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NEWS 2010
Jan/Feb/March - April/May/June - July/August/Sept - Oct/Nov/Dec
the 3rd of October the GRCN held their national Golden Walk in
various regions of the country.
joined in the walk on the beach at Hargen together with a group of other
Goldens and their families……
is co- owned with Kari Lehtonen (Majik) and a son of Int.Sh.Ch.Martha of the
Hellacious Acres and Int.Ch.Inassicas Coriander. Great result Kari
the same day at Zwolle (NL) all
breed championship show Ramchaine Sweet Chesnut became best baby again
– what a great result for the Family Groen!!!! and of course for US!!! Ramchaine
Sweet Chesnut is out of Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW and by our Int.Sh.Ch.Barnum
of the Hellacious Acres W’08.
make it an even better day at her debut at a Championship show Oonagh of the
Hellacious Acres became ‘Best Puppy’ in the breed. Oonagh now
belongs to Ab en Wia and is out of Ch.Moondust Ophelia and also by Int.Sh.Ch.Barnum
of the Hellacious Acres W’08, we wish you a lot of success in the future
with her.
the 11th of October: Jade’s Puppies are born!!!! 6 beautiful boys
by Int.Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W’08 . See our “litters” page
for their progress and updates.
Saturday the 16th of October Charmaine and Bart went to
Philomena of the Hellacious Acres became 3rd
in a very strong open bitch class.
star of that day for US had to be her son “LUDWIG” - Beethoven of the
Hellacious Acres.
ten months old he won a large and strong junior class which gave him his 3rd
update from the
daughter and litter sister to Jade – Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Green Glow by Fenwood
JW achieves her 12th CC at
Driffield Championship show under judge John McCreath (UK) Well done “ELLE”
and Malcolm and Anita too!!
daughter Ramchaine Catalunya achieved her Kennel Club Stud Book
number as did her litter brother Ramchaine Maranello to Vileas –
who also had a very successful summer campaign, achieving the following wins:
Ramchaine Maranello to Vileas (DAMON) is proudly owned by Sue Gray
1st MidLimitDog - Blackpool Ch show
1st MidLimitDog - North West
1st MidLimitDog - Birmingham National Ch
2nd MidLimit Dog – Gundog Society of Wales
2nd LimitDog - East of
England Ch show
2nd LimitDog - Three Counties Ch
BOB & G2 at Chertsey open show
BOB & G3 at Kent County open show
RBOB at Isle of Wight Gundog open show
RBOB at Kingston open show
BOB at Beckenham open show
BOB at South of England Agricultural open show
BOB at Guildford open show
Championship Show
- Saturday 23rd October 2010 – another successful day to remember. Sometimes
you have of those days that everything works and We think this was one of those
days. Starting with Ludwig “Beethoven
of the Hellacious Acres” in the junior dog class, after his win and German
junior title from the last weekend; we of course had high hopes &
expectations …and YES he did it again!!!! , winning his junior dog class and
gaining his first Dutch junior CAC at just 11 months;
the dog judge was Dagmar Winter from
kampioenschap tentoonstelling in Utecht
– op zaterdag 23 oktober – werd wederom een succesvolle dag en een om te
onthouden. Soms
heb je van die dagen dat alles goed gaat en dit was zo’n dag. Hij begon met
Ludwig “Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres” in de jeugdklasse reuen, na zijn
overwinning en zijn Duitse jeugd titel behaald in het afgelopen weekend hadden
we natuurlijk hoge verwachtingen…… en JA , hij deed het weer!!! , hij won
zijn jeugdklasse en zijn eerste Nederlandse jeugd CAC net 11 maanden oud, de
reuen keurmeester was Dagmar Winter uit Duitsland.
Melissa of the Hellacious Acres
thought ‘what Ludwig can do I can
do at least as well’ ….and yes she did – winning her
junior bitch Class in great style beating some very lovely junior bitches and to
gain her first junior CAC in the Netherlands.
bitch judge was Dieter Harms from Germany.
a lovely feeling to have two promising juniors with so much potential.
of the Hellacious Acres
dacht ‘Wat Ludwig kan ik zeker zo goed’…..en ja hoor dat deed ze – ze
won haar teven jeugdklasse in grootse stijl en versloeg enige zeer mooie
jeugdteven en won zo haar eerste Nederlands jeugd CAC in Nederland. De teven
keurmeester was Dieter Harms uit Duitsland.
is een fantastisch gevoel om twee veelbelovende jeugdhonden te bezitten.
day was going to be even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this time entered in veteran bitch - being close to eleven years now, had a
great day - still moving and having fun like a 4 year old ,and just back into
coat again, she really enjoyed her day out and performed brilliantly.
judge noticed that too – UK.Sh.Ch.,Ger.and
VDH-Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine
won her Veteran bitch class as well as Best Bitch giving her the CAC – a super
achievement for an old lady.
de dag zou nog beter worden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deze keer ingeschreven in de veteranenklasse – nu bijna 11 jaar oud, had een
super dag – nog steeds lopend en plezier hebbend als een 4 jarige, en ook weer
net in vacht, genoot ze van haar dag uit en presteerde ze fantastisch.
keurmeester merkte dat ook op – UK.Sh.Ch.,Ger.and
VDH-Ch.Remington Requisite of
Ramchaine won de Veteranen klasse en werd ook beste teef wat haar het CAC
bracht – een geweldige prestatie voor zo’n oude dame.
the challenge for BOB she showed off to the full giving everything she had for
her “mummy” Charmaine - becoming BOB as well as Best Veteran on unanimous
judge’s decision. This third CAC
brings her close to her “Dutch title”…….. only one to go.
de competitie voor “Beste van het Ras” deed ze haar uiterste best voor haar
“mummie” Charmaine en werd unaniem tot BOB en Beste Veteraan verkozen, door
beide keurmeesters. Deze derde CAC brengt haar dicht bij haar “Nederlandse
titel”…… nog slechts een te gaan. Heel
- BOB & BOS with judges Dieter Harms & Dagmar Winter
of the Hellacious Acres
also did very well becoming 4th in a super strong open dog class in
which every placed dog had already won a CAC, Well done Lolkje!!!
of the Hellacious Acres
deed het ook zeer goed werd in een hele sterke open reuen klasse, waarin elke
geplaatste reu al een CAC gewonnen had, vierde, Heel goed gedaan Lolkje!!!
of the Hellacious Acres,
shown and handled by Sabina for Ab en Wia,
very well again taking the 3rd place in the Puppy class.
half sister Ramchaine Sweet Chesnut
became 4th, in her first outing in the puppy class after a very
successful campaign in baby!
of the Hellacious Acres
was weer ingeschreven in de puppy klasse en werd nu geshowd en voorgebracht door
Sabina, voor Ab en Wia. Ze deed het wederom heel goed en werd derde.
half zuster Ramchaine Sweet Chesnut
werd 4e, in haar eerste deelname in de puppy klasse na een hele
succesvolle campagne in de baby klasse.
first day in Azerbedjan she won the Jun.CAC and became Reserve Best Junior in
Show. The second day she did even better by winning the Jun.CAC and becoming
Best Junior in Show! The win also gave her the
(Azerbedjan) Junior Champion title.
next weekend of the 30th/31st of October were the CACIB
shows of Tiblisi (Georgia) and again Sunny
was entered. The results were above expectations for a young bitch only
shown for the first time the week before ; - the
first day she won the Jun.CAC, became best bitch and BOB, then won Group 8 (BIG)
and was
3rd for BIS..... superb !! - the second day she again won the Jun.CAC & best
bitch with BOB and again won group 8
(BIG) - this time going 4th
Best in Show.
done Roma!!!, what a good handler can do with a good dog.
Championship Show in the Netherlands
on the 6th of November
2010 with Mrs.Johansen (DNK) judging dogs and Carol Gilbert (UK) judging bitches.
young boy “Ludwig” – Beethoven
of the Hellacious Acres Bjsg.’10– became second in junior dog and is
going strong.
grand old lady “JAZMIN” – SH.CH.Remington
Requisite of Ramchaine won her veteran bitch class, became Best Veteran in
Breed and went on to win Best Veteran in the main ring under judge Geoff Corish
(UK) ; another great performance from her.
on the weekend of the 6th / 7th
of November 2010 many miles away in Poznan Poland, our little Xena
of the Hellacious Acres made her show debut.
days Xena became ‘Best Puppy In Breed’ under judges Andre Stepinsky(POL)
and Zelenka Jilkova(RUS), Xena is
owned by Anna Kraska.
14th of November was a very exciting day because our “GANG” of
four made their show debut at the “GRCN Autumn Conker Open Show”. All were 7
months old and entered in the puppy class with great results under the Judges -
Cathy Sonntag (dogs) and Gerard Sonntag (bitches) from France, known from their
‘Ashbury’ prefix.
puppy bitch - Ramchaine MonkeyNut (Multi.Ch.Barnum
of the Hellacious Acres W’08 x Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW)- handled by
“Jina” – Ramchaine MonkeyNut aged 7 months
puppy bitch - Morwenna of the Hellacious
Acres (Int.Ch.Inassicas Corriander x Int.Sh.Ch.Martha of the Hellacious
Acres) – handled by Bart
Morwenna of the Hellacious Acres – aged 7 months
& “Rio” - 1st
& 2nd in Puppy Dog
- 1st puppy dog - Orinocho of
the Hellacious Acres
Multi Ch. Barnum of the Hellacious Acres x Ch. Moondust Ophelia)
- 2nd puppy dog - Ramchaine
Pistachio ( litter brother to MonkeyNut )
went on to win BEST PUPPY IN SHOW. Best Baby on the day was another Barnum
daughter Herwildys New Dawn ; so a
proud day for us & our Barnum
who was the sire of 3 of the class
winners that day.
photo of Jade (mum) , Barnum (dad), their SIX puppies and grandma Jazmin. In the
background is Jenna now 12 years of age.
Jade & Barnum puppies at 5weeks of age (born 11/10/10) :
in my daddy’s ear………
of Barnum and Jade
of Int.Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W’08 x Ch.Ramchaine Green Glitter)
21st November : A morning
Seminar on ‘Understanding the Golden Retriever Breed Standard’ by Eileen
Caisley ( Standfast ) & in the afternoon –
the Chairman of the Golden Retriever Club of the Netherlands had worked very
hard with his team of helpers to create a SPECTACULAR new event for all the
“SILVER SPOON WINNERS” of the previous year: - All the Best Dog CAC &
Best Bitch CAC winners at the Championship shows held in the Netherlands during
the year beginning with the prestigious Amsterdam Winner in November qualify to
compete in the match - along with any Junior Champions and Veteran Champions
gaining their titles during that year.
& Vogue had between them won 5 x
‘spoons’ during the qualifying year so could proudly be there on the day to
compete in the one against one knockout match. Both went through the first
rounds and were then each unlucky to be drawn against and knocked out by the
ultimate winner of the day – the superb “Lemon” who got better &
better in the spotlight, excitement & buzz of the day – a true happy, ever
wagging showgirl.
was Borge Espeland from Norway.
was a great day, with a friendly, special atmosphere; lots of people attending
to learn more about our breed and enjoying
the occasion . Many of the handlers and spectators dressed up for the grandeur
event adding to the magnitude, fun & aura of the day.
Golden Retriever Club of Germany Championship Show in Cloppenburg –
November 2010 – judges were Jim Richardson(Dogs), Audrey Richardson (Bitches)&
Gordon Mackenzie ( puppies & veterans )
another super day for our youngsters :
1st Puppy Bitch- Ramchaine MonkeyNut & Best Puppy in Show !
2nd Puppy Bitch – Morwenna of the Hellacious Acres
1st Puppy Dog – Orinocho of the Hellacious Acres
Puppy Dog – Ramchaine Pistachio
Jacob of the Hellacious
was 3rd in Open Dog from
a very large entry of 23 males.
a fun day experiencing new things and socializing
at the show our new extrovert bubbly Barnum daughter “Sugarplum” aged 4
months did a quick pose for the camera and a practice at standing – she is “Herwildy’s
Maiden Blush”.
Vogue won the Champion Bitch class , CAC and became Best Bitch and RBIS.
November 2010
prestigious Amsterdam Winner All Breed Championship Dog Show
Vogue becomes a Dutch Champion !!!
Well done to Our Super
Vogue wins
the Reserve CAC and therefore gains her Dutch CHAMPION title – she had already
obtained the necessary number of CACs required but was too young to obtain her
official title as Dutch rules require at least one CAC or RCAC to be won after
the aged of 27months ( which she became only the WEEK before – on 20th
November!!) . The bitch judge was Elena Ruskovaara from Finland.
– “Beethoven of the Hellacious
Acres” ( Ch. Dewmist Silk Symphony ex Philomena of the Hellacious Acres )
did us proud in the dog ring winning his Junior class and being awarded the “JEUGWINNER
2010” title. Judge of the males was Antonio di Lorenzo from Italy.
the Open dog class Porthos of the
Hellacious Acres was 3rd.
Sh.Ch.,German Ch. VDH Ch. Remington Requisite of Ramchaine
2nd in her Veteran bitch class.