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NEWS 2007
27-01-2007 Herrenberg(GER): 2nd open dogs Jun.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with res.CAC-judge: Mr.M.Watkins(UK)
25-02-2007 Rheinberg(GER): 1st open bitches Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with CAC(VDH)-judge: M.Zidar(SLO)
03-03-2007 Groningen(NL): 1st intermediate bitches Ramchaine Green Glitter judge: Eva Rautala(FIN)
14/16-03-2007 Rotherham(UK): The exercise area for Victoria, Martha and Bart during their stay in England.
14/16-03-2007 Roche Valley Abbey near Rotherham(UK)
14/16-03-2007 Roche Valley Abbey near Rotherham(UK)
14/16-03-2007 Martha at Roche Valley Abbey near Rotherham (UK)
14/16-03-2007 Victoria at Roche Valley Abbey near Rotherham(UK)
14/16-03-2007 Roche Valley Abbey near Rotherham(UK)
18-03-2007 Cloppenburg(GER): 1st intermediate bitches Ramchaine Green Glitter with CAC-judge: Rosemary Lewis(UK)
March 2007: our latest arrival-Barely Legal Cherry Garcia dandie dinmont terrier born 25-01-2007
March 2007: headstudy of Barely Legal Cherry Garcia (Dirkje for her friends)
March 2007: headstudy of Barely Legal Cherry Garcia (Dirkje for her friends)
14-04-2007 Erfurt(GER): 1st Exc.open dogs Jun.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with CAC judge: R.Gabriel(GER)
14-04-2007 Erfurt(GER): 2nd Intermediate bitches Ramchaine Green Glitter with res.CAC judge: R.Gabriel(GER)
14-04-2007 Erfurt(GER): 3rd Open bitches jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia judge: R.Gabriel(GER)
21-04-2007 Goes(NL): 1 Exc.Open dogs Jun.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with res.CAC and res.CACIB judge:mr.F.Hathaway (UK)
21-04-2007 Goes(NL): 1 Exc.Intermediate bitches Ramchaine Green Glitter judge: Mr.F.L.Hathaway(UK)
05-05-2007 Dortmund(GER): 1st Exc. open dogs Ch. Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with CAC judge: R.Koch(GER)
This last CAC made him: German Champion(VDH) and German Champion(Club)
Barnum got his title under the following judges: Gisela Werner(GER),Malcolm Godefroy(UK),Barbara Keighley(UK),
Jackie Sparrow(UK),Catherine Collins(UK),Janet Buckingham(UK), Raimund Gabriel(GER) and Ralf Koch(GER).
We want to take this opportunity to thank the judges who thought so highly of him, and he made us, Mirjam
and Bart van Maren his proud breeders and owners.
05-05-2007 Dortmund(GER): 1st Exc. Open bitches Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with CAC and res. CACIB judge: B.Ting(GER)
On the 5th of may 2007 we lost Victoria of the Hellacious Acres at the age of only six years
Sometimes there is luck in live and nothing seems to go wrong,
Those are the times you feel yourself blessed along with all of those around you.
At that moment you’re so happy you can singing a song.
But it seems those moments never last forever, and live is not only fun.
When she was laying down there, I thought, O, god what have I done,
Was it because I wanted it all at once, didn’t I overdo it, was it also what she wanted.
Questions which are going through your mind but there seem to be no answer.
When you’re there I already knew you were special, one we had never had before.
Now you’re gone I know how much I will miss you.
Little Victoria it was a privilege to have you had with us
and times have changed, now you are gone
but I’m sure that you through your children will always be with us
and will be remembered by all who have known you, as one to adore.
Mirjam and Bart
02-05-2007 Swierklaniec(POL): Int.Ch.Summertime of the Hellacious Acres CAC and BOS judge: Kate Crosbie(UK)
at the 2nd Golden retrieverclubshow Poland – owner: Judyta Prokesz
Castle Diedersdorf 12th of may 2007
12-05-2007 Diedersdorf(Berlin-GER): Mirjam in front of the Castle with Jade,Ophelia and Barnum
Our tent for the dogs
A Chick on a mission!
12-05-2007 Diedersdorf(GER): 1st Ex. Open dogs Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with CAC and BOS judge: C.Ashton(UK)
12-05-2007 Diedersdorf(GER): 1st Ex. Intermediate bitches Ramchaine Green Glitter with CAC judge: C.Ashton(UK)
Her critique:
Beautiful, quality pale bitch, loved everything about her. Gentle feminine head and happy expression.
Lovely flow of neck into level topline and tailset. Well ribbed, super angulations fore and after.
Beautiful presented and handled, covered the ground with ease.
Christine Ashton
12-05-2007 Diedersdorf: Judging Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia (BOB) by Christine Ashton
the mouth
the neck
the shoulder
the loin
the tail
the flow
a last look
that’s her
the decision
12-05-2007 Diedersdorf(GER); 1st. Open bitches Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with CAC and BOB judge:C.Ashton(UK)
Her critique:
Lovely quality glamorous pale bitch. Feminine head with happy expression.
Lovely flowing outline, well constructed all through. Covered the ground with ease.
Expertly handled and presented.
Christine Ashton(UK)
12-05-2007 Diedersdorf(GER): BOS-Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres and BOB Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia
judge: Christine Ashton(UK)
12-05-2007 Diedersdorf(GER): the five BOB’s-retrievers.
We want to thank all of our friends for the overwhelming response and support we got on the loss of our Victoria
It’s much appreciated and tells us there is still a wonderful golden community around with a passion for our beloved breed.
02-06-2007 Neumunster(GER): 2 Exc.Intermed.bitch Ramchaine Green Glitter with res.CAC judge: Jim Richardson(UK)
02-06-2007 Neumunster(GER): 1 Exc.Open dog Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with CAC judge:Audrey Richardson(UK)
02-06-2007 Neumunster(GER): judge Jim Richardson with his BOS Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia
02-06-2007 Neumunster(GER): 1 Exc.open bitch Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with CAC-CACIB-BOS judge:Jim Richardson(UK)
02-06-2007 Neumunster(GER): 1 Exc.open bitch Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with CAC-CACIB-BOS judge:Jim Richardson(UK)
02-06-2007 Neumunster(GER):BOB Ch.Moondust Masterpiece WW'06 - BOS Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia
judges: Jim and Audrey Richardson(UK)
03-06-2007 Itzehoe(GER): 2 Exc.Intermed.bitch Ramchaine Green Glitter with res.CAC judge: Audrey Richardson(UK)
03-06-2007 Itzehoe(GER): 2 Exc.Open dogs Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with res.CAC judge: Jim Richardson(UK)
03-06-2007 Itzehoe(GER): 2 Exc.Open bitch jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with res.CAC judge: Audrey Richardson(UK)
09-06-2007 Hoisdorf(GER): 2 Exc.open dogs Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with res.CAC judge: Eva Mjelde(NO)
09-06-2007 Hoisdorf(GER): 2 Exc.intermediate bitch Ramchaine Green Glitter with res.CAC judge: Eva Mjelde(NO)
09-06-2007 Hoisdorf(GER): 1 Exc.open bitch jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with CAC judge: Eva Mjelde(NO)
30-06-2007 Timmerlage(GER): 1 Exc.champ. Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with CAC and BOB judge:Ewa Nielsen(S)
30-06-2007 Timmerlage(GER): BOB Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with BOS and judge Ewa Nielsen(S)
01-07-2007 Echt(NL): 1 Exc.open bitch Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with res. CAC and res. CACIB judge: Theo Leenen(BEL)
01-07-2007 Echt(NL): 2 Exc.intermediate bitch Ramchaine Green Glitter judge:Theo Leenen(BEL)
07-07-2007 Gelschenkirchen(GER): 3 Exc.Championdogs Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres judge: Bob Lane(UK)
07-07-2007 Gelschenkirchen(GER): 2 Exc. Intermediate bitches Ramchaine Green Glitter with res.CAC judge: Sandra Lane(UK)
07-07-2007 Gelschenkirchen(GER): 2 Exc. Open bitches jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with res.CAC judge: Sandra Lane(UK)
14-07-2007 Bad Oldesloe(GER): 1 Exc. Champ. dogs Ch.Barnum of the hellacious Acres with CAC judge: K.Ericson(Swe
22-07-2007 Luxemburg: Mirjam and Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres 1 Exc.intermed. bitches with CAC judge:A.Falconer(UK)
22-07-2007 Luxemburg: 1 Exc.intermediate bitch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres with CAC judge: A.Falconer(UK)
22-07-2007 Luxemburg: 1 Exc.open bitch Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with CAC judge: A.Falconer(UK)
10-08-2007 Berghem(NL): 1 Exc. Champion dogs Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres judge: R.Doedijns(NL)
11-08-2007 Ludwigshafen(GER): 2 Exc.champion dogs Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with res. CAC and res. CACIB
judge: Hassi Assemacher(GER)
11-08-2007 Ludwigshafen(GER): Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres CAC-CACIB and Best bitch.
11-08-2007 Ludwigshafen(GER): 1 Exc.intermed. bitch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres with CAC-CACIB-BOS
judge: Hassi Assemacher(GER)
26-08-2007 Rotterdam(NL): 1 EXC.open bitch Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with CAC-CACIB and BOS judge:Pat Tuck(UK)
26-08-2007 Rotterdam(NL): 1 EXC.champion bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres judge:Pat Tuck(UK)
26-08-2007 Rotterdam(NL): 3 EXC.open bitch Ramchaine Green Glitter judge: Pat Tuck(UK)
26-08-2007 Rotterdam(NL): jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia judged by bitch judge Pat Tuck(UK)
26-08-2007 Rotterdam(NL): Line up open bitch 1st:Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia 3rd.Ramchaine Green Glitter
26-08-2007 Rotterdam(NL): 1stEXC.Jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia CAC/CACIB BOS judge: Pat Tuck(UK)
01-09-2007 Luxemburg: 1 EXC.Champion bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres with CAC judge Guy Kips(LUX)this CAC made her also:
Luxemburg Champion
08-09-2007 Lich(GER): 2 Exc.open bitch jun.Ch.Moondust Ophelia with res.CAC judge: F.Thurm(UK
08-09-2007 Lich(GER): 3 Exc.open bitch Ramchaine Green Glitter judge:F.Thurm(UK)
(handled by Casper Knippenborg)
08-09-2007 Lich(GER): 2 Exc.intermediate bitch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres with res.CAC judge: F.Thurm(UK)
09-09-2007 Leipzig(GER): 2 Exc.open bitch Ramchaine Green Glitter with res. CAC judge: V.Wilk(GER)
09-09-2007 Leipzig(GER): 1 Exc.open bitch Ch.Moondust Ophelia with CAC and res. CACIB judge: V.Wilk(GER)
this last win gave her the titles:
German champion and German VDH-champion.
She gained her title under the following judges:
Michael Gaffney(IR), Ann Falconer(UK), Eileen Allan-Rossitter(UK), Miroslav Zidar(SLO)
Beate Ting(GER), Christine Ashton(UK), Jim Richardson(UK), Eva Mjelde(NO), Vera Wilk(GER).
29-09-2007 Maastricht(NL): 1 Exc.intermediate dogs Jacob of the Hellacious Acres judge: mrs.R.Weightman(UK)
29-09-2007 Maastricht(NL): 2 Exc.intermediate bitch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres judge: mrs.R.Weightman(UK)
29-09-2007 Maastricht(NL): 1 Exc.champion bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres judge: mrs.R.Weightman(UK)
29-09-2007 Maastricht(NL): Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with CAC and res.CACIB judge:mrs.R.Weightman(UK)
20-10-2007: already being a FCI championship show judge for the English setter,
now Bart is also a FCI championship show judge for the Golden retriever.
22-10-2007: Ramchaine Green Glitter(Jade) gave birth to seven puppies(4 dogs-3 bitches) from Ch.Taram du Bois de la Rayere
28-10-2007 Hannover(GER): 1 Exc.champ.dogs Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with CAC and res. CACIB judge: Judy Shortman(UK)
03-11-2007 Bleiswijk(NL): 2 Exc.champ.dogs Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres judge: Roja Stoppelenburg(NL)
28-10-2007 Hannover(GER): 1 Exc.champ.bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres with CAC and res.CACIB judge: Maurice Shortman(UK)
03-11-2007 Bleiswijk(NL): 2 Exc.champ.bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres judge: Roja Stoppelenburg(NL)
28-10-2007 Hannover(GER): 1 Exc.intermed.bitch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres with CAC judge: Maurice Shortman(UK)
03-11-2007 Bleiswijk(NL): 1 Exc.intermed.bitch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres judge: Roja Stoppelenburg(NL)
31-10-2007 : puppies are born from Ch.Moondust Ophelia and Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres 2 dogs and 1 bitch.
25-11-2007 Amsterdam-Winner: 1 Exc.champions Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres judge: Lydia Erhart(NL)
Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres
25-11-2007 Amsterdam-Winner: 2 Exc,interm. Bitch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres with res. CAC judge: Lydia Erhart(NL)
08-12-2007 Kassel(GER): 1 Ex.interm.bitch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres with CAC judge:D.Harms(GER)
08-12-2007 Kassel(GER): 2 Ex.champion bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres with res.CAC/CACIB judge:D.Harms(GER)
16-12-2007 Wychen(NL): 1 Ex.champion dog Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with CAC/CACIB/BOS judge: M.Renard(NL)
16-12-2007 Wychen(NL): 1 Ex.champion bitch Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres with CAC/CACIB/BOB judge: M.Renard(NL
16-12-2007 Wychen(NL): BOB: Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres and BOS: Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres with judge M.Renard(NL)
16-12-2007 Wychen(NL): Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres placed 5th in Group 8 judge: L.Delvaux-Crauwels(B)
16-12-2007 Wychen(NL): Jacob of the Hellacious Acres 1st intermediate dogs judge: M.Renard(NL)
22-12-2007 Twisk: Sophia of the Hellacious Acres 7,5 weeks old (Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres x Ch.Moondust Ophelia)