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Judging 2013
Click to see photos of the shows from 2012 - 2011 - & 2010 and before
Sunday 17th February, CheltenhamOpen Show in England
Charmaine judged at the Cheltenham & DCS Open Show at The Kennel Club building in Stoneleigh Park .
Charmaine and her Ring Steward at the judges table.
Charmaine writing the critique on her Best Puppy Dog
The Best Puppy Bitch
Going over the exhibits
The decision for Best of Breed and line up of unbeaten class winners.
with her Best of Breed, Reserve BOB and Best Puppy
31st March - in SERBIA
with his Best of Breed Winner in Serbia where he judged the Golden Retrievers at
VRSAC CACIB All Breed International
Championship Dog Show
Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th April 2013 - Czech Republic
Bart judged the bitches on the Saturday
Bart with his Best junior Bitch and junior Clubwinner 2013
Bart with his Best Bitch and Clubwinner 2013
Bart judged the dogs and BOB on the Sunday
pictured with co-judge and fellow dutchman Sjoerd Jobse
Bart with his best dog and BOS.
Saturday 6th
July 2013 - The Finnish Retriever Club 50th Anniversary Championship Show ,Tammela,
Charmaine and Bart had the pleasure of judging the Golden Retrievers
at the Finnish Golden Retriever Club Championship Show, which was
celebrating its 50 th birthday - being in existance from 1963 to 2013. The
other judges for the show and pictured above were Nils Molin (SWE) for
the Tollers, Patsy Hollings (UK) the Curlies & Chesapekes, Karen
Powell (UK) & Shaun Williamson (UK) the Labradors , and Lyn & Ray
Strudwick (UK) the Flatcoats. The hospitality from the club was fantastic ,
the show was well organised in a super setting, and all judges had
the pleasure of going over some very lovely exhibits in both sun and rain!!
Charmaine judged the males and Bart did the females.
Pictured here with their Best Dog & Best Bitch.
Charmaine started off the breed judging with the baby puppy class.
the winners 1 to 4 of Junior Dog
the 1 to 4 excellent males from the Open dog class
1st & 2nd in the working class
the winners 1 to 4 of the super Champion Dog class
Charmaine's Best Dog with the CAC
1st and 2nd in puppy Bitch
The full Junior bitch class and placings of 1 to 4
the junior bitch winner
the intermediate bitch winner
the shortlist in open bitch
1 to 4 in open bitch
1st in the working class
the vetrans bitch winner
the line up for Best bitch
Bart's Best Bitch with the CAC
The Bitch RCAC winner
Charmaine & Bart with their Best Dog & Best Bitch
The Best Junior Dog & best Junior Bitch who both were the RCAC winners of the day ..... and litter brother and sister!!!
The Best Working Dog & Bitch Winners
The Best Veteran Dog & Bitch
BOB & BOS with the judges!
Breeders Group winner
Progeny group winner
.... and a little bit of our trip to Tammela & Helsinki .....
Sunday 13th October
– The South Western Golden Retriever Club Single Breed Open Show, Taunten,
Somerset, England.
Judge: Charmaine Ennis van Maren (Ramchaine)
Charmaine had the great pleasure to judge at the SWGRC Open Show pictured here with her overall winners from lefyt to right - BIS, RBIS, BOS, BPB, BPD, & BV
Charmaine with her Best Dog, Reserve Best Dog and Best Puppy Dog
Charmaine with her Best Bitch, Reserve Best Bitch and Best Puppy Bitch
The Best In Show and Best Opposite Sex winners.