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NEWS 2015
January/February - March/April - May/June - July/August - September/October - November/December
Internationoal All Breed Championionship Dog Show, NL.
Judge Jan Nijland – NL
is now 12 months old
wagging Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars is 1st Excellent in Junior Dog
becomes Reserve Best Dog with the RCAC
Excellent in Champion Bitch class our
German/Gibraltan Ch Ramchaine Moonstruck
“Fuzzy” wins Best Bitch with the CAC and CACIB awards !!!
judge with his Best Dog and Best Bitch
15th November, Berkshire Downs
& Chilterns GRC
Single Breed Championship Show , England.
Dog Judge : Lyn Kipps - Wheatcroft
Bitch Judge : Dr, Ruth Barbour
Multi Ch
Beethoven of the Hellacious Acres won 2nd in the lovely Open Dog class, behind
the CC and BIS winner.
Ch Ramchaine Moonstruck was third
from a
entry of 18 in Open Bitch and proudly becomes the
Ramchaine owned/bred to achieve their
Club Stud Book Number and lifetime qualification for Crufts.
22nd November, GRCN Kastanjeshow, The Netherlands.
Dog Judge : Eve Saxon ( Goldmine)
Bitch Judge : Sue Ross (Sokenlea / Roselle)
busy and fun day of learning and experiences for our chosen young group of
puppies, who were lucky to have kind
and sympathetic judges for their first time into the ring.
of the Hellacious Acres ~ “Finn” made a brilliant start
to his
show career at 6 months of age winning 1st in his class
becoming Best Puppy Dog.
Pavlova ~ ‘Adelaide’ now 5 months old , jumped and jiggled and wiggled and
wagged very enthusiastically
to 2nd place in the baby class of 9 bitches.
of the Hellacious Acres ~ ‘Tulah’ a litter sister of Touchstone became 2nd
in the puppy Bitch class
Doris Day
Oligarchia ~ ‘Deedee’ ~ also 6
months old did great for her first time in the ring and was 4th in the Puppy
Bitch class.
Deedee is
a daughter of our Ludwig and her mother goes back to Bart’s English import Ch.
Westley Cathrina.
Sing Sing Sing ~ ‘Lyric’ our Noah/Fuzzy daughter showed brilliantly and
moved with drive and power to win 1st in the Junior Bitch Class at just 10
months of age. Her wonderful critic reads:
“stunning youngster, tekst book
construction, no exagerations,
feminine throughout, loved her confidence
and style
– wish she was mine!”
lovely words about our girl and that last statement said from a judge is a HUGE
compliment and really does make you smile as a breeder and exhibitor and really
means a lot x
German GRC Specialty Championship Show, Cloppenburg.
Dog Judge : Beryl Liggins (Nunsbrook)
Bitch Judge : Val Burns (Abnalls)
An enjoyable day with our chosen happy-go-lucky youngsters as our showteam for the day :
First into the ring was our Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars who became
3rd Excellent in Junior from an entry of 13
At the same time as being in the dog ring we had to be in Junior
bitch class of 16 entries , with our two litter sisters “Lief & Lyric”
by our Multi Ch Noah of the Hellacious Acres out of our
German/Gibraltan Ch Ramchaine Moonstruck .
Over the moon with our ‘Lief’ – Ramchaine Flowers In The Window -
1st Excellent in Junior Bitch !! ( with sister behind her in second place!!)
Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing ~ ‘Lyric’ was 2nd Excellent in Junior bitch
( being beaten only by her sister Lief!!)
Our Vogue daughter ‘Ramchaine Parrot Fashion’ won
1st Excellent in Intermediate with the CAC & VDH awards
from an entry of 20 lovely young bitches.!!! So pleased as she
had lost ALL of her beautiful thick coat in the bath beforehand
and was really looking like a leggy teenager …..
but with her fabulous construction fully exposed!!!
Shortlised to the last 7 from the large quality entry of 21 in Open Bitch our ever wagging 2.5 year old Noah/Jaq daughter Ramchaine Rosalia .
“Glitter” ~ Fenpinque Glitterbabe of Ramchaine was also
shortlisted to the last 7 in Open and moved with drive and power
to become 4th Excellent .
The Holland Cup
Internatitonal Championship Dog Show Amsterdam,
Friday 11th December ~ Judge :
Sjoerd Jobse {Caemgen’s) -SWE
It should become the
weekend of our youngsters …..
Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars (Fuller) won 1st Excellent in the
Junior Dog class in his usual exuberant , happy style.
Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing (Lyric)
performed very well and stood out in her Junior Bitch class, unfortunately the
judge only placed her second, but we were still very proud on our beautiful 11 month old ,
extrovert showgirl.
Ch.Ramchaine Moonstruck
was entered in a strong champion class.
Sadly she decided to blow
her coat in the bath the day before the show and most of her beautiul plush,
thick coat and feathering went down the plughole!! Though rather naked, Fuzzy
still showed her socks of and became second in her class anyway and in the
challenge gained the RCACIB.
The prestigious Amsterdam Winner All Breed Championship Dog Show – Sunday 13th December in
The Netherlands
Judge : Henric Fryckstrand (Dewmist) – Sweden
Sunday was the show where the titles were won …..
Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars was our only boy to be shown and was
again first in the ring and today the competition was stronger.
Our always bouncy
“Fuller” did a great performance and won 1st Excellent in the Junior dog
class and we were overjoyed for him to become
the ‘Amsterdam
Junior Winner 2015’ and for him to gain his
CRUFTS Qualification for 2016!!!
This win gave him his
third first in Junior at a Dutch Championship Show and meant that he became “Dutch
Junior Champion” at just 13 months of age ….. so 2 x Titles won in
one day!!!
critique from the judge Henric Fryckstrand reads :
“Very high quality.
Attractive head and expression.
Excellent neck which is
set into good shoulders.
Good in front and back
angles. Excellent ribs.
Short coupled. Excellent
topline and tailset.
Strong quarters. Moves
with drive.
Lovely coat. Most
promising for the future. Excellent!!”
Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing
made another great performance on the
green carpet and we were ‘Over The Moon’ when she was also
awarded 1st Excellent in the large Junior Bitch class and became the
‘Amsterdam Jeugdwinster 2015’ and also gained her
CRUFTS Qualification for 2016!!!
Her critique from
the judge Henric Fryckstrand reads
“ Super junior.
Most beautiful head and
Lovely neck which is well
set on good shoulders.
Lovely bone and feet.
Perfect body for age.
Great topline. Superb back
end. Moves like a train.
Beautiful coat. Very showy.
Handled to perfection.
Has everything I like to
see in a junior!
Multi Ch Lizanna of the Hellacious Acres was in the superb Champion Class and
wagged her way to 2nd place Excellent.
Winning 1st Excellent in
the lovely Veteran Bitch Class , achieving the ‘Veteran
Winster 2015’ Title and
moving around the ring with style and charisma was Phyllis of the Hellacious
Acres owned and shown by
Sabina Beentjes
The Judge with his
Amsterdam 2015 ‘Jeugdwinner’ & ‘Jeugdwinster”
A thrilling moment to have
BOTH of our two youngsters
‘Fuller’ &
‘Lyric’ BOTH winning their Junior classes ,
BOTH gaining their
‘Amsterdam Junior Winner ‘15’ Titles
and BOTH qualifying for
Crufts 2016!!!
Our SPECIAL moment
striding out under the spotlights on the blue & pink carpet of the Main Ring
as the Best Junior in Breed with our
newly crowned
‘Dutch Junior
Champion & Amsterdam Junior Winner 2015’
~ ‘JCH Ramchaine Skyfull of Stars.’
got even better with Fuller’s full health scores and results back ~
Hip Hip Hooray!!!
We can proudly say he has
‘A’ ~ Hips
‘Free/Zero’ ~ Elbows
TOTALLY CLEAR ~ Eye Certificate
CLEAR by Parentage for PRA 1 & PRA 2
Friday 18th December
– De Kerstshow ~ International CACIB Hondentoonstelling ~
Judge : Dhr. C.F. Rutten (NL)
Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing
did us proud yet again with her amazing ring presence and super show attitude
and won 1st Excellent in the Junior Bitch class !
(So only one more Junior Win for her Junior Champion Title too!!!)
Pictured above our two
Highlander daughters Jenna & Jazmin who both reached the grand old age of 15
years before leaving us , This year will sadly
be our first Christmas without our beloved Jazmin.
She now lives on in so
many world wide!!
We wish ALL of our
dear friends, fellow
exhibitors and dog acquaintances a Wonderous Christmastime,
A Fabulous Festive Season
And The VERY Best of Luck
& Wishes for 2016