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Progeny Jina
Jina has been mated to ‘Oscar’ ~ the lovely
Danish, Norwegian & Nordic
Champion Dainty’s Man With A Mission.
If all goes well then we expect her babies to arrive around the 9th
of June 2016.
Jina has
“A” Hips, Free/Zero
Elbows, a current CLEAR Eye Certificat, and is PRA 1 & 2 FREE
has “B” Hips,
Free/Zero Elbows, a current CLEAR Eye Certificat, and is PRA 1 & 2
Ch. Dainty's Man with a Mission |
Ch. Inassicas Dandelion |
Ch. Goldsand's Tiger |
Inassicas Waterlily |
Goldenglow Jolly-Cola |
Ch. Begoras Mendelson |
Honeytaste Lily of the Valley |
Dainty's Meets Your Measure |
Fentop Fabien |
Ch. Perrimay Hugo of Fenwood |
Styal Sabathya for Fentop |
Ch. Dainty's Jacobite Rose |
Pearlbarn Pinbal Wizard |
Dainty's Dancing Wave |
Ch. Ramchaine MonkeyNut |
Multi Ch. Barnum of the Hellacious Acres |
Multi. Ch. Paudell Pure Passion |
Ch. Paudell Easter Plantegenet at Kerrien |
Kerrien Forever Bonne at Paudell |
Victoria of the Hellacious Acres |
Sansue Hi'land Storm |
Ch. Bows of the Hellacious Acres |
Ch. Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts |
Sh. Ch. Lochtaymor King Of Diamonds |
Sh.Ch. Jemedin Diamond Double Of Lochtaymor |
Rainscourt Queen Of Scots Of Lochtaymor |
Multi. Ch. Remington Requisite of Ramchaine |
Sh.Ch.Elswood the Highlander |
Remington Rosette |
“Oscar “ ~ Multi Ch Dainty’s Man With a Mission standing in ‘show pose’
in natural stance
‘Husband & Wife’ !!!
Jina had measurements taken at the three points in the diagram at the time of mating :
We did not have her scanned to see if she was pregnant as it was clear to see she was getting bigger around her middle, ribcage and waistine week by week!!
At 6 weeks gestation she had grown in circumferance by
~ 18 cm at point B ( by the last rib) & 11cm at point C ( her waist) !!
..... so we can safely say she is definately pregnant with quite a few inside!!
( and still 3 more weeks to go!! )
3 expectant mums to be enjoying a walk in the sun before their maternal duties
begin in June : ~
in the front Jina ( Barnum/Jaq) , top left Rosie ( Noah/Jaq) and top right
Fuzzy (Barnum /Jeree)
has a pampering session on day 51 of her pregnancy, in preparation motherhood!
is bathed and blow dried, brushed and combed, has her feet and nails
‘manicured’ / ‘pedicured’ , and has her ears, teats and teeth cleaned.
Now looking all beautiful, fresh and clean.
8 weeks gestation Jina (on the left) has grown around her middle by
~ 77 cm
at 2 weeks post mating to 82cm at 8 weeks
~ 71 cm
at 2 weeks post mating to 97cm at 8 weeks
~ 63 cm
at 2 weeks post mating to 84cm at 8 weeks
ONE more week to go !!
puppies arrived on Sunday morning ..... she didnt give much warning that the
birth was about to start .... a few burps and a vacant look in her eye and then out popped the first puppy before I could even hang
out my first load of washing !!
It always gives a
good feeling when the rooting instinct to find and latch onto a teat is very
strong and a newborn puppy has a drive to feed.
puppies are born with pink noses, faces, ears and
gave birth to 8 strong puppies ~
2 Gorgeous Girls and 6 Beautiful Boys
Within a
day the puppies turned from pink to a purplish colour and then within a few
hours the deep black pigment had soaked into them like ink into an inkpad
- and all noses, faces and foot
pads had turned the darkest black. Mummy Jina has always had the most wonderful
pigment too, with exceptionally
dark eye rims, lips, and a jet black nose in contrast to her blonde blonde coat
...... so we thought her puppies would become our
‘Black Velvet’ litter and called them:
Beauty &
two girls at 5 days of age. (marked in purple )
The six
boys are marked in different places for identification with a black pen on top
of a little snip of hair cut from their sleek , shiny top coats so that the
colour can stick to the softer undercoat – two marked on the left, two on the
right, and two on the tails.
Puppy boy
at 5 days of age, showing already all the wonderful features we look for at this
stage – strong, thick neck, superb long shoulder blade with fabulous lay back,
good length and return of upper arm, strong bone, a broad bum and a fat tail
base, well sprung ribs which are well ribbed back, a well covered body with a
few rolls of fat , sleek shining coat and jet black pigment all over..... we
couldn’t want for more xXx
content with her 8 ‘Oscar’ babies at 3 weeks of age.
‘Jina’ -
Ramchaine Monkeynut
has been mated to
A :
Elbows Free : Eyes Clear
& PRA 1 & 2 Free
Ch Noah of the Hellacious Acres:-
B :
Elbows Free : Eyes Clear
& PRA 1 & 2 Free
puppies are born!
Ch. Ramchaine Jaq of Heart Jch. Noah of the Hellacious Acres
Hips 3:4 ~ Elbows 0:0 ~ eyes clear 2013 Hips B ~ Elbows 0-0 ~ eyes clear 2013 ~ DNA PRA 1+2 free ICT-A free
Ch. Noah of the Hellacious Acres |
Ch. Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel |
IR/Sh.Ch. Erinderry Diamond Edge Of Glenavis |
Sh. Ch. Erinderry Firebird |
Ch. Dewmist Shaquille |
Ch. Inassicas Dandelion |
Ch. Dewmist Savannah |
Ch. Philomena of the Hellacious Acres |
Multi. Ch. Taram du Bois de La Rayere |
Int. Ch. Beeangee Jumping Jack Flash |
Int. Ch. Alibren mon Cherie avec Stanroph |
Multi Ch. Ramchaine Green Glitter |
Sh. Ch. Erinderry Just the Ticket for Bluewaters |
Multi. Ch. Remington Requisite of Ramchaine |
Ramchaine MonkeyNut |
Multi Ch. Barnum of the Hellacious Acres |
Multi. Ch. Paudell Pure Passion |
Ch. Paudell Easter Plantegenet at Kerrien |
Kerrien Forever Bonne at Paudell |
Victoria of the Hellacious Acres |
Sansue Hi'land Storm |
Ch. Bows of the Hellacious Acres |
Ch. Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts |
Sh. Ch. Lochtaymor King Of Diamonds |
Sh.Ch. Jemedin Diamond Double Of Lochtaymor |
Rainscourt Queen Of Scots Of Lochtaymor |
Multi. Ch. Remington Requisite of Ramchaine |
Sh.Ch.Elswood the Highlander |
Remington Rosette |
Jina ( second from right) next to her half sister Jelly
with their mummy Multi Champion Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW and grandmother
Jazmin - Multi Champion Remington Requisite of Ramchaine (far left) now 14.5
years young!!
Jina has been scanned at 30 days gestation and is
confirmed to be in whelp with quite a few ‘baby bubbles’ seen !!!
Our sweet Jina is rather proud of her big belly.
Jina always enjoys cuddles and attention so finds our hands-on Sebastian great company
Jina has the urge to prepare for her upcoming litter and wants to make her own nest to have her babies in ....... digging herself the perfect ‘hole in the mud’ !
Jina whelps 4 days early with the first 5 puppies arriving rather fast - between 10.36 and 11.16 .... so within 40 minutes!!
The newborns are strong and wanting to suckle immediately. One little chap is stained deep green from his afterbirth being wrapped completely around him while inside his mummy’s uterus !!
The Jina /Noah puppies are born safe and sound on the 4th March 2014 :
A big litter of 6 x girls & 5 x boys!
Ramchaine MonkeyNut is in whelp to Multi. Ch. Majik Truth of Dare
Jina and Nigel puppies are born the 7th of September!!!
Jina gave birth to 6 lovely girls and 4 strong boys
Jina the day before she whelped …not looking that big at all really!!
The puppies were due on Tuesday 11th September but decided they didn’t want to wait that long to see the world and made their appearance 5 days early …… day 59!!
Jina’s had 6 x gorgeous girls & 4 x beautiful boys
It was altogether a rather easy birth with all the puppies arriving in just over 5 hours!
The babies are 1 day old
Jina’s babies at 2 days of age
One week old and all have developed the most super pigment - with their noses, lips, faces and all foot pads having turned jet black already.
The pups are well fed, content & relaxed at 10 days of age - pictured fast asleep just after having a nail cutting session
Photos from mobile – PICS 11 & 12 2 pups on Bart and one girl lying fast asleep on her back on the bed.
The puppies @ 10 days :
Day 11 and the inner corners of each eye are just beginning to split apart.
Baby Sebastian wants to get into the box and cuddle with the puppies too.
- keeping warm and snuggling up with mummy
12 days old and getting fatter .
The puppies official names will be :
The boys : Ramchaine Moment of Truth, Ramchaine True Blue, Ramchaine True Identity, Ramchaine True Colours
The girls : Ramchaine Truly Madly Deeply, Ramchaine Hidden Truth, Ramchaine Truly Scrumptious, Ramchaine Truelove Ramchaine Truely True, Ramchaine Too Good To Be True
Day 12 - All the puppies eyes have opened .
2 weeks of age – The puppies are becoming increasingly more active and can scoot across the vetbed very fast ‘commando’ style ..…. hardly giving mummy Jina a chance to get her free spot to lie down ; so now she will often sit to feed her babies.
2 weeks + 2 days - The puppies are all weighed and receive their first treatment of worming product.
The pups were born around 300-400g . At 10 days the smallest two were 817g & 831g and all the rest over 900grammes in weight. Now at 16 days the smallest two girls are 1471g & 1476g and the rest between 1605g – 1698g.
All at the milkbar for a welcome feed from mum after their worming dose to wash down the medication.
19 days old – “what’s that noise??” – the ear canals have opened up and the puppies can hear!!
The puppies try to get up onto their little legs and lift their fat tummies off the ground & start wobbly walking …. cute watching their attempts to toddle about xxx
The puppies are 3 weeks old and finger fed their first taste of food – yummy raw minced beef – every pup found it delicious and eagerly sucked up the meat until it was all gone.
Two of the chunkiest girls are already over 2kg at 3 weeks of age !! The smallest 1.78kg & 1.81kg, with the rest all weighing in between 1.92kg -1.96kg
Jina is a loving & devoted mum to her adorable babies . Chunky, cute, & ultra kissy with the jet black pigment, dark eyes and plush pale thick furry coats ……… it is soooo easy to spend hours & hours just watching & cuddling them!!
Some cute headshots
Puppies stacked the first time at 5 weeks of age!
The girls...
The boys...
Some headshots...
Puppies stacked at 6 weeks of age!
Puppies having fun playing outside at 8 weeks of age. The time has gone quick for our loveable sweet babies to start to leave us to go to their new homes .
Ramchine Moment of Truth alias “Trevor” will stay with us at Willow Farm
It was a close call with the girls - with four continually rotating as to who we were going to keep and be our "Trudy"!!!