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Click here for news of the combined Ramchaine and Hellacious Acres Golden Retrievers: 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
NEWS 2013
January/February - March/April - May/June - July/August - September/October - November/December
on a quick photoshoot on a cold winters
day in Twisk!
are pictures of our Jina ( Ramchaine MonkeyNut) babies from Nigel at 5.5 months
of age :
Truly True – Trudie
Truly Madly Deeply - Maddie
Moment of Truth – Trevor
Bootylicious (Vogue ex Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres) @ 8 months
of the Hellacious Acres ( Jacquetta ex Multi Ch Beethoven of the Hellacious
Acres) @ 8 months of age
Saturday 2nd March – Judge Susan Webster ( Benjcroft)
Junior CH Noah of the Hellacious Acres now 23 months of age won the Intermediate
Dog Class .
critique from the judge said: “very well
balanced quality dog of lovely type. Shown in very good coat. Super head , eye,
& expression, well set ears, good length of neck into good forehand
construction. Good depth of chest, very good spring & length of rib. Strong over loin. Well bent stifle, well
let down hocks. Correct tailset & super level topline held on the move.
Moved correctly. Beautifully
presented & very well handled. Lovely temperament.
- Ramchaine Moonbeam at 13 months of age in a strong Junior Bitch class.
wins 1st Excellent with the JCAC award .
critique from the judge said: “quality
bitch of lovely type. Super bone & substance & outline. Feminine head
with pleasing eye & expression. Good length of neck into straight front,
good forechest & very good forehand angulation. Already quite deep, with a
good bend of stifle. Correct tailset & firm level topline. Shown in very
good coat& condition. Very well presented and handled. Moved out easily with
style. A lovely bitch all through. Excellent . ”
wins Best Dog with the CAC & CACIB awards ……. and a BIG rosette!!
A loving
kiss for our sweet boy to say ‘well done’ for showing so well &
Photo of
the judge Susan Webster with her Best Dog & Best Bitch
We are very proud of the offspring of our Multi Ch Beethoven of the H/A & our Multi Ch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW who have all made a GREAT start to the show careers winning at shows and getting BEST PUPPY awards……very well done to you all xXx
Ramchaine Double Delicious owned by Ana Radovahovic (Golden Romance) from Serbia had her first show and was 1st Very Promising & Best Puppy in breed at Belgrade International Show!!
Ramchaine Bubbalicious owned by Lyn Anderson (Linchael) was Best Puppy In Show at the Golden Retriever Club of Northumbria Breed Specific Open Show. She also has a few Best Puppy awards at All Breed Open shows and done impressively in the main ring with 2 x Reserve Best Puppy In Show awards !!
Ramchaine Fabulicious owned by Joanne Gerhold was Best Puppy Dog at the Eastern Counties GRC Breed Specific Open Show under judge John Kuijpers (Fiveshill) .
Saturday 9th March – CRUFTS – NEC , Birmingham, England
Our International Sh Ch /Dutch CH/German & VDH CH Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres was in the super quality large Open Dog class with lots of champions from many different countries.
‘Ludwig’ was shortlisted to the last 8 under judge Heather Morss (Xanthos)
International Sh Ch /Dutch Ch/Lux Ch/German & VDH CH Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine was in the large champion filled Open Bitch class.
was Vogue’s first show outing
after her maternal duties for her first litter.
…………We thought she was looking fantastic!!!
Vogue was shortlisted in the large champion filled Open bitch class and placed 4th under judge
Ch Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood JW was also shortlisted in the Open class and
placed 5th.
23rd April - Cloppenburg
- Germany - GRC Specialty Breed Championship Show
Dog judge: Mrs.Eva Nielsen (Swe-Dream
Max) : Bitch judge: Mrs.Eileen
Caisley (UK-Standfast).
adventurous experience with our team of 6 youngsters plus Sebastian - all under
3 years of age - who did us proud
by ALL achieving a rosette and between them 3 x 1sts, 2 x 2nds & 1 x 3rd !!!
Our sweet baby ‘Trevor’ - Ramchaine Moment of Truth – by Multi Ch Majik Truth or Dare ex Ramchaine MonkeyNut – now 6 months old - had his first Puppy Class , and made a great performance in the ring.
Trevor is 1st Very Promising in the Puppy Dog Class
Ramchaine Moment of Truth is made BEST PUPPY DOG & BEST PUPPY IN SHOW!!!
Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres wins 1st Very Promising in the Puppy Bitch Class
Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres is by our Multi CH Beethoven of the H/A ex Ch Jacquetta of the H/A.
Lisza- now 8 months of age - wins BEST PUPPY BITCH!!
‘Luicy’ - Ramchaine Bootylicious – is now 9 months old had her very 1st Junior Class .
Ramchaine Bootylicious is 2nd Excellent in the Junior Bitch Class from a super class of 18 entries.
Belly Dancer is now 17 months old and wins 2nd Excellent in the large
Intermediate Bitch class of 20 entries.
Ramchaine MonkeyNut had her first show since having her first litter and was 3rd Excellent in the Open Bitch class.
Noah of the Hellacious Acres turned 2 years of age the day before the show on the 22nd March so had his very first Open Dog class – it was a HUGE class with an entry of 23 males!
won the Open class becoming 1st
Excellent with the CAC & VDH awards.
31st March - in SERBIA
with his Best of Breed Winner in Serbia where he judged the Golden Retrievers at
VRSAC CACIB All Breed International
Championship Dog Show .
April 2013 - @ home in Twisk
Our Ramchaine Belly Dancer ( Dewmist Lawrence of Arabia ex Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW) has her health results tests back – Hips: A – Elbows: FREE – Eyes : CLEAR ……. Yippee!!!
The puppies are here!!! It is going to be an intensive and busy time in our ‘maternity ward’ looking after the new arrivals and their mums….. changing beds/ cutting nails/washing trousers/extra feeds/ keeping guard to make none get accidentally sat or stood on by an over keen mummy /and ensuring sure all get a teat and are fed equally every hour around the clock!!! .... Camp bed strategically placed in the middle of them all to keep up with the overnight ‘puppywatch’ duties for those precious first few weeks.
13th April Ruma International Championship Show in Serbia
Double Delicious wins the bitch JCAC and
her litter brother Ramchaine Fan Dabby Dozy wins the JCAC, JBOB &JBOG and
to Ana Radovanovic for doing so well with the pair!!
20th April – GOES International All Breed Championship Dog Show –
The Netherlands -
Judge : Mrs. Ann Hodgson ( Rikita) UK
…. a consistent day of ….. nearly …. but not quite ….
Noah of the Hellacious Acres was 2nd Excellent in Open Dog
Ramchaine Moonbeam was 2nd Excellent in Junior Bitch
Phyllis of the Hellacious Acres was 2nd Excellent in Open Bitch
of the Hellacious Acres was 2nd Excellent in Champion Bitch
Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th April 2013 - Czech Republic
Bart judged the bitches on the Saturday
Bart with his Best junior Bitch and junior Clubwinner 2013
Bart with his Best Bitch and Clubwinner 2013
Bart judged the dogs and BOB on the Sunday
Bart with his best dog and BOS
An impression from Prague and its achitecture and history which Bart visited on his trip to the Czech Republic