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Click here for news of the combined Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers: 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
NEWS 2013
January/February - March/April - May/June - July/August - September/October - November/December
3rd November – Bleiswijk International All Breed Dog Show , The Netherlands .
Judge: Tuula Pratt (Finland)
super day for our young quality showteam winning
3 x 1sts, 1 x 2nd, the dog JAC & RCAC, the bitch JCAC & RCAC, and
Best Bitch with the CAC & RCACIB!!!
- German Junior Champion Ramchaine Moment
of Truth
( Multi Ch Majik Truth or Dare ex Ramchaine MonkeyNut)
1st Excellent in the Junior Dog class with the JCAC
Noah - Dutch Junior Champion Noah of the Hellacious Acres
(Multi Ch Dewmist Servantes ex Ch Philomena of the Hellacious Acres)
2nd Excellent in the Open Dog class
becomes Reserve Best Dog with the RCAC
( but still too young at only 13months of age to be awarded the RCACIB )
Lisza – German Junior Champion Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres
( Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Ch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres)
1st Excellent in the Junior Bitch class ....... freestood and continually wagging and wagging !!
Fern – Ramchaine Moonbeam
( Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Ramchaine Moonstruck)
decided it was time to drop all her coat in the bath the day before - we decided to still show her as she has nothing to hide with her fabulous contruction and can move like a dream .... so were thrilled with her winning 1st Excellent in the Intermediate Bitch Class
Our Fern becomes BEST BITCH with the CAC & CACIB awards !!!
Lisza becomes Reserve Best Bitch with the RCAC
( but still too young at 16 months of age to be awarded the RCACIB)
The judge Tuula Pratt with her Best Dog & Best Bitch
Sunday 10th November
– GRCN Kastanje Open Show – NL
Dog Judges : Ulrika Zetterfeldt (Siversign) Sweden
Bitch Judge : Fanny Hellstrom (Heatwave)
An enjoyable day out with 5 of our youngsters
Ramchaine Pink Persona - made her first ring appearance at 6 months of age and thrilled us winning BEST PUPPY BITCH!!!!
Ramchaine Pink Persona - “Fiona” is by Ch Thornywait Aceymac ex our Barnum/Jeree daughter Ramchaine Moonstruck.
Also making her show debut our 7 month old Cleopatra of the Hellacious Acres – who pushed her kennelmate hard and became 2nd in the lovely class of 14 puppies.
“Cleo” is by Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Sophia of the Hellacious Acres
Ramchaine Pink Passion “Flame” did well at her first show being shortlisted to the last 7 out of the 14 puppies entered – BIG BIG thank you to Cheryl for handling her so expertly on her first show outing and giving her a great first ring experience.
Ramchaine Bootylicious “Luicy” was 3rd in a strong class of 14 Junior Bitches
Ramchaine Moment of Truth “Trevor” was 3rd in Junior Dog
Saturday 16th November
– DRC Club Show – Kassel
Judge : Filip Johnson – Daintys - Sweden
Ramchaine Moonbeam won 1st Excellent in her Intermediate Bitch Class and the CAC – her many qualities shining through despite being out of coat !
Sophia of the Hellacious Acres had her first show outing since her litter to Ludwig and became 2nd Excellent in the large Open class wiinning the RCAC
Sunday 17th November
– KCWF Open Show – NL –
A BIG thankyou to Nathalie, Lisanne & Sabina for helping out with showing
our youngest and giving them an
enjoyable and fun time in and out of the ring – and a win from every class
Winona of the Hellacious Acres ( Ch Noah of the Hellacious Acres ex Morwenna of the Hellacious Acres) won 1st in her Baby Class and Best Baby in Breed – expertly shown by Nathalie Croon
Ramchaine Rosalia ( Ch Noah of the Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW) won 1st in the Puppy Bitch class and became Best Puppy in Breed , our happy extrovert ‘Rosie’ wriggled and waggled and had a great time out in the limelight giving her handler Lisanne van der Scheun hard work trying to keep her 4 feet on the ground !!! Well done Lisanne – you did GREAT with her!
Ramchaine Pink Persona ( Belgian Ch Thornywait Aceymac ex Ramchaine Moonstruck) handled by Charmaine was 2nd in the Puppy Bitch class
Cleopatra of the Hellacious Acres ( Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Sophia of the Hellacious Acres) was 3rd in the Puppy Bitch class. she showed brilliantly freestood or stacked liked a pro already for her handler Sabina Beentjes!
Ramchaine Bootylicious ( Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres ex Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW) won 1st in her Junior Bitch class
Ramchaine Moment of Truth ( Multi Ch Majik Truth or Dare ex Ramchaine MonkeyNut) won 1st in his Junior Dog Class
Cloppenburg - November
30th – German GRC ADVENTS Championship Show
Judges : Sue Towers (Alibren) UK – Dogs;
Anne Woodcock (Stanroph) UK – Bitches;
Scholtz (Golden Sunlights) Germany – Babies/Intermediate/Champion
lovely day amid friends and fellow competitors at this spacious super well run
show with a touch of Christtmas spirit and decor to make it more special as the
last GRC show of the year with the
culmination of points to determine the GRC Clubsieger 2013.
Noah of the Hellacious Acres NJK wins 1st Excellent from an entry of 29 males in the Open Dog Class with the CAC award !!!
We are sooooo happy!!! The wait for the one calender year between the first and last CAC needed to achieve his German Champion Title is completed and this last CAC won for Noah made him into a GERMAN CHAMPION !!!!
German JCH Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres has her first Intermediate Class and thrills us winning 1st Excellent with her first German CAC !!! After winning the Resreve Best Bitch in Holland the week before we have high hopes and dreams for our young Lisza!!!
Dutch Ch & VDH Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts UKJW had her first show outing since her litter to Noah and was in top form winning 1st Excellent in the Champion Bitch Class with the CAC
This win gave Jaq her GERMAN CHAMPION TITLE to add to her name too!!!
Phyllis of the Hellacious Acres owned by Sabina Beentjes won 3rd Excellent in the large Open bitch class of 29 entries.
Our newly crowned CH Noah of the Hellacious Acres makes our already super day even better by winning BEST DOG under Sue Towers and Ruth Scholtz !!
........ and then BOB & BEST IN SHOW too - from the huge entry of 195 exhibits, under the unanimous agreement of all 3 judges!!!
To add to the pinnacle Noah is also declared the GRC CLUBSIEGER 2013 as the TOP WINNING Golden of the year !!!
..... and so we travelled home on a cloud with the days successes of 3 x 1sts, 3 x CACs, 2 x new champions, another title started , Best Dog , Best in Show and the Clubsieger 2013 ......
Sunday 8th December
Kassel International All Breed Championship Show, Germany
Judge – Herr Hans Gruttner
German JCH Ramchaine Moment Of Truth had his first opportunity to be in the Intermediate Class of 15 to 24 months - being 15 months plus 1 day ..... and won his class with 1st Excellent and the VDH CAC !!
German Ch Noah of the Hellacious Acres NJK won 2nd in Open Dog with the Reserve VDH CAC
German JCH Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres won 2nd in Intermediate bitch with the Reserve VDH CAC
The Royal Dutch
KennelClub- Koninklijke Nederlandse Kennelclub -
“Cynophilia” All Breed International Championship Dog Show – Friday 13th
December –
Our German Junior Champion Ramchaine Moment of Truth DJK wins 1st Excellent in the Junior Class under judge Tineke Pillement-Heijden and gains his DUTCH JUNIOR CHAMPION TITLE at 15 months of age.
Ramchaine Moment of Truth competes in the Main ring for Best Junior in Show from the FCI groups 1 to 10 and is shortlised to the last 6 from ALL the breeds under judge Dimitris Antonoppoulos from Greece.!!!
Our ever wagging Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres wins 2nd Excellent in the junior Class under judge tineke Pillment-Heijden
German Ch Noah of the Hellacious Acres NJK wins 2nd Excellent in the Open Dog Class under judge Tamas Jakkel from Hungary.
The Royal Dutch Kennel
Club – Koninklijke Nederlandse Kennelclub “Cynophilia”
AMSTERDAM WINNER SHOW – Sunday 15th December -
Judge Ewa Nielsen (Sweden)
International Sh Ch / Dutch Ch / Danish Ch / German Ch & VDH Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres wins 1st Excellent in the Champion Dog Class
Our Multi CH Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres “Ludwig” becomes Best Male and achieves the AMSTERDAM WINNER TITLE 2013
. Ludwig becomes our 3rd Golden to win this Prestigious Dutch Title following in the footsteps of his grandmother Multi Ch Ramchaine Green Glitter - Amsterdam Winner 2012 and best mate Multi Ch Barnum of the Hellacious Acres – Amsterdam Winner 2008 !!!
Ludwig wins BEST OF BREED at the Amsterdam Winner Show 2013!!!
We are very proud of our wonderful boy!
Ludwig after winning BOB ..... in his favourite pose !!!
Saturday 21st December
– International All Breed KERSTSHOW- NL
Judge : Mrs Warendorf –NL
Dutch & German Junior Champion Ramchaine Moment of Truth won 1st Exceelent in the Junior Dog Class
German CH Noah of the Hellacious Acres NJK won 2nd Excellent in the Open Dog Class
Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres became 3rd Excellent in the Junior Bitch class
Ramchaine Moonbean won 2nd Excellent in the Intermediate Bitch Class
On another sad note for
this year we said goodbye to our beloved “Jeena”
Eastonwood High Falutin of Ramchaine – she had turned 15 years of age in
September and like all of our dearly loved departed has left a huge hole in our
lives and pain in our hearts with her loss. Sleeptight sweet girl xxx
(pictured above top right with Jazmin on her left, daughter Jiorj below, then
Jeree & Jewl)