Achievements Jun. Ch. Ramchaine Moment of Truth:
22nd December 2012, The Hagelandse Dog Show, Tienen, Belgium,
Judge – Kathy Braekman ( Glitters)
Our baby boy had his first ring experience at 3.5 months of age
Trevor wins 1st place at his first show in the Baby Dog class
Trevor is awarded Best Baby Dog
GRC Specialty Breed
Championship Show, Cloppenburg, Germany ,
23rd April 2013 , Judge Mrs EvaNielsen(Sweden)
– Dream Max
Trevor is now 6 months old and has his first Puppy Class .... making a great performance in the ring.
Trevor is 1st Very Promising in the Puppy Dog Class
Trevor becomes BEST PUPPY DOG & BEST PUPPY IN SHOW !!! with the agreement of the bitch judge Eileen Caisley (UK) –Standfast
4th May 2013, The DRC
Retriever Club Championship Show, Diedersdorf, Germany.
Trevor did great in the show ring again winning 1st in his puppy class under judge Janet Crang (Linoaks) who wrote in her critique of him “Beautifully balanced. Super head, dark eye and pigment. Good shoulder and upper arm placements. Good bone, tight feet. Strong in topline and in quarters. Very Promising “
With the agreement of ALL four of the Retriever breed judges our Trevor thrills us by winning BEST PUPPY IN SHOW !!!
9th May 2013, The
Golden Retriever Club of the Netherlands Kampioenscapsclubmatch , Honderloo, NL.
Keeping up with his unbeaten record so far Trevor wins 1st in his Puppy Dog class and becomes BEST PUPPY DOG under judge Gera Toeters.
With the agreement of
the Puppy Bitch judge Jan Nijland , Trevor beats his litter sister
‘Ramchaine Truly True’ to become BEST
22nd June 2013, The
German GRC’Spezial-Rassehunde-Ausstellung, Beckum, Germany. Judge – Mrs.
Sheila Watkins (Tamarley) –UK
Trevor is now 9 months of
age and into his first Junior Class of 14 males – becoming 2nd Excellent with
the RJCAC & RJVDH awards. His critique says “ Quality youngster of 9 months, pleasing head with soft expression,
good pigment. Straight front. Excellent shoulder angulation, good topline and
tailset. Very balanced outline. Excellent hindquarters. Good presentation.
3rd August, The DRC
Frankischer Retrievertag, Hochstadt, Germany,
Judge – Dagmar Winter ( Fourwind Cottage)
Trevor is back on his winning streak winning 1st excellent in Junior Dog with the JCAC & JVDH awards ( despite having lost all of his beautiful puppy coat in the bath the day before) . His critique from the judge says: “ 10 month old dog from top Quality. Correct well chisselled head. Dark eyes. Soft expression. Top pigment. Very good length of neck. Lovely laid back shoulder. Excellent front. Correct angulations. Cat feet. Correctly set on and carried tail. Moves with great speed. Excellent.”
Our Trevor “Ramchaine Moment Of Truth” strides around the ring with style and ease and beats the other class winners to become the BEST DOG !
Trevor is declared Best Opposite Sex with fellow kennelmate Ramchaine Belly Dancer taking BOB !!
25th August, Rotterdam
All Breed International Championship Show
Judge : Kim Ellis – UK (Tenfield)
Trevor is 2nd Excellent in
Junior Dog from an entry of 13 males. His critique said: “Raw
11 month old dog with masucline head. Dark eye and pigment. Very good neck and
super well laid shoulder, level topline and tailset. Straight front and rear,
good bone and feet. Powerful, level, active mover. Moving straight and true.
Lots to like about him.
Judge : Sverre Sand - Norway (Waterloo)
Trevor again has a class
of 13 Junior males and wins the JCAC.
His critique said:
“ Well balanced dog with masculine head and good stop. Good pigment. Long neck,
well laid back shoulder, good topline, good tailset. Good bone . Well angulated.
Moves with long steps. Lovely temperament and well handled. Coat of good quality
but not in full coat this day.
Judge : Mr J.R. Sauge (Norway)
A special show for Trevor as today was his 1st Birthday !!! So the win was even more special when he became 1st Excellent in the Junior class from another entry of 13 males, with the JCAC &JVDH awards. The judge wrote : “ a lovely dog of good breed type. Nice head, lovely neck, lovely shoulder placement. Strong bone. Level topline. Good hindquarters. Moves well. Good coat quality. Excellent.”
This win gives our Ramchaine Moment of Truth the last point needed to become a GERMAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!!!- it has been a special 1st Birthday indeed!!
Trevor is 3rd Excellent in the Junior Dog Class under judge William Orzel (Braxton)
6th October 2013, Ijsselshow Zwolle, International all
Breed Championship Show, The Netherlands. Judge : Mrs. Susan Webster ( Benjcroft)
Trevor is 1st Excellent in Junior Dog with the JCAC.
His lovely critique from the judge said: “ Quality dog with excellent bone and substance, presenting a very pleasing, balanced outline. Very pleasing head, eye, and expression. Straight front, good length of neck into well angulated forehand with good forechest . Good depth of body , good spring of rib, and strong over the loin. Lovely level topline with correct tail set. Good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved out correctly. Very well presented and handled. Excellent.”
3rd November, Bleiswijk International All Breed Dog
Show, The Netherlands.
Trevor wins 1st Excellent in the Junior Dog class with the JCAC.
His critique reads :“A
strong, nicely matured youngster. Strong masculine head. Very good pigmentation.
Very good neckline. Nice level back. Well set on tail. Nice angulation. Very
good bone. Nice coat. Has good reach in his movement. Excellent.”
Trevor becomes Reserve Best Dog and wins the RCAC
- but he is still
too young at 13months of age to be awarded the RCACIB.
10th November 2013, The GRCN Kastanjeshow , NL
Trevor is 3rd in
the Junior Dog class. The judge wrote : “ lovely powerful young boy
with a beautiful and stylish outline. Masculine head with the sweetest
expression. Balanced all through. Well angulated, with good bone and substance.
In good coat. Moves with excellent reach. Very well presented.”
17th November 2013, The KCWF Open Show, NL.
Trevor once again wins 1st in his Junior Dog class.
8th December 2013, Kassel International all Breed
Championship Show, Germany .
Judge : Herr Hans Gruttner
Trevor is now 15 months plus 1 day and has his first opportunity to be in the Intermediate class – which he won with 1st Excellent and the VDH CAC!!
The judge wrote in his critique: “Very typical dog, elegant
outline, straight back, with a very good tailset. Very good angulation.
Substantial body. Ground covering movement. Excellent.”
13th December, The Royal Dutch Kennel Club
‘Cynophilia’ All Breed International Championship Dog Show, Amsterdam , NL.
Trevor wins 1st Excellent in the Junior Dog class under judge Tineke
Pillement-Heijden and gains his DUTCH JUNIOR CHAMPION TITLE at 15 months of age!!
The judge wrote in her critique:
“15 months male of lovely breed type. Beautifully developed for age. Dog head
with beautiful proportions. Beautiful dark eye with soft expression. Scissor
bite. Excellent neck and shoulder. Beautiful length of neck. Beautifully
developed chest and forechest. Excellent back end. Excellent carried tail.
Lovely bone. Beautiful cat feet. Can have a bit more length of leg. Lovely coat.
Shows for age already beautiful movement but should be a little tighter on the
move. Excellent.”
Trevor competes in the Main Ring for Best Junior in Show from all the FCI Groups 1 to 10 Junior Winners and is shortlisted to the last 6 from ALL breeds under the judge Dimitris antonoppoulos from Greece.
- sadly Trevor must have picked up a nasty stomach virus at this show and was feeling very ill and subdued for the Amsterdam Winner Show on Sunday 15th December.
Our DUTCH & GERMAN Junior Champion Ramchaine Moment of Truth wins 1st Excellent in the Junior dog Class under Judge Mrs. Warendorf.
DRC - German Retriever Club - Specialty
New Year Championship Show Herrenberg, Germany.
Saturday 25th January 2014.
: Ann Hagger (Fairfield)
Trevor went with Nathalie Croon on the long drive to Herrenberg with two of her own dogs , to stay overnight in a hotel with them all and attend the show the next day ......
Our Ramchaine Moment of Truth wins 1st Excellent in Intermediate dog with the CAC & VDH awards! Thank you Nathalie for showing our sweet boy to success and looking after him on his trip away from home!
His critique said : “This is a Quality dog. Has a good reach of neck. Very good angles. Level topline. Straight front and good feet. A little longer in the loin. Good quaters. Shown in good coat. He looks good standing free - handler tending to overstretch him behind on the stack – but when free stretches up. Excellent.”
After his successful puppy and junior career and his FIRST win in his First Intermediate class with his First CAC & VDH awards our sweet Trevor went on to win numerous 1sts in his Intermediate & Open classes and soon had more than enough GERMAN CACs & VDH awards to become both a
Our newly crownerd Gerrman & VDH Champion then did us proud by becoming a
just after his 3rd birthday
Our trips to Denmark were a success and Trevor gained his
title in style going Best Male & Best of Breed too, under Judge Anne-Berith Waskaas from Norway !!
A special photo of Trevor and his daddy ‘Nigel’ winning Best Dog & Reserve Best Dog in Belgium under Kathy Braeckman (Glitters)
Our mission to Sweden also proved to be a success and Trevor becomes a
Trevor made a few trips to England –
On his first show he was
second in Open behind the Multiple CC winning UK SH CH Zampanzar Say It Again
Shardanell and gained his UK Kennel Club Stud Book Number and LIFETIME
Qualification for CRUFTS !!!
And at PAIGNTON All Breed Championship Show he won the Open Dog Class .... Best Male with his first Challenge Certificate and then BEST OF BREED too under breed specialist Jayne May (Cherrygold)
*** 1st UK CC won @ Paignton ~
August 2015 !!!***
Trevor was shortlisted to the final cut at his first appearance at CRUFTS on the special magical green carpet in 2016 from a magnificent entry of 32 males under breed specialist judge Hillary Lambshead (Muskan) .
Trevor has a holiday with the breeders of his father ~ Kari & Liisii Lehtonen from the kennel “MAJIK” in Finland .... he has his first matings and successfully becomes a daddy producing some gorgeous babies to a few select girlfriends during his stay.
Trevor also attends a few
shows and thrills us by becoming an
“ESTONIAN Champion & LATVIAN Champion”
wins in the Baltic also gave Trevor the necessary CACIB won in a fourth county
and over a calender year after the first won to make our Trevor into an
Show Champion”***
BIG BIG thanks to Kari, Liisii and his wonderful handlers for taking such good care of him and loving him during his trip away from home.
To list all of Trevors wins would take a while ....
He has had some most superb critiques written about him but one of the best that touched our hearts and made us smile was from the GRCN Kampioenschapsclubmatch under judge Anne Nerrell(Stenbury) from Sweden who wrote :
Most lovely head and expression. Lovely outline.
is like a fairytale standing! So well made ALL through.
most super coat and magnificent condition.
LOVE him ..... just wished he moved with a longer stride . Excellent”
must be our lucky show .... Trevor
wins Open Dog , Best Male and his
UK CC won @ Paignton ~ August 2016 !!!***
his fellow kennelmate ‘JCH Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing’ wins Best Bitch with the Bitch CC and BOB ..... under Judge Audrey Richardson (Darrachona) from Scotland.
IMMENSE thanks to ALL of the judges who have awarded and appreciated the many qualities and attributes of our beautiful boy xXx