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Cute little Martha of the Hellacious Acres and Mirjam.
Martha full of style
Free standing Martha shows all her qualities
Martha 16 months old.
Bart and Martha on the move at the Spezialzuchtschau Cloppenburg (Germany ).
Martha of the Hellacious Acres at the age of 17 months old.
Martha of the Hellacious Acres at the Spezialzuchtschau Cloppenburg (Germany ).
24th of april 2005: Martha of the Hellacious Acres taking the res. CAC at Leiden championshipshow.
5-5-2005: Martha of the Hellacious Acres 3 Ex. Intermediate class out of 42, GRCN Championclubshow.
7-05-2005: Europasiegershow Dortmund(Ger.) Martha of the Hellacious Acres-2 Ex. intermediate class with CAC.
14-05-'05: Martha at the Spezialzuchtschau at Diedersdorf (Germany) gaining Res CAC judge: Mrs D.Winter.
11-06-2005: Beckum ( Ger.) Martha of the Hellacious Acres Res.CAC
Judge Mrs. Penny Gowland.
03-07-2005: Martha of the Hellacious Acres at the Championshipshow at Echt (NL).
28-01-2006 Herrenberg(Ger):Best bitch and CAC: Martha of the Hellacious Acres judge: mrs. Audrey Richardson(GB)
13-05-2006 Diedersdorf(Ger): 1 Exc.open bitch Martha of the Hellacious Acres with CAC-judge:Val Burns(UK)
giving her her German VDH-champion title and making her the 25th. Champion or junior champion
bred or owned by Mirjam and Bart in the 25 th. year of the existence of their prefix - Hellacious Acres.
14-05-2006 Echt(NL): 2 Exc.open bitch Martha of the Hellacious-judge: Dr.Larry Roberts(UK)
04-06-2006 Arnhem(NL): 1 Exc.open bitch Martha of the Hellacious Acres with CACIB and res. CAC judge: W.Wellens(NL).
11-06-2006 Beckum(Ger): Martha and Bart waiting for their turn.(photo:Ronald de Ruyter)
11-06-2006 Beckum(Ger): 1 Exc.open bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres with CAC-judge R.Gabriel(Ger)
08-07-2006 Gelschenkirchen(Ger): 1 EX.champion Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres with CAC and Best bitch- judge:Michael Gaffney(Ir.)
08-07-2006 Gelschenkirchen(Ger): Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres with Bart and judge Michael Gaffney(Ir.)
08-07-2006 Gelschenkirchen(Ger): 1 EX.champion Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres with CAC and Best bitch- judge:Michael Gaffney(Ir.)
01-09-2007 Luxemburg: 1 EXC.Champion bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres with CAC judge Guy Kips(LUX)this CAC made her also:
Luxemburg Champion
Jun Ch. Sansue Hi'land Storm sire to Martha of the Hellacious Acres.
Ch. Bows of the Hellacious Acres dam of Martha of the Hellacious Acres.