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Click to see photos of the shows from 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - & 2010 and before
29th June , Windsor Championship Show , England
Bart had the honour of judging and awarding the Challenge Certificates for the dogs.
Bart assessing the movement of his RCC winner.
The CC winner on the move
Bart pictured with his Challenge Certificate winner
Dog CC & RCC winners pictured with the judge.
The Best Dog, Reserve Best Dog and Best Puppy pictured with the judge!
Bart with his Co-Judge Audrey Richardson (Darrachonna) and their agreed Best of Breed and Reserve Best of Breed from the entry of the day.
Saturday 2nd August, Adelaide, Australia, The GRC of South Australia “Barbara Moore” Championship Specialty Show .
Bart had the pleasure of travelling ‘down under’ to judge at the GRC of South Australia’s Specialty Championship Show.
Bart with his Best Dog and Reserve Best Dog
The Dog CC winner
The Dog RCC winner
Bart pictured with his Best Bitch and Reserve Best Bitch winners
Bart with his BEST OF BREED & RESERVE BEST OF BREED winners wearing their coats of glory.
The lucky winner of the day went home with an armfull of roseetes, sashes, and prizes!
And after a busy day judging .... time to play with son Sebastian on the slide!!
Saturday 9th August , Auckland, New Zealand, The New Zealand GRC Inc 48th Championship Specialty Show –
Mr. Bart van Maren from The Netherlands
Bart had the pleasure of judging his beloved breed in New Zealand at the GRC ‘Winter’ Specialty Championship Show.
Bart with his Best Dog and Reserve Best Dog
Bart with his Best Bitch and Reserve Best Bitch
The Bitch Challange Certificate winner
The Dog Challange Certificate Winner
Bart’s Best of Breed was the superb eye catching male.
Saturday 4th October 2014 , The Golden Retriever Club of Scotland , Single Breed Club Open Show, at Cochrane Park, Alva, near Sterling, Scotland.
Charmaine had the honour of judging at her 4th Breed Club Open Show, it was a rather long journey from Amsterdam, in the Netherlands .... but a fun trip with an overnight boat from Ijmiuden to Newcastle and then the picturesque drive along country roads up North to our comfortable B&B in Sterling.
The Best Dog and Best Bitch of the day
Best Puppy in Breed and the line up of Best Dog, Reserve Best Dog & Best Puppy dog ( Best Veteran Dog sadly absent)
Charmaine with her Best Bitch , Reserve Best Bitch , Best Veteran Bitch & Best Puppy Bitch
Charmaine with her line up from left to right – BOB, RBOB, Best Veteran & Best Puppy.
Charmaine very pleased with her Best of Breed and Reserve Best of Breed from a super entry of over 90 exhibits.