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NEWS 2010
Jan/Feb/March -April/May/June - July/August/Sept - Oct/Nov/Dec
05-04-2010 Leeuwarden (NL): 1st Champ.bitch Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine with res.CAC/CACIB judge: Wendy Andrews(UK)
09-04-2010 Twisk(NL): 5 puppies born at "Willow Farm" from Int.Sh.Ch.,Uk Sh.Ch.Dutch Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W'08 x Ch.Moondust Ophelia - 1 boy and 4 girls Mum and Children are doing well. Visits only on appointment!!!
09-04-2010 Twisk(NL): er zijn 5 puppies
geboren op "Willow Farm" van Int.Show
Kamp.Uk Sh.Ch en Ned. Kamp.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres en Kampioen Moondust
Ophelia - 1 jongen en 4
meiden. Moeder en kinderen maken het goed. Bezoek alleen op afspraak!!!!
14-04-2010 Twisk(NL): Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW and Barnums puppies are born 4 girls and 3 boys.
14-04-2010 Twisk(NL): Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW haar pups zijn geboren 4 dames en 3 mannen, ze hebben overwegend een witte jas, alles Goed met moeder en kinderen, bezoek op afspraak!!!
16-04-2010 Twisk (NL): Int.Sh.Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres her pups are born, sire is Int.Ch.Inassicas Coriander it are 7 boys and 3 girls, mum is very proud as we are, if you realy want to see us you can make an appointment. Till soon...........!
16-04-2010 Twisk (NL): Int.ShowKkampioen Martha of the Hellacious Acres haar pups zijn geboren, de vader is Int.Kampioen Inassicas Coriander, het zijn 7 jongens en 3 meisjes geworden. Als u ons wilt zien dan kunt u een afspraak maken. Tot gauw..........!
18-04-2010 Twisk (NL): Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres her pups are born, sire is Dewmist Rainbow Warrior, mum and children are very well, thank you, if you're around don't hesitate to pop in. Love you all.....!! Oh yes, before I forget we are with 2 boys and 4 girls.!
18-04-2010 Twisk (NL): Jacquetta
of the Hellacious Acres haar
puppies zijn geboren, de papa is Dewmist
Rainbow Warrior, alles is goed
met moeder en kinderen, als u in de buurt mocht zijn aarzel dan niet om even
binnen te vallen, wel eerst even een belletje hoor....! O ja, voor
ik het vergeet we zijn met z'n zessen 4 meiden en 2 jongens
24-04-2010 Queenshow(open show)(NL): 1st babyclass dogs Ramchaine Musketeer ( Jeree x Barnum) judge Teresa Ewart(UK)
owner/handler : Lolkje Efde
24-04-2010 Konninginneshow(NL): 1st in de babyklasse Ramchaine Musketeer (Jeree x Barnum) keurmeester: Teresa Ewart(UK)
eigenaar: Lolkje Efde.
24-04-2010 Queenshow(GRCN open show)(NL): judges Teresa Ewart (dogs) and Charmaine Ennis van Maren (bitches)
24-04-2010 Koninginneshow 2010 (GRCN) Tersa Ewart en Charmaine Ennis van Maren met hun BOB(dog) en BOS(bitch)
08-05-2010 Kristiansand(Norway): Ch.Ramchaine Snap to Jako's CAC, BOB and BIS - judge: Eivind Mjaerum(NO)
09-05-2010 Dortmund(GER): 1st intermediate bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine NJCH,LuxJCH,VDH JCH,GerJCH, Amst.JW "09, BJsg.'09
with CAC and VDH judge : Catherine Collins (UK)
09-05-2010 Dortmund(GER) : 1st Champion bitch Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine with CAC and VDH and res. CACIB
judge : Catherine Collins (UK)
13-05-2010 GRCN champion clubshow(Ermelo-NL) the 9 UK-judges with Bart as the chairman of the Golden retriever club of the Netherlands
with the best bitch: Highlight of Bridge Four and the best dog: Porthos of the Hellacious Acres both gaining a double CAC
08-05-2010 Swielklaniec (Pol) : 1U-"Junior Winner" Adisson of the Hellacious Acres(KERMIT) owned by Judyta Prokesz judge : Lynn Hennessy(UK)
"Kermit" is a son of Int.Sh.Ch.Martha of the Hellacious Acres x Int.Sh.Ch.,UK.Sh.Ch.Barnum of the Hellacious Acres W'08
29-05-2010 Thetford(CAN):
1st.winners dog, best of winners, best opposite sex, best puppy at only 6 months
of age
Magnetic Magnum" -(Sh.Ch.Barnum
of the Helllacious Acres x Sh.Ch.Ramchaine Essential JW)
owner Wendy Bergeron (USA) and also best puppy in breed at his second show
giving him
2 pionts towards his "Canadian Championship Title" - "Well
done" -Wendy.
30-05-2010 Gundog
championshow(NL): 3th open bitch Ch.Ramchaine
Green Glitter judge: Jose Doval
30-05-2010 Gundog
championshipshow(NL): BOS
and BOB Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine judge: J.Doval(ESP)
30-05-2010 Gundog
championshipshow(NL): 1st Ch.bitch with CAC and BOB Sh.Ch.Remington
Requisite of Ramchaine
judge: Jose Doval (ESP)
30-05-2010 Gundog
championshipshow(NL): Sh.Ch.Remington
Requisite of Ramchaine BOB, 10,5
years young.
30-05-2010 Gundog championshipshow(NL): Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine 2nd. in group
30-05-2010 Bennekom(NL): 1st VP Puppy class- best puppy in breed- 4th bestpuppy in show RAMCHAINE MUSKETEER judge : J.Doval(ESP) owner: Lolkje Efde
30-05-2010 Bennekom(NL): 1st VB pupyklasse -beste puppy v.h.ras en 4e beste puppie in show RAMCHAINE MUSKETEER keurmeester J.Dovel(Spanje)eigenaar: Lolkje Efde(NL)
24-06-2010 Herning(DAN) worldshow: 4th championclass Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine judge: Marianne Holm Hansen(DAN)
24-06-2010 Herning(DAN) worldshow : 1st intermediate class Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine JW '09 judge: Marianne Holm Hansen(DAN
25-06-2010 Vildberg(DAN): Sh.Ch.Remington Requisite of Ramchaine - shortlisted in open bitch judge: Agnetha Cardell(SWE)
25-06-2010 Vildberg(DAN): 2nd intermediate bitch Velvenya Vogue of Ramchaine NLjCH judge: Agnetha Cardell(SWE)
Click here for news of July/August/Sept 2010