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Achievements Jina
14th November 2010 :- Jina is 1st in the Puppy Bitch class at the Golden Retriever Club of the Netherlands “Kastanjeshow” .
At exactly 7 months old our baby girl made her show debut in style winning the puppy class at under judge Gerard Sonntag from the Ashbury kennel in France. Behind her in 2nd place was her kennelmate Morwenna.
27th November 2010 : - Jina is 1st in the Puppy Bitch class & becomes BEST PUPPY in SHOW!!! at The German Golden Retriever Club Championship Show in Cloppenburg, under judge Gordon Mackenzie from the UK. He wrote in his critique of her : “ Good dark pigmentation, feminine head, good reach of neck, good front angulation, good depth of rib, level topline. Nicely coupled, good stifle, correct tailset, hocks well let down. Moved well. Very promising. Best Puppy.”
5th March 2011 : The Martini International Championship Dog Show , Groningen, The Netherlands. Jina is 10 months of age & decided to blow ALL her beautiful puppy coat out in the bath just before the show , so looked rather naked in her 1st Junior class! We took her anyway for the experience of being at a busy indoor all breed championship show, and was pleased for her to be graded ‘excellent’ & shortlisted in a big entry of quality bitches. The judge Eddie Webster from the UK wrote in his critique of her : “Very nice outline. Lovely head, dark eye & dark pigment. Very good reach of neck & shoulder placement. Level topline. Good tail & set. Very good rear angulation. Straight front legs with good bone & tight feet. Well ribbed, short coupled, moved well. Shown in beautiful condition. Unfortunately lacking in coat today. Excellent.”
24th March 2012.: Jina is 1st in Intermediate Bitch winning the CAC & VDH awards at The German Golden Retriever Club Special Single Breed Championship Show, in Cloppenburg. The judge George Hennessy from the UK wrote “ beautiful outline, very feminine, sweet head and expression, good reach of neck, good length and angulation of upper arm. Level topline. Good set on of tail. Good turn of stifle, good muscle tone. Creates a quality, balanced picture, very nicely handled. Excellent. CAC & VDH”.
9th April 2012. International Championship Easter Paasshow, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, Jina is 2nd Excellent in Intermediate Bitch under judge Val Tregaskis from the UK. Again Jina had dropped all coat in the bath …. bad timing on our part as her coat was glorious at Christmas!
14th April 2012. Jina is 2 years old today! She attends the compulsory GRCN Breeders Day for an assessment on her conformation and her stability with gun fire shots. Jina is steady & graded excellent with the gun shots and passes every one of the 25 points looked at by the judge on her structure with an ‘excellent/uitmuntend’ qualification.
Jina has not been shown much as a youngster …. She only competed at 5 x shows in total so her results are rather wonderful for the few shows attended!! She was a very big and leggy puppy and is a bitch which needs time to develop into her frame – we hope that after her litter she matures and returns to the ring in a glamourous party dress to be campaigned for a while!
23rd April - Cloppenburg
- Germany - GRC Specialty Breed Championship Show
MonkeyNut had her first show
since having her first litter and was 3rd Excellent in the large Open
Bitch class under judge Mrs.Eileen Caisley (UK)(Standfast).Her critique said “
a good sized elegant bitch in hard condition. Well proportioned head. Well
angulated shoulders and layback of shoulder blade. Level topline. Very positive
mover. Well handled and well presented.Excellent.”
June 2013 – Neumunster International All Breed Championship Show, Germany.
Judge : Malcolm Godefroy (Fenwood) – UK
Jina wins 3rd Excellent in
the Open Bitch class. Her critique from the judge says : “Nice
head and expression, with dark eye. Good reach of neck. True, correct front
angles. Level topline andtailset. Well sprung ribs. Good stifles.Tight feet.
Nice coat. Moved correctly front and rear.
June 2013 – The German GRC Specialty Breed Chmpionship Show, Itzehoe, Germany.
Judge : Penny Gowland (Remington) – UK
Jina wins 2nd Excellent in Open Bitch with the RCAC & RVDH awards.
The judge wrote: “A
lovely feminine bitch of good size and substance. Balanced outline. Sweet head
with good chisellling. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulder and good
upperarm. Good forechest. Straight front , good pasterns and good feet. Good
spring of rib. Strong level topline. Well constructed quarters. Has good reach
of stride. Excellent!”
Deutscher Retriever Club 50 Years Jubilee Celebration Weekend
First day – Saturday
8th June,;
Jina is 2nd in Open Bitch with the RCAC & RVDH awards under Judge
Joyce Ryder (Jaskar) who wrote :
“A lively animated bitch, presented in good coat and condition. Very feminine
pleasing head with good pigment. Good layback of shoulder into level toplineand
correct tailset. Good spring of rib. Correct bend of stifle. Moved out with ease,
covering the ground well. Excellent.”
Second day – Sunday
9th June ; Jina is graded ‘Excellent’ and
shortlisted to the last six in Open bitch. The judge Ann Falconer (Siatham)
wrote : “ Nice head and expression. Good
angulation, both in front and behind. Level topline. Deep, short coupled body.
Didn’t lift her tail on the move. Excellent.”
June 2013 – The German GRC ‘Spezial- Rassehunde-Ausstellung’, Beckum,
Germany. Judge : Mr Mal Watkins(Tamarley) – UK
Jina wins 1st
Excellent with the CAC & VDH
awards, in the Open Bitch class of 18 females. Her critique said : “Beautiful head. Excellent feet. Excellent neck and shoulders.
Beautiful topline and bend of stifle.”
August – The DRC Frankischer Retrievertag, Hochstadt, Germany.
: Dagmar Winter (Fourwind Cottage) – D
Our ever wagging sweet Jina pictured freestood and ever wagging, is 2nd Excellent in Open Bitch with the RCAC & RVDH awards.
Her critique says; “Top Bitch. Excellent in all parts. Very good reach of neck. Straight topline. Top front. Top coat. Correct hind movement. She moves with a lot of speed!”
31st August – The German GRC Specialty Breed
Championship Show, Hammoor, Germany.
Judge : Ralf Koch ( of the Crow Valley)
Jina wagged her way continually through the large open Bitch class of 20 entries to win 1st Excellent with the CAC. & VDH awards.
The judge wrote : “
A 3 year old bitch full of quality. Most excellent head and neck. Beautiful
front construction. Deep body. Excellent hind quarters. Level, firm, topline.
Moves with drive.”
beautiful Jina in full coat and blooming !!
September 2013 – The Deutscher Retriever Club Specialty Show, Lich, Germany.
Jina wins 2nd Excellent in
Open Bitch with the RCAC & RVDH awards from a quality entry of 15 bitches,
wagging her tail lots & lots as usual ..... she showed and moved brilliantly
...... and was soooooo close to being first ....... !!! . The judge wrote: “An excellent type of bitch. Most feminine sweet
head. Excellent neck. Excellent shoulders. Well made body with a strong topline.
Well angulated behind. In lovely coat and condition. Excellent.”