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Click here for news of the combined Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers: 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
NEWS 2012
January/February - March/April - May/June
Sunday 4th March - MARTINI -
INTERNATIONAL DOG SHOW - Groningen, The Netherlands
judge Mrs R.L. Lehtonen - Finland "Majik"
Another SUPER day with ALL 4 of our Goldens winning FIRSTS
in each of their classes !!!!
and Jade going BOB which makes it now 5 out of 5 -
...... with our 5th different dog this year at our 5th show attended
winning a CAC/CC
Ch. Ramchaine Green Glitter winning
the CAC, CACIB, Best Bitch & Best of Breed
Noah of the Hellacious Acres (Ch.Dewmist Servantes x Philomena of the
Hellacious Acres)
- 1st Excellent in Junior Dog
Noah wins his 1st Dutch Junior CAC at 11months of age
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres (Ch.Dewmsit Silk Kymphony x Philomena
of the Hellacious Acres)
- 1st Excellent in Open Dog
Philomena of the Hellacious Acres ( Ch.Taram du Bois de la Rayere x Ch.Ramchaine
Green Glitter)
- 1st Excellent in Open Bitch
German/Danish CH. Ramchaine Green Glitter (Sh.Ch.Erinderry Just the
Ticket from Bluewaters x Multi Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine)
- 1st Excellent in Champion Bitch
Our precious 'Jade' ~ Ch.Ramchaine Green
Glitter went on to become Best Bitch
....... and then Best of Breed - BOB
Lolkje Efde's ~
Porthos of the Hellacious Acres ( Multi Ch. Taram du bois de la Rayere ex Multi Ch. Ramchaine Green Glitter)
……… is now a GERMAN CHAMPION !!!
BIG Congratulations & Well Done to you both ~ we are very proud of your achievements made in the showring xXx
Sunday 18th March
- The South Western Golden Retriever Club Championship Show, England,
judges: Beryl Stokes (Jobeka) - dogs & Ray Scholes (Rossgilde) - bitches
***Vogue wins her 2nd CC & BEST IN SHOW!!!***
Noah of the Hellacious Acres wins 2nd in Puppy Dog
Noah of the Hellacious Acres is 2nd in Junior Dog
Noah of the Hellacious Acres is 2nd in Maiden Dog
Noah of the Hellacious Acres is 2nd in Novice Dog
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres is 1st in Limit Dog
Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW is 1st in Open Bitch
International Show Champion/ Dutch/Luxembourg/German & VDH Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine wins the Bitch Challenge Certificate !!!
………We are sooooo thrilled & proud of our super showgirl!!!
Photo of Best Dog, Best Bitch, Best Puppy & Best Veteran …….. Vogue goes on to win BIS with the agreement of both judges!!!
Sunday 18th March - International
Championshop Show Leiden, The Netherlands
Judge: Frank Knippenborg
Nathalie Croon's ~ Orinocho of the
Hellacious Acres (Multi Ch. Barnum of the Hellacious Acres x Ch. Moondust
became 3rd Excellent in his last Intermediate class
Saturday 24th
March – The German Golden Retriever Club Special Breed Championship Show ,
Cloppenburg, Germany
Judges – Lynne Hennessy (Ritzilyn) - UK – males & George
Hennessy (Ritzilyn) – UK – females
Noah of the
Hellacious Acres (Multi Ch.Dewmist Servantes ex Philomena of the Hellacious
was 2nd Excellent - in Junior Dog from a super entry of 20 males
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ( Multi Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony ex Philomena of the Hellacious Acres) won 1st Excellent - in Open Dog from a large entry of 22 males
Ramchaine MonkeyNut (
Multi Ch Barnum of the Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW)
had her first Intermediate class having only been shown once in puppy and once
in Junior ……
and wanting to keep up with her fellow kennelmates she never let us down
- achieving 1st Excellent - from a big
entry of 19 bitches! ……
and in usual ‘Jina’ fashion she wagged constantly the whole day through
Philomena of the
Hellacious Acres ( Multi Ch Taram du Bois de la Rayere ex Multi Ch Ramchaine
Green Glitter)
was 2nd in Open Bitch from a wonderful entry of 25 bitches
‘Ludwig’ -
Beethoven - pleased us yet again by becoming Best Dog from the
entry 82 males …his critique from Lynne said:-
“ Beautiful head and expression on this most beautiful male. Good neck ,
shoulder, top-line and tail-set.
Good height to length ratio. Super legs and feet. Expertly handled and presented.
Shown in good coat
and condition. Super mover. One of the few today with perfect tail carriage.”
*Thank you again to
ALL the judges who acknowledge & appreciate the many virtues and
qualities of our dogs
- they fill our life with huge amounts of pride and joy and never
ending love
Vogue & Jade both
stayed in England after the SWGRC Championship show with Vogue’s
breeders Sue & Peter Francis
and enjoyed two weeks with their own Goldens and being spoilt with
lots of extra cuddles and the best of care …..
THANK YOU Sue & Peter for loving and looking after them so well over the
fortnight ..…
we don’t think they missed us as much as we missed them!!
Scotland, UK .
Judges : Hazel Gripton (Nojaze) - males, David Mannings (Gatchells) –
Noah of the Hellacious Acres won 1st in Junior Dog from a strong entry of 17 males
Noah of the Hellacious Acres won 1st in Maiden Dog
Noah of the Hellacious Acres won 1st in Novice Dog
After winning 3 x 1st s Noah was 2nd in the Undergraduate Dog class
Philomena of the Hellacious Acres wins 2nd in the large Limit Bitch class - which means - she too now has achieved her official UK KC Stud Book Number …… and her LIFETIME QUALIFICATION for CRUFTS !!!
Ch Ramchaine Green Glitter was 3rd in the super Open Bitch class behind the CC & RCC winners
After the show we enjoyed the glorious sunshine and fabulous views of Scotlands stunning landscape as we drove back down south –
Of course joining us on our travels
- our Sebastian - now 5.5 months old and already he has been all around the
up and down to England & Germany quite a few times, to Denmark, Sweden,
Belgium, France , and now to bonnie Scotland too …..
Sunday 1st April - The YORKSHIRE
Judges : Pat Rowark (Brekswood) – males
; Barbara Keighley (Colbar) –
Noah of the Hellacious Acres achieved 4th in Junior , 4th in Maiden , 5th in Novice & 2nd in Undergraduate.
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres won 1st in Limit Dog
Philomena of the Hellacious Acres was 5th in her Limit class
Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine was 3rd in the large Open Bitch class of 21 entries behind the CC & RCC winners
- Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres – our special, soft, sweet
natured , fun loving,
affectionate boy thrills us yet again with his consistent successes …… and
wins his 1st UK Reserve Challenge Certificate!!!
Sebastian is 6 months old today ..... and joins in daily with the dogs as one of the pack!!!
He thinks it is great fun to watch the dogs at play, or give them a kiss and a cuddle,
..... and they all think his ears & hands are great to wash too !!!
9th April - Easter Monday International Championship 'Paasshow' , Leeuwarden,
The Netherlands
Judge : Val Tregaskis (Steval) - UK
consistent day for the achievements of our showteam ....
Noah of the Hellacious Acres wins 1st Excellent in Junior Dog & the Junior CAC
His critique from Mrs Tregaskis said :
"Very nice young male of 12 months, Very well constructed throughout,
Lovely angles both front & rear, lovely head, very happy showman,
at one with his handler. Moved out well & correctly."
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres is 2nd Excellent in Open Dog
Monkeynut is 2nd Excellent in Intermediate Bitch
Philomena of the Hellacious Acres wins 1st Excellent in Open Bitch
her critique from Mrs. Tregaskis says :
"Very femimine bitch, Oozing Quality, Very Well Constructed,
Good Upper Arm & Lay Back of Shoulder, Good Bone,
Lovely Tight Feet, Happy Wagging Tail, Moved Out Well."
Ch. Ramchaine Green Glitter wins 1st Excellent in Champion Bitch and the RCACIB
her critique said:
"Lovely Blonde young Lady, Oozing Quality, Very Feminine Head,
So Well Balanced & Put Together, Construction to die for,
Lovely Bone, Nice Tight Feet, Moved out easily so well "
21st April 2012
flew to Croatia to judge Golden Retrievers at the Dugo Selo Gundog Specialty
shows Bart with his Best of Breed Golden Retriever.
(for more pictures of the day click onto our JUDGING webpage.)
22nd April 2012 GOES International All Breed Championship Dog Show,
The Netherlands
judge Mrs Sue Ross – Sokenlea (UK)
Bart was still away on his judging trip to Croatia, Charmaine went to a show
with Sebastian and a team of 4 dogs
the help of Sabina & Rosita …thank you girls - I couldn’t have
done it without you - your
assistance very much appreciated!
Again our show team was consistent in their achievements:
of the Hellacious Acres was 2nd Excellent in Junior Dog
of the Hellacious Acres was 1st
Excellent in Open Dog
the judge wrote “ 2 years old, stunning
dog from all angles. Fantastic head with excellent pigmentation.
Well ribbed body.
Superb angulation.
Eye catching outline. Very good bone and feet. Moved with style and
of the Hellacious Acres was 1st
Excellent in Open Bitch
her critique said
“ Very glamourous bitch. Most lovely head with dark eye and expression.
Super front and feet.
Attractive outline with very good angulation. Moved with drive and position.”
Ramchaine Green Glitter was 2nd Excellent in her Champion Bitch class.
29th April Lingen
International All Breed Championship Dog Show , Germany
Judge : Dagmar Winter – Fourwind Cottage(Germany)
A most SUPER day for our 3 Goldens taken with us ……..
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres wins 1st Excellent with the VDH award in Open Dog
of the Hellacious Acres wins 1st
Excellent with the VDH award in Open
Bitch –
- as usual wagging her tail constantly !!!
Multi Ch Ramchaine Green Glitter wins 1st Excellent with the VDH award in Champion Bitch
Ludwig goes on to become BEST DOG with the CAC & CACIB awards
Jade goes on to become BEST BITCH with the CAC & CACIB awards
goes on to become RESERVE BEST BITCH with the RCAC & RCACIB awards
precious Jade – “Ch Ramchaine Green Glitter”
( Sh Ch Erinderry Just The Ticket from Bluewaters JW ex Multi Ch Remington
Requisite of Ramchaine)
………. then wins Best of Breed
*** We are still on a winning streak!!! *** With 4x separate CHAMPION TITLES gained this month !!! ***
wait for the necessary complete
calendar year between his first and last CAC wins is over
and with over 20 x CACs won in
between!! …. ‘Ludwig’
Ludwig also gets his GERMAN CHAMPION TITLE.
Ludwig achieves his
with 6 x CACIBs gained in Belgium, Germany , Sweden & the Netherlands
(… and again the necessary wait for one complete calendar year between the
first and the last won).
Ludwig’s mum ‘Philomena of the Hellacious Acres’ becomes a GERMAN CHAMPION TOO !!!
Another title added to the Hellacous Acres collection,
Ania Kraska's Xena of the Hellacious is now a Polish Champion!!!
Back to news of January/February 2012 - News 2011