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NEWS 2010
Jan/Feb/March - April/May/June - July/August/Sept - Oct/Nov/Dec
10-07-2010 Gelschenkirchen(GER): 1st very promissing puppy class at his first show at the tender age of 7 months Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres judge: Dagmar Winter(GER)
10-07-2010 Gelschenkirchen(Duitsl.): eerste veel belovend in de puppy klasse op de leeftijd van 7 maanden Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres keurmeester: Dagmar Winter (Duitsl.)
10-07-2010 Gelschenkirchen(GER): 1st intermediate class Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW, Lux-,Dutch-,Ger.- JCH. with CAC and VDH judge: Raimund Gabriel(GER)
10-07-2010 Gelschenkirchen(Duitsl.): eerste tussenklasse Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW, Lux-,Ned.-,Duits- jeugdkamp. met CAC en VDH judge: R.Gabriel(Duitsl.)
10-07-2010 Gelschenkirchen(GER) : 1st Champion bitch with CAC and VDH SH.CH.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine judge: Raimund Gabriel)GER)
This VDH award made her up into a GERMAN CHAMPION(VDH) after just starting her showcareer on the continent a year ago at the age of 10 and a half years.
Judges often wonder and ask if that;s realy her age and YES she doesn;t show it or act it.....................She is still going strong and isl enjoying every minute of showing!!!!!!!!!!!!
********************WELL DONE JAZZZZZZZZZZZ*************************
10-07-2010 Gelschenkirchen(GER) : 3rd open bitch Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW returning after an absence of over a year because of maternal duties judge : Raimund Gabriel(GER)
10-07-2010 Gelschenkirchen(GER) : 3e open teven Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW "JEREE" terug na een jaaruit de ring te zijn geweest vanwege het krijgen van een nestje.
Sunday the 11th of july 2010 Charmaine and Bart and their chosen four representatives of the Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres showteam were at Hoisdorf - Germany at a DRC retriever breeds championship show the judge for that day for the Golden Retrievers was Aiden McKiernan from Ireland. They did very well with great results for all four plus the extra two boys bred by US and shown by Lolkje Efde
Lolkje with Dileas (Ramchaine Musketeer) getting ready for the ring.
Dileas winning the puppyclass proudly owned by Lolkje and Jorrit
"Ludwig" (Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres) second in puppy dogs only beaten by Dileas
Porthos of the Hellacious Acres gained the fourth place in open dogs.
"VOGUE" winning the intermediate bitch class with CAC and VDH.
"JAZMIN" winning the champion class bitches with CAC and VDH
"JAZMIN"gained her DRC German Club Champion title at this show too.
"WELL DONE" JAZ and CHARMAINE so she is now oficially called:
UK Show Champion, VDH Champion and German Champion Remington Requisite of Ramchaine, but for us she is still JAZMIN
"JEREE" did well too by winning a strong open bitch class and gaining another CAC and VDH.
JEREE is very proud on her son Ramchaine Musketeer and his string of 5 x firsts since starting his show career
BOB Ch.Erinderry Night to Remember and BOS Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine with judge Aiden McKiernan
At saturday the 17th
of july Charmaine and Bart started with their new young hopefulls at the GRCN
"open" summershow in Rijssen the Netherlands.
The judges were: Gail Brodie (Chadzo) - dogs and Jane Storey(Rosenjay) - bitches - both from the UK.
It turned out to be a super day for our little angels, they behaved so well and enjoyed their day out and made us very proud breeders with their results.
The day got even better with the super BIS show win by Jacob of the Hellacious Acres (owned by Sabina)
Op zaterdag 17 july Hadden Charmaine en Bart hun nieuwe beloften op de GRCN "open" zomershow in Rijssen.
De keurmeesters waren: Gail Brodie (Chadzo) - reuen en Jane Storey(Rosenjay) - teven - beiden uit Engeland.
Het is een hele mooie dag geworden voor onze kleine Engeltjes, ze gedroegen zich zo goed en hadden veel plezier and en maakten ons hele trotse fokkers en eigenaren met hun resultaten.
De dag werd nog mooier door de Best in Show win van Jacob of the Hellacious Acres (eigenaar Sabina)
This is Melissa of the Hellacious Acres at her very first show.
The practicing has paid off !!!!! - Charmaine and Melissa stacked.
Melissa is shortlisted from a large class of puppy bitches.
"WOW" first at her first show!!! Melissa of the Hellacious Acres best puppy bitch!!!!
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres
"LUDWIG" freestanding!!!
"LUDWIG" stacked!!!
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres best puppy dog !!!
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres beats his half sister Melissa of the Hellacious Acres for best puppy in show.
4th puppy dogs Ramchaine Musketeer.
2nd open dogs Porthos of the Hellacious Acres.
1st open dogs Jacob of the Hellacious Acres proudly owned by Sabina Beentjes.
BEST IN SHOW at the Golden retriever club summershow 2010 - Jacob of the Hellacious Acres -WELL DONE Sabina!!!
On sunday the 18th of july 2010 Charmaine and Bart and their "golden" showteam went to Luxembourg Retriever Club Championship show at Mertret.
Judges for this day were Christine Ashton (Willowlawn) - dogs and Jo Naylor (Frankby) - bitches, both from the UK.
Again a succesfull day in the very hot sun, but we all enjoyed it !
First in puppy dog our "LUDWIG" - Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres.
LUDWIG by Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony and Philomena of the Hellacious Acres.
"JADE" Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter a JAZMIN daughter by Sh.Ch.Erinderry Just the Ticket from Bluewaters
"JADE" wins the Champion bitch class with CACL.
"JEREE" Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW, a JAZMIN daughter by Ch.Xanthos Fletcher Christian JW.
"JEREE" wins open bitch and is the winner of best open class in show under mr. Guy Kipps (LUX).
Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW wins best bitch with CAC, pictured here with bitch judge Jo Naylor(UK)
On the 24th of july 2010 the UK GRC clubshow was held at Stoneleigh park at the KC building.
Weather was nice so the show was held at the field before it.
Of course the Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Goldens were well represented especially in the bitch ring were the bitches were judged by Mrs. Valerie Foss from the UK.
Op de 24e juli 2010 werd de kampioenschapsclubshow van de Engelse Golden retriever club gehouden op Stoneleigh park in het gebouw van de Kennelclub.
Het weer was mooi dus de show werd buiten gehouden.
Natuurlijk waren de Ramchaine en Hellacious Acres goldens goed vertegenwoordigd speciall in de teven ring waar zij werden gekeurd door Mrs. Valerie Foss uit de UK.
2nd in Yearling bitch: Multi jun.Ch. Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine handled as usual by Charmaine.
2e in de Yearling teven: Multi jeugdkamp.Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine als gewoonlijk geshowd door Charmaine.
Vogue obviously liked her show day out. Vogue heeft plezier op haar show uitje.
Vogue in the class line up to become second in Yearling. -Vogue staand op haar best en werd tweede in haar Yearling klasse.
Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter (JADE) was 4th in open bitch. - Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter (JADE) werd 4e in de open klasse teven.
Jade her sister Sh.Ch.Green Glow of Fenwood became 2nd in open bitch and won the res.CC.
Jade haar zuster Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow of Ramchaine werd 2e in de open klasse teven en behaalde de res.CC.
1st in Limit bitch was Ramchaine Ilyssia at Jobeka -1e in de Limit teven werd Ramchaine Ilyssia at Jobeka.
On the 25th of July the Leeds Championship show was held at "Harewood House" bitch judge was K.Greenwood (UK)
Op de 25ste juli werd de Leeds kampioenschapstentoonstelling gehouden op "harewood House" keurmeester K.Greenwood(UK)
1st yearling bitches: Multi jun.Ch.Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW.
1e yearling teven: Multi jeugd kamp. Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW
3rd limit bitch: Ramchaine Ilyssia at Jobeka - 3e in de Limit teven klasse werd Ramchaine Ilyssia at Jobeka.
3rd in open bitch was Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter -- 3e in de open klasse teven werd Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter.
4th in open bitch was Jade's sister Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow at Fenwood JW.
4e in de open teven klasse werd Jade's zuster Sh.Ch.Green Glow at Fenwood JW.
At the 7th of august 2010 Charmaine and Bart went to Kreutztal - Germany with their showteam, this time consisting out:
Jeree, Vogue and Philomena and her son Ludwig.
It turned out to become a great day again. Look for yourself !
Op 7 augustus 2010 gingen Charmaine en Bart met hun showteam op weg naar Kreutztal in Duitsland.
Hun showteam bestond deze keer uit Jeree, Vogue en Philomena en haar zoon Ludwig.
Het werd weer een hele mooie dag, overtuig uw zelf maar
The judges were: Sandra and Bob Lane (UK)
De keurmeesters waren: Sandra en Bob Lane (UK)
1st puppy dog Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres (Ludwig) (Ch.Dewmist Silk Symphony x Philomena of the Hellacious Acres)
1st intermediate bitch Multi jun.Ch.Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW, with CAC and VDH.
1st champion bitch Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW (Jeree) with CAC and VDH
And back again - Philomena of the Hellacious Acres (Ch.Taram du Bois de la Rayere x Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter)
1st open bitch Philomena of the Hellacious Acres with CAC and VDH.
Kreutztal 2010 BOB - Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW (JEREE) with judges Sandra and Bob Lane
After their Scottish experience were they had a wonderfull time, Charmaine, Bart and Vogue went to the Welsh Kennelclub Championshipshow which was held at the 22th of august at Builth Wells.
It turned out to become a special day again with Multi jun.Ch.Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW winning post graduate bitch and gaining the res.CC - the judge was Malcolm Godefroy(UK).
Na hun Schotland reis die fantastisch was, togen Charmaine, Bart en Vogue naarde Wales kampioenschapstentoonstelling die gehouden werd op 22 august2010 te Builth Wells.
Het werd wederom een onvergetelijke dag want Multi junior Champion Velvenya Vogueof Ramchaine won the res. CC vanuit de post graduate klasse, de keurmeester was M.Godefroy uit Engeland.
Multi jun.Ch/Velevenya Vogue winning her postgraduate class with res. CC
Headstudy on the day of Vogue.
Vogue enjoying her day out - another very special girl for us!
Also succes for another Ramchaine bred puppy bred by Charmaine and owned by the family Groen from Heiloo (NL)
They travelled to Mechelen-Belgium at the 22th of august 2010 and became best baby with their four month old daughter from
Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW and Int.-,and UK Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres NL-,VDH-,Ger.Ch,W'08 the judge was
Mrs.Ann Woodcock from the UK.
Ook succes voor een nieuw Ramchaine puppie, gefokt door Charmaine en de eigenaar is de fam.Groen uit Heiloo (NL)
Zij reisden helemaal naar Mechelen-Belgie op de 22e augustus 2010 en werden beste in de babyklasse met hun 4 maanden
oude dochter van Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW en Int.-,en Uk.Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres NL-,VDH en Duits kampioen ,W'08
de keurmeesteresse was Mrs.Ann Woodcock uit Engeland.
Ramchaine Sweet Chesnut 1st babyclass - 1ste in de babyklasse judge/keurmeester : Mrs.Ann Woodcock(UK)
At the clubshow of the Belgian Golden Retrieverclub the Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Golden retrievers were represented by
Sabine Beentjes with Jacob of the Hellacious Acres and Lolkje Efde with Ramchaine Musketer and Porthos of the Hellacious Acres.
And we were proud on them, Well Done Sabine and Lolkje.
Op de clubshow van de Belgische Golden retrieverclub werden de Ramchaine en Hellacious Ares golden retrievers vertegenwoordigd
door Sabine Beentjes en Lolkje Efde met Jacob of the Hellacious Acres en Ramchaine Musketeer en Porthos of the Hellacious Acres.
En we waren weer trots op hun, Gefeleciteerd met de successen Sabine en Lolkje.
1 st open klasse reuen : Jacob of the Hellacious Acres 1st open dogs Jacob of the Hellacious Acres judge: mrs.P.Comer(UK)
1st in de open klasse reuen Jacob of the Hellacious Acres met Sabine en 2e Porthos of the Hellacious Acres met Lolkje
1st open dogs Jacob of the Hellacious Acres judge : mrs. P.Comer.(UK)
1st puppy dogs - 1ste puppy reuen Ramchaine Musketeer judge mrs. P.Comer (UK)
On Saturday 28th
of August just coming back from Scotland Charmaine and Bart traveled to
The first day we drove to
Our little boy Beethoven of the
Hellacious Acres did very well winning a very large junior class (18),
only just out of puppy, at 9 months of age , and gained his first German J.
Melissa of the Hellacious Acres also had her first junior class at the age of nine
months and was 4th.
Jeree. (Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential
JW) won the Champion class with
Philomena of the Hellacious Acres came next with a hard act to follow and brought us the
highlight of the day by not only winning a strong open class but going
further to use all her charms , very sweet character and constantly wagging
tail, to be awarded Best Bitch ……
And…………….ultimately chosen by the two judges as their BEST
OF BREED!!!!!!
The second day of our German weekend : Sunday 29thAugust in
Schwarmstedt where our lovely goldens were that day judged by Kjel Svenson (Seacrest).
“Schloss Bothmer”, turned out to be a lovely venue and on the end of the day a successful
one for us too with all four dogs winning firsts in their respective
classes! , with JEREE becoming BEST
BITCH (What a Weekend - 8 x classes
- 7 x firsts!!!!!!!!!!!)
1st junior dog with junior
2nd junior dog with res.junior
2nd in open dog “PORTHOS”of
the Hellacious Acres(res.
1st junior bitch with J.
Charmaine both concentrating!
“JEREE” (Sh.Ch.Ramchaine
Essential JW) winning Champion class with
1st open bitch with
BOB and
On the 4th of September 2010 the Ramchaine and Hellacious
Acres “Globetrotters” went on their way, this time to Luxemburg CACIB
Championship show in the city of
An international renowned “meeting” point where you find exhibitors
from a great variety of countries. The main goal is to gain that
“ Luxemburg Championship title”
Our team consisted this time out of Jeree
and Vogue both on the edge of gaining
their respective titles. Judge on this occasion was Mrs. A.M.Rhodin from
4 september 2010 trokken de Ramchaine en Hellacious Acres “wereldreizigers”
Luxemburg waar het doel altijd is om die fel begeerde Luxemburgse Kampioenstitel
te behalen.
hadden deze maal maar een klein team mee dat bestond uit JEREE en VOGUE,
op het randje van het behalen van hun titels de keurmeester kwam uit Zweden en
heette mevr. A.M.Rhodin.
Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW may also add the title of “
Luxemburg Champion” to
her list which she gained out of Champion class. Well done little “JEREE”
Essential JW behaalde
haar “Luxemburgse
kampioenstitel” komende uit de kampioensklasse.
Vogue started in her first open bitch
class, her intermediate times are
over, on the 20th of August she became two years old. But it didn’t
stop her from winning her class with
So she is
LUX.CH. Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine
JW, Lux-,VDH-,
Vogue moest
deze keer vanwege haar leeftijd starten in de open klasse die ze glansrijk won
en zodoende mag ook zij zich “Luxemburgs kampioen” noemen
“Vogue” did
even better by becoming “Best Bitch” with CACIB and
Driving back home with two new titles on one day was a special feeling
for Charmaine and Bart, another mission accomplished. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
deed er nog een schepje bovenop door “Beste
Teef” te worden, het CACIB te
winnen en “Best opposite sex”te
we terug reden naar huis met twee nieuwe titels was dat wel weer een bijzonder
gevoel, weer een opdracht volbracht. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
August 2010 was picked to be a very special month with
the long drive from
Bart and Charmaine
had decided that for them, with their immense passion for the breed, that there
was no better place to begin married life together ......
than where
their beloved breed had begun too! Rather romantic don't you think?
now magnificent ruins of the Guisachan Estate, in the village
of Tomich, Inverness-shire, where
Lord Tweedmouth had lived and developed the origins of the
Golden Retriever between 1835 - 1890's - provided an unusual backdrop
to some interesting wedding photos!
It is hard to say whether it is a coincidence or just
faith but as you can see the 1st Lord Tweedmouth his name was
Sir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks BART,
The ceremony itself was held on a small
cruise boat on the wonderful waters of Loch Ness with in the
backdrop the ruins of
The reception after was at the Tomich
Hotel itself - a very fitting venue we thought.
Many of our family and guests stayed to
enjoy the wedding week in Tomich - staying either in the Tomich Hotel
itself or the Tomich Holidaypark ( what used to be the Home Farm
- and
took the opportunity to visit the stunning scenery and beautiful landscapes
of the Glenaffric mountains, with its impressive gorges, water
courses, waterfalls , massive pine trees and vast parkland.
Bart and Charmaine picked the Guisachan Lodge next door to the
Kennels as their place to reside for the week with its very lovely gardens.
Barnum & Vogue were the
lucky two chosen to be able to join in the celebrations and take part in
the week’s activities: -
& had
the important role of being the ring bearers on the special day itself.
Altogether it became a truly 'Golden'
occasion with some wonderful memories to treasure
and Bart
Championshipshow(NL) on the 26th of September saw Tony Copeland (UK)
judging. Bart and Charmaine, still recovering from a very busy August month
stayed at home and were pleased to see that Ramchaine Sweet Chesnut
became best baby ; Ramchaine Musketeer was 4th in junior
despite having lost his beautiful puppycoat; & Porthos of the Hellacious
Acres was 2nd in open dog.
‘well done’ from US, who spent the day in Twisk!!!!!
Click here for the news of Oct/Nov/Dec 2010