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NEWS 2016
January/February - March/April
5th of March Groningen (NL) Martini All breed International Dog Show
Judge : Susan Webster (Benjcroft-UK):
Extremely proud again .... this time on our promising youngsters who all did brilliantly in their respective classes achieving some GREAT results :
Touchstone of the Hellacious Acres – 3rd in junior at his first championship show.
Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars NJK, JW’15 – 1st in Intermediate Dog
Winning 1st in the Veteran class at 8.5 years of age was Ch. Porthos of the Hellacious Acres belonging to Lolkje Efde.
Ramchaine Flowers in the Window -1st in Junior Bitch
Ch.Ramchaine Monkeynut ~ 1st in Champion Bitch.
JCH Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars NJK, JW’15 at only 15th months old ,
went on to win the Res.CAC and Res.CACIB
And as the icing on the cake our superstar of the day Ch.Ramchaine Monkeynut became best bitch with the CAC and the CACIB !!!
~ The NEC, England. Friday 11th March
Dog Judge : Hilary Lambshead – Muskan
JCH Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars did us proud despite having dropped all of his coat becoming 2nd in the large Junior class of 25 males.
‘Fuller’ really LOVED striding out around such an enormous ring !!
Ramchaine Fabulicious owned by Joanne Gerhold won 1st in a quality Limit class of 23 gorgeous Goldens ... a superb win on the magical green carpet!
Int Sh Ch & Multi Ch Ramchaine Moment of Truth made a great performance in the amazing Open dog class of 32 magnificent examples of our wonderful breed where he was shortlisted to the final cut!!!
What a super class to be in!!! We are VERY proud of our sweet sweet boy!
Our super show girl !!
Int Sh Ch & Multi Ch Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres thrilled us with WINNING 1st place in the fabulous Open class of 21 beautiful bitches !!!
Our Lisza was in TOP form free standing and wagging and moving out on a loose lead with animation, ease and drive.
This was Lisza’s 4th FIRST in Open at a UK show!!!
LEIDEN International
Championship Show, The Netherlands,
Sunday 20th March,
Judge : Vivian de Cuyper ( Belgium)
Excited for our happy baby boy ‘Ramchaine Gidday Mate’ ~ ‘Ozi’ ~ to make his show debut @ 9 months of age ...... and win 1st Excellent in Junior!!
Ozi is by Australian Ch. Larbellah Team Leader out of our own Multi Ch Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts JW
Fuller did us proud yet again winning 1st Excellent in the Intermediate dog class
and then also 2nd BEST DOG with the RCAC & RCACIB!!!
‘Lief’ ~ Ramchaine Flowers in the Window was 2nd Excellent in a very lovely Junior bitch class despite loosing most of her coat!!
GERMAN GRC Specialty
Championship Show, Cloppenburg; Saturday 2nd April
Dog Judge :
Lynne Hennessy – Ritzilyn
‘Ozi’ ~ Ramchaine Gidday Mate was 3rd Excellent in the large junior class.
‘Fuller’ ~ Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars won 1st Excellent in the Intermedisate class and his first German CAC
Fuller had a VERY lovely critique written about him by the Judge Lynne Hennessy:
Boy. Perfect level of maturity fora ge. Long , clean neck into well laid
shoulders. Very good topline and tailset. Stands on good legs and feet. Lovely
head and expression. Perfectly balanced. Coming into new pretty coat. Superb
‘Leif’ and litter sister Lyric both dropped all of their thick plush coats in the last month so had no more undercoat, very little topcoat and hardly any feathering left!
We took them anyway for ‘live ring practice’.
Ramchaine Flowers in the Window became 4th Excellent in a large Junior class of 23.
Her critique from the judge says:
“A beautiful bitch of excellent quality, with everything in the right
place. Very pretty headand expression. Ever wagging tail. Very happy showgirl.
Moves out with purpose and drive.”
‘Lyric’ and litter sister Lief both dropped all of their thick plush coats in the last month so had no more undercoat, very little topcoat and hardly any feathering left!
We took them anyway for ‘live ring practice’.
Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing became 3rd Excellent in the lovely Intermediate class of 16 bitches. Her critique from the judge says :
“A VERY enthusiastic showgirl. Good quality throughout. Very good length of neck into well laid shoulders. Level back. Good bend of stifle. Very pretty head with excellent pigment. Neat feet. Moved well.”
Our bubbly extrovert , forever happy Ramchaine Rosalia looked and moved great in the super Open class of 24 bitches where she
23rd April ~ The German Retriever Club/ DRC Specialty Championship Show ,
Friedberg , Germany
Dog Judge : Borge Espeland (Zananas) Bitch
Judge: Judit Beke (Sunnyfields)
First into the ring in the cold and pouring rain, our 10 month old
‘Ramchaine Gidday Mate’ in the large Junior class of 18 young males.
‘Ozi’ liked the big grassy ring to move around with superb reach and drive,
and became 3rd Excellent.
Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing ~
‘Lyric’ had fun in the wet weather and
bounced exuberantly to
WIN 1st Excellent in the Intermediate
Bitch class with the CAC !
Lyric is now 15 months old.
JCH Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars ~ ‘Fuller’ was also full of energy after the long drive to the showground and at first wanted to play about on the soggy wet grass rather than perform!! ...... however when his turn came to showoff in the ring he stood and moved magnificently , striding out around the big ring with his usual flair and effortless power .
Fuller WINS 1st Excellent in the Intermediate Dog class with the CAC !!
Fuller is now 17 months of age.
Ramchaine Parrot Fashion ~ ‘Scarlett’ stood out in full bloom with her great presence, forever wagging tail and wonderful attitude, in the Open Bitch class of 23 entries ..... and pushed the winner hard to become 2nd Excellent with the RCAC.
( photo taken in the pouring rain so not so clear!!)
We were incredibly proud of our young boy JCH Ramchaine Skyfull Of Stars
to be chosen as the BEST DOG from the entry of 52 males !!!
Altogether a GREAT day for our chosen young showteam,
despite the rain and drizzle and everything & everyone being soaking wet!!!
Retriever Club Specialty Championship Show,
Judge: David Bell (Balintyne) - GB
WOW!!! Our sweetie Talulah of the Hellacious Acres had her FIRST
Championship Show at 11 months of age and made an impressive start
with WINNING 1st Excellent in the Junior class !
‘Tulah’ is by Multi Ch Majik Finders Keepers ex our Morwenna of the Hellacious Acres.
Our already good day ,got even better with our bubbly Lyric enjoying EVERY minute of her special time in the ring and WINNING 1st Excellent in the Intemediate class with the CAC & VDH awards.
Our young Ozi became 3rd Excellent in the Junior class.
He moved superbly around the big grassy ring but decided he didnt want to eat having far too many butterflies in his stomach with all those girls in season at home and then having met another on heat at the show .....
Fuller was also far too distracted by girls to contemplate food as his reward for standing free or stacked .... so we had to do it without!! The judge wrote :
“impressive dog on the move, with good forward reach and super hind extension, balanced in his angulation both front and rear, firm in topline, has a good head shape and kind expression” and awarded him 1st Excellent in the Intermediate class with the CAC & VDH awards.
Haydn of the Hellacious Acres belonging to Sven and Alexandra Budde won 1st Excellent in the Champion class.
Ramchaine Parrot Fashion was shortlisted down to the last 5 from a big Open class of 19 bitches. ‘Scarlett’ looked fantastic and in full bloom in the ring standing but chose to play the fool, and kangaroo hop and jump on the move ..... !!!!
She had the best critique of the day .....
Quality cream girl of 2 years. Well matured for her age. Superb in construction.
Very beautiful silhuoette. Very well balanced angulations. Wonderful head with
excellent proportions. Full and correct bite. Beautiful expression and eyes.
Excellent length of neck with a dream of shoulder. Excellent bone and substance.
Excellent rib cage. Deep chest. Well developed in body for age. Wonderful level
topline with perfect tailset. Very nice underline. Excellent hindquarters. Well
muscled behind. Perfect hocks. Excellent coat quality. Very good movement and
drive with good head and tail carriage. But needs more training to show all her
great points as difficult to judge her movement when her attractability to the
handler is so high”
Our star of the day was proudest moment was in our young
Talulah of the Hellacious Acres winning BEST BITCH !!!