Gallery Multi Ch. Ramchaine Moment of Truth:
Trevor was born on 7th September 2012 . His mummy Jina had an easy whelping and enjoyed every minute of motherhood.
The puppies are 3 days old – ( Trevor marked on his right hip side in blue. - so in the front on the left side photo and on the far right at the end on the right side photo)
dad – “Nigel’ - International Sh Ch/ Dutch Ch/
Danish Ch/ Swedish Ch / Luxembourg
Ch/ German & VDH Ch & Amsterdam Winner’10 Majik Truth or Dare
mum ‘ Jina’ - Ramchaine
grandparents - Dutch/German /VDH Ch
Ramchaine Jaq of Hearts UKJW and International Sh Ch / UK Show CH/ Dutch Ch/
Danish Ch/ Swedish Ch/ German & VDH Ch Barnum of the Hellacious Acres .
Headshot of Jina in the middle with her mum and dad .
11 month old Sebastian is keen on the puppies and will become one of Trevor’s BEST friends as they grow up together.
Trevor at 2.5 weeks of age.
Baby Trevor has his first taste of food ......
....... we already have our eye on this classy puppy!
Trevor at 3 weeks being hand fed and already showing superb reach of neck!!
3 week old Trevor feeding
from mum while having a wash
& showing his fantastic pigment!
The 3 boys in the litter - Trevor on the left with his two brothers
Ramchaine Moment of Truth “Trevor” at 5 weeks of age.
Trevor at 6.5 weeks of age.
8 weeks old and growing fast!!
A sitting pose at 8 weeks of age; showing his great bone and substance .
Trevor at 2 months of age..
Trevor watching the sheep in the garden !
Baby Trevor f(ar right) with three of his sisters – “Ramchaine Truly Scrumptious’, ‘Ramchaine Truly True ‘ & Ramchaine Truly Madly Deeply’.
Trevor at 3.5 months of age, travelling in the car on the way to Belgium to his first show!
Trevor at 4 months of age on a walk in Medemblik Harbour with Sebastian and friends.
Trevor at 5.5 months practising his show stance.
Trevor at the back – not quite so covered in mud as some of his friends!!!
Trevor having fun in the sea !!!
Trevor running up the giant sand hill .... camoflaged against the sand but he is there with a few friends ( 2nd from the top) - if you look closely!!!
Trevor enjoys running over the dunes with friends (on far left lying down) .
More walks with Sebastian in Medemblick to see the Steam Train and the harbour.
(Trevor at the back in both pictures.)
Trevor far right watching the ducks and geese around the duck pond.
Best friends together - our Sebastian with Trevor (left) and Noah (right)
Sebastian is nearly 2 years old and finds Trevor is perfect as a cushion to lie against, and great to roll over , and loves to give him a hug , cuddle, squash and squeeze!!!
quick family snap shot on the grooming table : -from right to left -
Trevor - 15 months, mummy Jina - 3
years, grandma Jaq - 6 years, great
grandma Jazmin – nearly 14! & grandad Barnum 9 years old.