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Progeny Lief
Our sweet fun loving Ramchaine Flowers in the
Window ~ “Lief” A Hips , Free/Zero Elbows Current Clear Eye Certificate PRA
1 & 2 CLEAR
has been mated to our own sweet , soft and cuddly
Multi Ch Ramchaine Moment of Truth ~ “Trevor” Current Clear Eye Certificate A Hips . Free/Zero Elbows PRA 1 & 2 CLEAR
Lief is confirmed to be pregnant by ultrasound scan ~ Quite a few ‘baby bubbles’ seen !! ~ puppies are due to arrive around the 31st March !!
Multi Ch. Ramchaine Moment of Truth |
Multi Ch. Majik Truth or Dare |
Ch. Majik Finders Keepers |
Remington Razzle Dazzle |
Majik Winter Shade |
Majik Vissi D'arte |
Delindas Sincerly Love |
Majik Noblesse Oblige |
Ch. Ramchaine Monkeynut |
Barnum of the Hellacious Acres |
Multi Ch. Paudell Pure Passion |
Victoria of the Hellacious Acres |
Ch. Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts |
Sh Ch. Lochtaymor King of Diamonds |
Sh. Ch. Remington Requiste of Ramchaine |
Ramchaine Flowers in the Window |
Multi Ch. Noah of the Hellacious Acres |
Ch. Dewmist Servantes |
Ch. Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel |
Ch. Dewmist Shaquille |
Ch. Philomena of the Hellacious Acres |
Ch. Taram du bois de la Rayere |
Ch. Ramchaine Green Glitter |
Ch. Ramchaine Moonstruck |
Ch. Barnum of the Hellacious Acres |
Ch. Paudell Pure Passion |
Victoria of the Hellacious Acres |
Ch. Ramchaine Essential |
Ch. Elswood the Highlander |
Ch. Remington Requiste of Ramchaine |