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"feminine 7 months pale
bitch, loved her head & expression, kind dark eye & lovely pigment,
thought her outline stunning for one so young, good bone & feet, excels
in rear angulation, sound level mover, so beautifully presented. BP." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ramchaine
Essential, aptly named, as she all the essential requirements to go to the
top, very mature young lady in cream coat, feminine head, excellent reach of
neck, good bend of stifle, moved with drive, excellently handled &
presented. BPIS" ~~~~~~~~~~~~
"pretty blonde, dark
pigment, sweet expression, good length of neck, level topline, well boned
limbs, neat feet, moved soundly & truely, excellent handling &
quality bitch appealed very much, excellent presentation, in good coat and
condition, excellent bone, dark eye and pigment, balanced outline showing
off her good neck, quarters and topline, moved with style" ~~~~~~~~~~ "one I
have frequently admired, beautifully presented pale bitch with happy alert
attitude, not carrying a lot of coat but with absolutely nothing to hide.
Pleasing gentle head & expression, superb reach of neck, well laid
shoulders, well angulated upper arm placing her forelegs well under her,
good movement from strong driving quarters, considered her for top honours." ~~~~~~~~~~ "very
elegant pale cream, lovely feminine head & expression, nicely angulated
shoulders & upper arm, level topline, well bent stifles, moved well
around the ring, nicely presented." ~~~~~~~~~~
handled to perfection. Not in her best clothes, but could not be denied her
place in a quality class. She has all the same attributes as 1 ( well laid
back shoulder blade of good length & equally angulated upper arm, tight
elbows, deep through the heart with a good length of ribbing, good
hindquarters, well let down hocks which are short & straight) slightly
longer in body, held her topline when moving in an effortless and stylish
manner." ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ennis-Whelan's
Ramchaine Essential, another superb quality bitch, feminine head &
expression, excellent neck with superb shoulder angulation & upper arm,
mature, deep body with excellent quarters, good bone with neat feet &
lovely short hocks, beautifully balanced throughout, moved & showed
well. ~~~~~~~~~~~ blonde,superb
outline,very balanced & showing off her good overall construction,
feminine head, super front & rear angulation, moved soundly & with
drive. |
‘Jeree’ ~ SH.CH.
Ramchaine Essential
During her puppy and junior career, Jeree easily obtained her
Warrant ************************************************************************************** |
and then at championship shows won: |
UGB ~ Heather Morss (Xanthos) 1st
SYB ~ Heather Morss (Xanthos) 1st
SYB ~ Hilary Lambshead (Muskan)
In her graduate classes she achieved: |
Jeree wasn't in Post Graduate for long!
2nd PGB ~ Sue Brown (Ipcress) 2nd PGB ~ Viv Jones (Ninell) CRUFTS MARCH 2007 1st
PGB ~ Heather Avis (Glenavis) 1st CC at Boston's very first championship show January 2007 ( Immense thanks to Tony for appreciating her many qualities ) Show report to follow...
Jeree's Mid Limit / Limit wins in 2007 : 3rd MLB ~ Roy Maynard (Chinordale) 3rd MLB ~ George Hennessy (Ritzilyn) 2nd LB ~ Sue Russell (Rosinante) 1st LB ~ Ray Strudwick (Burpham) 1st LB ~ Per Iverson (Norway) 1st MLB ~ Tricia Butterworth (Applebrook) ...... followed by her exhilarating 2nd CC at the National Gundog Championship Show 2007 Her
show report from Tricia Butterworth states :
############################################################################### Tragic news : Running through the woods on 15th August, not even a fortnight after winning her second CC, Jeree tragically sliced through the webbing of her foot on broken glass and severed three of the tendons to her toes. Initially, we were worried we may lose her through shock and immense blood loss, so priority was for emergency first aid and stitches rather than the future function of her foot. We never imagined we would ever be able to show her again, the deep cut did severe damage , and amputation of two her toes was advised as the best long term option for her best interests. Three weeks later , in an attempt to save the toes, Jeree underwent a tricky tendon repair by a fantastic Greyhound track injury specialist. After the successful operation her leg was immobilised for 8 weeks in a hard plastic splint, followed by a further 6 weeks in soft bandaging.
Some of the glass found in the woods where the tragedy occurred! - which piece was the culprit? It was a VERY LONG recovery process. Thankfully, once all dressings were removed Jeree walked soundly - her leg was thin from disuse, the muscles wasted, so next came a programme of building up the muscles and strengthening the limb. First she was allowed to "room wander" for a week, then short walks on a lead on soft ground, increasing her exercise time gradually until she could at last free run , play in the garden and return to road walks with the other dogs! Thank goodness that February 2008 sees her running across fields once again - galloping, twisting, turning and jumping around as if nothing had ever been wrong ......... we have both returned to jogging and ........ she is STILL fitter than me and thankfully can now even recommence her show career, as if nothing had ever been wrong! ########################################################################
2nd in Limit Bitch under Judge Janet Buckingham (Lindjan)
then Jeree dropped all her coat and needed yet another break! 1st LB ~ Viv Jones (Ninell) and the RCC at the Ulster GRC April 2008 Viv Jones wrote in her critique: "very elegant cream bitch, well constructed throughout, excellent shoulder placement & strong quarters, giving very good angulation. Topline strong with good tailset, forelegs straight with well shaped feet, excellent outline, well presented & expertly shown, just coming into coat and could do with a little more feathering to complete the picture."
followed by a superb run in her Limit classes during the spring / summer 2008: 3rd Limit Bitch ~ Val Foss (Elswood) 3rd Limit Bitch ~ Eileen Allen-Rossiter (Pengilli) 2nd Limit Bitch ~ Pauline Bevis (Starlance) 2nd Limit Bitch ~ Fiona Brightley (Drumkilty) 1st Limit Bitch ~ Heather Avis ( Glenavis) 1st Limit Bitch ~ Brenda Hutchison (Waverton) 1st Limit Bitch ~ Bernard Catterall (Golmas) 1st Limit Bitch ~ Gordon Kipps (Wheatcroft) 1st Limit Bitch ~ Diana Dale (Mindaro) WOW!!! WHAT A DAY!!! WINDSOR CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW JUNE 2008!!!! Jeree gains her CROWN !!! Jeree wins 1st Limit Bitch & her 3rd Challenge Certificate under judge Ron Hare (Rolillair) who wrote- "the star of the day at nearly 5 years, just maturing & following in her dam's footsteps who I gave the RCC some 7 years ago. Beautifully balanced standing & on the move, super head & expression, lovely front angulation, good depth to body, nicely boned, neat feet, lovely strong hocks, moved out with drive and elegance. CC, her crown, & G2" & also Best of Breed with the agreement of co-judge Val Foss (Elswood) Then in the GROUP RING she puts on a good performance, moves soundly with drive and style, stands to perfection, looks a dream, and achieves GUNDOG GROUP 2 under
group judge Mr Phillip Green
G1 ( his 34th group and 49th CC! ) and later RBIS was the Hungarian Vizsla Sh Ch Hungargunn Bear It'n Mind
Immense thanks to all the judges who have acknowledged & awarded my precious Jeree her wins to date. To all the friends and fellow competitors for their congratulations and hugs too. She is a very very special girlie, a total sweetie, very gentle, very loving, my poppet.
I am ecstatic & very proud of her, that after her traumatic foot episode she has managed to recover so well to be able to gain her title of SHOW CHAMPION !
ANOTHER SPECTACULAR WIN !! Jeree wins 1st Limit Bitch and her 4th Challenge Certificate at Paignton 2008 under judge Alan Fall and with agreement of co-judge Eddie Webster (Benjcroft) is awarded Best Of Breed followed by winning Gundog Group 3 under judge Peter Woolf who wrote "It was a strong group with many really good dogs to judge. I thought this golden was looking very nice indeed, correct head & good expression, nice bone & feet, good general outline& is very sound moving, was presented very well"