Achievements Ramchaine Rosalia:
Rosie made her debut into the ring at the Kynologenclub West-Friesland
at 6 months of age .... where she won 1st in the Puppy bitch class and then
At 9 months of age Ramchaine Rosalia had her next show.
She won 2nd (with first place going to her fellow kennel mate Ramchaine Pink Persona) in a large junior bitch class at the GRC of The Netherlands Nieuwjaarsshow under breed specialist Judge Julie Merrick (Stormerick) – UK.
2nd March 2014 ~ International All Breed Martinidogshow, Groningen, NL,
Our 10 month old Rosie wins 1st Excellent in the Junior Bitch class.
The Judge Ray Strudwick (Burpham)
wrote about her “Balanced headed female
with typical expression. Excellent angulation in both front and rear. Well
ribbed back. Short in loin. Strong quarters. Moves sound and true with good
drive. Exuberant and happy show girl.”
29th May 2014 ~ The GRC Nederland Kampioenschapsclubmatch,
Rosie was in a huge Junior Bitch class of 40 entries and did us proud in winning 2nd Excellent under breed specialist Pat Cooper (Goldsmill) – UK.
Her critique reads “Very
pleased to see a free standing bitch showing with such great attitude. Clean
outine. Pretty head. Very attentive to owner. Most excellent front angulations.
Tight elbows. Good ribcage and depth of chest. Short coupled. Very good bend of
stifle. A very happy waggy character who moved well.”
15th June 2014 ~ International Jachthondenshow, Arnhem, NL.
Rosie wins 1st Excellent in Junior Bitch under breed specialist Martin Greenwood (Telkaro) – UK.
Her critique says “Pretty
feminine bitch with a typical ‘Golden’ head. Super dark eye. Good chiseling
under the eyes. Nice reach of neck into correct shoulder. Nice deep body. Very
good angles on rear and very good second thighs. Well muscled, strong bitch. In
super condition. Good coat. Moved well and freely.
Ramchaine Rosalia becomes RESERVE BEST BITCH with the RCAC !!
The German GRC Specialty Championship Show, Bernburg, Germany.
5th July 2014. Rosie is 15 months and wins 1st Excellent in the Intermediate bitch class with the CAC & VDH awards !!
The Judge Monsieur Bruno Faq ( du Bois de la Rayere) from France wrote
lovely feminine bitch with sweety expression. Excellent black pigment. Excellent
length of neck flowing into super strong topline and good tailset. Excellent
front angulation with a good chest. Strong
muscled body. Excellent ribcage
with good depth. Very good back angulation. Excellent bone and feet. Well
presented in best new coat and best condition. Moved very well, with drive and
power, keeping her topline.”
6th July 2014 ~ Rosie is 3rd Excellent in Intermediate at Meisdorf in Germany
under Judge Helen Almey (Arbutus) – UK.
Rotterdam International Benelux Winner All Breed Dog Show , NL.
Our ever wagging Rosie becomes 3rd Excellent in the large Junior bitch class
under Per Iversen from
Norway, who wrote “17 month old , free
moving young bitch. Has a very good outline for her age. Pleasing head and kind
expression. Very good neck. Very good depth of body. Balanced in her angulation.
Super happy outgoing temperament. Moves correctly with confidence.”
28th September 2014 ~ Maastricht International Championship Show, NL.
Our happy, waggy Rosie is 2nd Excellent in the Junior Bitch class, under Judge Sjoerd Jobse (NL). Rosie really loves life and always stands herself foursquare and wags her tail soo strongly right round from side to side !!!
The DRC ~ German Retriever Club Specialty Championship Show, Kassel.
15th November 2014 ~ Rosie wags her way in her normal exuberant fashion to
win 1st Excellent in the Intermediate class, with the CAC & VDH awards ,
under Judge Aiden
McKiernan from Ireland; who wrote “Quality
balanced bitch. Nice head. Lovely reach of neck. Correctly angulated shoulder.
Good depth of chest. Tight elbows. Tight neet feet. Well angulated hindquarters.
Good level topline and tailset. Moved very well.”
The German GRC Specialty Championship Show, Cloppenburg.
29th November 2014 ~ Judge: Freda Garget (Garvin) – UK
Rosie is 2nd Excellent with the RCAC award in the large Intermediate Class.
Her critique from the
judge reads “Very pretty bitch, lovely head and expression. Superb reach of
neck into well laid shoulders. Excellent front assembly. Level topline. Short
coupled. Very good bend of stifle. Moved soundly with animation. Lovely free
standing bitch.”
Kassel VDH National Championship Show. Judge DR. Neuburger.(Switzerland)
Rosie is 2nd Excellent with the RVDH in the Intermediate class.
The judge wrote “Beautiful
well balanced bitch. Feminine head and expression. Deep chest with good
forechest. Strong loin. Good angles front and back. Standing foursquare and
moving with joy and drive!!”
German GRC Specialty Show , Hammoor, 8th August 2015.
Judge : Ray Strudwick (Burpham) – UK.
Ramchaine Rosalia has her first show in the Open class with the big girls!
The judge wrote “A
lovely headed female with good dark eyes. Good reach of neck. Good well laid
back shoulders. Straight forelegs. Strong,
level topline. Well ribbed. Well angulated quarters. Moves with good drive.”
Rosie wins 2nd Excellent with the RCAC & RVDH awards in the lovely Open Class.
German GRC Specialty Championship Show, Cloppenburg
28th November 2015 ~ judge : Val Burns (Abnalls) – UK
Rosie is shortlisted to the final 7 in the in the big Open quality class of 21 bitches.