc.Interm.bitch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW with CAC/VDH and CACIB judge: Jan Nijland(NL)
01-11-2009 Hannover(GER): 1st.junior bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine with junior CAC/VDH and BOB
01-11-2009 Hannover(GER): 1st.Exc.open dogs Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony with CAC and VDH judge: Raimund Gabriel(GER) owner: Andrzej Stepinsky
01-11-2009 Hannover(GER): BOB Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine with both judges Raimund Gabriel(GER) and Jan Nijland(NL)
01-11-2009 Hannover(GER): 1st open bitch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres with CAC and VDH judge: Jan Nijland(NL)
7-11-2009 Bleiswijk(NL): 1st Exc.champion bitch Ch.Moondust Ophelia judge:B.Roed(DAN)
08-12-2009 Fitjar and
Stord(NO): BOB and BIG NuCh.Ramchaine
Snap to Jako's judge: Arja
Koskelo(FIN) owner:Jarle Koldal(NO)
*******This 3rd CC made him also an "Norwegian
Champion"- well done Jarle
and Vibeke!!!*******
14th november 2009 : Sophia en Sven's puppies are born 2 bitches and 1 dog.
14 november 2009 : Sophia en Svens puppies zijn geboren 3 in totaal 2 meisjes en 1 jongen.
20 november 2009 Philomena and Sven's puppies are born 7 males and 1 female.
20 november 2009 Philomena en Svens puppies zijn geboren 7 reutjes en 1 teefje.
!!!! Nog enkele pups beschikbaar !!!!- !!!!! still some pups available !!!!.
29-11-2009 Amsterdam
Winner: 1st.Ex. junior bitch Velvenya
Vogue of Ramchaine JW. Ger-,VDH.jun.Ch.,Lux.j.Ch.judge:
Annukka Paloheimo(FIN) giving her the title:
Amsterdam juniorwinner
(photo courtesy of Henk Bating)
29-11-2009 Amsterdam
Winner: 1st.Ex. Champion bitch Ch.Remington
Requisite of Ramchaine with res.CAC/CACIB
Annukka Paloheimo(FIN).
(photo courtesy of Henk Bating)
Ramchaine Lollipop 4 months old
Ramchaine Liberace 4 months old
Ramchaine Liberace 4 months old
Ramchaine Liberace and Ramchaine Lollipop 4 months old
5-12-2009 Nowa Ruda(PL):
1st. Exc. Junior dogs Addison of
the Hellacious Acres winning
junior winner title judge:Jan Ryk(PL) owner:Judyta Prokesz(PL).
(Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres x Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres).
5-12-2009 Kassel(GER): 1st.Exc.Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW with VDH-CH. judge:Dagmar Winter(GER)
5-12-2009 Kassel(GER): 1st.Exc.champ. dogs Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony with VDH and res.CAC judge:Dagmar Winter(GER)
5-12-2009 Kassel(GER): 1st.Exc.int.bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine Lux.jCh,Ger-and VDH jCh.Bdjsg.and JW.2009 with VDH and CAC and BOB
judge:Dagmar Winter(GER)
6-12-2009 Kassel(GER): 2nd.Exc.Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW with res.VDH/CAC judge:Ruth Scholtz(GER)
6-12-2009 Kassel(GER): 1st.Exc.int.med.bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW Amst.JW,Lux-,VDH-,Ger.J.Ch. with VDH and CAC judge: Ruth Scholtz(GER)
12-12-2009 Kassel, DRC
Clubshow, 4th Exc. Open Dog Porthos
of the Hellacious Acres (judge
J. Ryder GB), owner Lolkje Efdé.
12-12-2009 LKA(UK): 4th open bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres Dutch-,Lux-,Swe-,VDH-,Ger.Ch. judge:Ann Falconer(UK)