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Judging 2012
Click to see photos of the shows from 2012 - 2011 - & 2010 and before
Saturday 21st April 2012
Bart flew to Croatia to judge Golden Retrievers at the Dugo Selo Gundog Specialty Show.
Photo shows Bart with his Best of Breed Golden Retriever.
Followed by some other winners of the day.
Sunday 27th May - Scotland
Charmaine judged at the Gundog Breeds of Scotland Open show in Lanepark
Charmaine with the Best Puppy bitch and Best Puppy dog
Charmaine with the Best of Breed and the Best Opposite Sex
Writing critique's on the classwinners
Saturday 16th June – Norway
Bart judged at the Norsk Retrieverklubb Kongsvinger Champion Specialty Show at Skarnes in Norway, the photo shows Bart with his Best Dog & Best Bitch
Bart with his best dogs
Bart with his best bitches
8th and Sunday 9th of September 2012, Warsaw, Poland.
went to Warsaw to judge a CAC National General Breed show and also at the Polish
Retriever Club Championship show on the kind invitation of the Polish Retriever
ging op 8 en 9 september naar Warschau in Polen om daar een CAC show en de
clubshow van de Poolse retriever club te keuren, hieronder ziet u de resultaten.
- 8th of September – All breed CAC show organized by the Warsaw Dog Society.
Bart and his Best Dog. Bart en zijn beste reu.
with his co-judge with the BOB and BOS.
Bart met zijn co-keurmeester met de
BOB en de BOS.
- 9th of September – Polish Retriever Club Championship show
Bart and his Best Bitch. Bart en zijn beste teef.
Bart and his co– judge with the BOB. Bart en zijn co– keurmeester en de BOB.
Bart with his Best in Show. Bart met zijn Best in Show.
Bart and his co- judges with the Best in Show. Bart en zijn co– keurmeesters met de Best in Show.